ConcinN, etal. Int J Gynecol Cancer 2021;31:12–39. doi:10.1136/ijgc-2020-002230
ESGO/ESTRO/ESP guidelines for the management
of patients with endometrialcarcinoma
Nicole Concin ,
Xavier Matias- Guiu,
Ignace Vergote,
David Cibula,
Mansoor Raza Mirza,
Simone Marnitz,
Jonathan Ledermann ,
Tjalling Bosse,
Cyrus Chargari,
Anna Fagotti,
Christina Fotopoulou
Antonio Gonzalez Martin,
Sigurd Lax,
Domenica Lorusso,
Christian Marth,
Philippe Morice,
Remi A Nout,
Dearbhaile O'Donnell,
Denis Querleu ,
Maria Rosaria Raspollini,
Jalid Sehouli,
Alina Sturdza,
Alexandra Taylor,
Anneke Westermann,
Pauline Wimberger,
Nicoletta Colombo,
François Planchamp,
Carien L Creutzberg
For numbered afliations see
end of article.
Correspondence to
Nicole Concin, Department of
Gynecology and Obstetrics,
Innsbruck Medical University,
Innsbruck 6020, Austria; nicole.
concin@ i- med. ac. at
For ‘Presented at statement’
see end of article.
Received 7 November 2020
Accepted 16 November 2020
Published Online First
To cite: ConcinN,
Matias- GuiuX, VergoteI,
etal. Int J Gynecol Cancer
Joint statement
© IGCS and ESGO 2021. No
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Corners of the world
A European consensus conference on endometrial
carcinoma was held in 2014 to produce multi- disciplinary
evidence- based guidelines on selected questions.
Given the large body of literature on the management
of endometrial carcinoma published since 2014, the
European Society of Gynaecological Oncology (ESGO), the
European SocieTy for Radiotherapy and Oncology (ESTRO),
and the European Society of Pathology (ESP) jointly
decided to update these evidence- based guidelines and
to cover new topics in order to improve the quality of care
for women with endometrial carcinoma across Europe and
Endometrial carcinoma is the most common gyneco-
logical cancer in Europe, with a 5- year prevalence of
34.7% (445 805 cases).
The estimated number of
new endometrial carcinoma cases in Europe in 2018
was 121 578 with 29 638 deaths, and the incidence
has been rising with aging and increased obesity of
the population. The EUROCARE-5 study, published in
2015, reported a 5- year relative survival of 76% for
European women diagnosed with endometrial carci-
noma in 2000–2007, ranging from 72.9% in Eastern
Europe to 83.2% in Northern Europe.
The observed
geographic difference might be partially attributable
to tangible differences in the prevalence of endome-
trioid sub- types among regions. Furthermore, differ-
ences in patient characteristics and histopathologic
features of the disease impact both on patient prog-
nosis and the recommended treatment approach.
A consensus conference including representa-
tion from the European Society of Medical Oncology
(ESMO), the European Society of Gynaecological
Oncology (ESGO), and the European SocieTy for
Radiotherapy and Oncology (ESTRO) was held in
2014 with the aim to produce multi- disciplinary
evidence- based guidelines on 12 selected questions
in order to complement the ESMO clinical practice
guidelines previously published.
and the European Society of Pathology (ESP) jointly
decided to update these evidence- based guidelines
and, moreover, to cover new topics in order to provide
comprehensive guidelines on all relevant issues of
diagnosis and treatment in endometrial carcinoma
in a multi- disciplinary setting. These guidelines
are intended for use by gynecological oncologists,
general gynecologists, surgeons, radiation oncolo-
gists, pathologists, medical and clinical oncologists,
radiologists, general practitioners, palliative care
teams, and allied health professionals.
These guidelines are a statement of evidence and
consensus of the authors regarding their views of
currently accepted approaches for the management
of patients with endometrial carcinoma. Any clinician
applying or consulting these guidelines is expected
to use independent medical judgment in the context
of individual clinical circumstances to determine any
patient’s care or treatment. These guidelines make no
warranties of any kind regarding their content, use, or
application, and the authors disclaim any responsi-
bility for their application or use in any way.
The guidelines were developed using a ve- step
process as dened by the ESGO Guideline Committee
(see Figure1). The strengths of the process include
creation of a multi- disciplinary international devel-
opment group, use of scientic evidence and inter-
national expert consensus to support the guidelines,
and use of an international external review process
(physicians and patients). This development process
involved three meetings of the international devel-
opment group chaired by Professor Nicole Concin
(Medical University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria/
Evangelische Kliniken Essen- Mitte, Essen, Germany,
for ESGO), Professor Carien L Creutzberg (Leiden
University Medical Center, Leiden, the Nether-
lands, for ESTRO), and Professor Xavier Matias- Guiu
(Department of Pathology, Hospital Universitari Arnau
de Vilanova and Hospital Universitari de Bellvitge,
on August 30, 2024 by guest. Protected by copyright. J Gynecol Cancer: first published as 10.1136/ijgc-2020-002230 on 18 December 2020. Downloaded from
ConcinN, etal. Int J Gynecol Cancer 2021;31:12–39. doi:10.1136/ijgc-2020-002230
Joint statement
Irblleida, Idibell, Universities of Lleida and Barcelona, CIBERONC,
Spain, for ESP).
ESGO/ESTRO/ESP nominated practising clinicians who are
involved in the management of patients with endometrial carcinoma
and have demonstrated leadership in the clinical management of
patients through research, administrative responsibilities, and/or
committee membership to serve on the expert panel. The objective
was to assemble a multi- disciplinary panel and it was therefore
essential to include professionals from relevant disciplines (gyne-
cological oncology and gynecology, medical, clinical and radiation
oncology, pathology) to contribute to the validity and acceptability of
the guidelines. To ensure that the statements were evidence based,
the current literature was reviewed and critically appraised. A
systematic literature review of relevant studies published between
January 2014 and June 2019 was carried out using the MEDLINE
database (see online supplemental appendix 1). The literature
search was limited to publications in English. Priority was given to
high- quality systematic reviews, meta- analyses, and randomized
controlled trials, but studies of lower levels of evidence were also
evaluated. The search strategy excluded editorials, letters, and in
vitro studies. The reference list of each identied article was also
reviewed for other potentially relevant articles.
The development group developed guidelines for all the topics.
The guidelines were retained if they were supported by a suf-
ciently high level of scientic evidence and/or when a large
consensus among experts was obtained. An adapted version of the
'Infectious Diseases Society of America- United States Public Health
Service Grading System' was used to dene the level of evidence
and grade of recommendation for each of the recommendations
(see Table1). In the absence of any clear scientic evidence, judg-
ment was based on the professional experience and consensus of
the development group.
ESGO/ESTRO/ESP established a large multi- disciplinary panel
of practicing clinicians who provide care to patients with endo-
metrial carcinoma to act as independent expert reviewers for the
guidelines developed. These reviewers were selected according to
their expertise, had to be still involved in clinical practice, and were
from different European and non- European countries to ensure
global perspective. Patients with endometrial carcinoma were also
included. These independent reviewers were asked to evaluate
each recommendation according to its relevance and feasibility in
clinical practice (only physicians), so that comprehensive quantita-
tive and qualitative evaluations of the guidelines were completed.
Patients were asked to evaluate qualitatively each recommen-
dation (according to their experience, personal perceptions, etc).
Figure 1 Development process.
Table 1 Levels of evidence and grades of
Levels of evidence
I Evidence from at least one large randomized
controlled trial of good methodological quality
(low potential for bias) or meta- analyses of well-
conducted randomized trials without heterogeneity
II Small randomized trials or large randomized trials
with a suspicion of bias (lower methodological
quality) or meta- analyses of such trials or of trials
with demonstrated heterogeneity
III Prospective cohort studies
IV Retrospective cohort studies or case–control studies
V Studies without control group, case reports, expert
Grades of recommendations
A Strong evidence for efcacy with a substantial clinical
benet, strongly recommended
B Strong or moderate evidence for efcacy but with a
limited clinical benet, generally recommended
C Insufcient evidence for efcacy or benet does not
outweigh the risk or the disadvantages (adverse
events, costs, etc), optional
D Moderate evidence against efcacy or for adverse
outcome, generally not recommended
E Strong evidence against efcacy or for adverse
outcome, never recommended
on August 30, 2024 by guest. Protected by copyright. J Gynecol Cancer: first published as 10.1136/ijgc-2020-002230 on 18 December 2020. Downloaded from
ConcinN, etal. Int J Gynecol Cancer 2021;31:12–39. doi:10.1136/ijgc-2020-002230
Joint statement
Evaluations of the external reviewers (n=191) were pooled and
discussed by the international development group before nalising
the guidelines. The list of the 191 external reviewers is available in
online supplemental appendix 2.
Planning of staging and treatment should be made on a
multi- disciplinary basis (generally at a tumor board meeting,
composed according to local guidelines) and based on the
comprehensive and precise knowledge of prognostic and
predictive factors for outcome, morbidity, and quality of life (V,
Patients should be carefully counseled about the suggested
diagnostic and treatment plan and potential alternatives,
including risks and benets of all options (V, A).
Treatment should be undertaken in a specialized center by a
dedicated team of specialists in the diagnosis and manage-
ment of gynecological cancers, especially in high- risk and/or
advanced stage disease (V, A).
Approximately 3% of all endometrial carcinomas and about 10%
of mismatch repair decient (MMRd)/microsatellite unstable endo-
metrial carcinomas are causally related to germline mutations of
one of the MMR genes MLH1, PMS2, MSH2 and MSH6.
for MMR status/microsatellite instability (MSI) in endometrial carci-
noma patients has been shown to be relevant for four reasons: (1)
diagnostic, as MMRd/MSI is considered a marker for endometrioid-
type endometrial carcinoma; (2) pre- screening to identify patients at
higher risk for having Lynch syndrome; (3) prognostic, as identied
by The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA, see below for molecular clas-
sication); and (4) predictive for potential utility of immune check-
point inhibitor therapy. The International Society of Gynecological
Pathology (ISGyP) has recommended testing for MMR status/MSI in
all endometrial carcinoma samples, irrespective of age.
This has
also been recommended in other society statements and recom-
mendations, such as the Manchester International Consensus
Group recommendations, whenever resources are available.
The preferred approach (widely available and cost- effective) to
identifying patients with a higher chance of having Lynch syndrome
is by MMR- immunohistochemistry (IHC) on well preserved tumor
tissue. MMR- IHC is a reliable method to assess MMR status, and
in addition provides information on the altered gene/protein. ISGyP
guidelines therefore recommend MMR- IHC as the preferred test.
MMR- IHC consists of the assessment of the expression of four
MMR proteins (MLH1, PMS2, MSH6, and MSH2). A simplied two-
antibody (PMS2 and MSH6) approach has been proposed as a cost-
effective alternative.
This procedure still requires performing
MLH1 and MSH2 IHC in cases with any abnormal staining of PMS2
and/or MSH6. Molecular analyses for the microsatellite status
(MSI- test) are an alternative, but are more laborious, require non-
neoplastic tissue, are more expensive, and do not provide infor-
mation on the gene affected. For optimal pre- selection of patients
at risk for having Lynch syndrome, both approaches require the
analysis of MLH1 promoter methylation status in cases with loss of
MLH1/PMS2 expression. Testing for MMRd by IHC or MSI by PCR-
based methods does not allow direct identication of patients with
Lynch syndrome since MMRd/MSI is frequently due to sporadic
events such as bi- allelic somatic mutations or hypermethylation.
In the absence of hypermethylation, referral to genetic counseling
is recommended to evaluate the presence of a germline muta-
tion. When familial history is highly suspicious of Lynch syndrome,
genetic counseling is recommended independent of the MMR
The cumulative incidences for cancer depend on the specic
mutation in women with Lynch sydrome. For endometrial carci-
noma, the cumulative incidences at 70 years are 34%, 51%,
49%, and 24% for MLH1, MSH2, MSH6, and PMS2 mutation
carriers, respectively, and for ovarian cancer 11%, 15%, 0%,
and 0%, respectively.
Furthermore, the age of cancer onset in
Lynch syndrome varies among specic mutated genes and types
of mutations.
Ryan et al suggest gynecological surveillance to
be appropriate from age 30 years for those with MSH2 mutations,
from age 35 years for those with nontruncating MLH1 mutations,
and from age 40 years for those with MSH6 and truncating MLH1
mutations. Women with heterozygous PMS2 mutations do not
warrant gynecological surveillance because their absolute risk of
gynecological cancer is very low. As part of a retrospective study,
Lachiewicz et al reported a risk of any occult malignancy during
prophylactic surgery for women with Lynch syndrome or heredi-
tary non- polyposis colorectal cancer to be up to 17%.
Thus, these
patients should be counseled about the risk of detection of gyneco-
logical cancer at prophylactic surgery.
To identify patients with Lynch syndrome and triage for germline
mutational analysis, MMR IHC (plus analysis of MLH1 promotor
methylation status in case of immunohistochemical loss of
MLH1/PMS2 expression) or MSI tests should be performed in
all endometrial carcinomas, irrespective of histologic subtype
of the tumor (III, B).
Endometrial carcinoma patients identied as having an
increased risk of Lynch syndrome should be offered genetic
counseling (III, B).
Surveillance for endometrial carcinoma in Lynch syndrome
mutation carriers should in general start at the age of 35 years;
however, individual factors need to be taken into consideration
(tailored surveillance programs). The decision on the starting
age of surveillance should integrate knowledge on the specic
mutation and history of onset of events in the family (IV, B).
Surveillance of the endometrium by annual transvaginal ultra-
sound (TVUS) and annual or biennial biopsy until hysterectomy
should be considered in all Lynch syndrome mutation carriers
(IV, B).
Hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo- oophorectomy to prevent
endometrial and ovarian cancer should be performed at the
completion of childbearing and preferably before the age of
40 years. All the pros and cons of prophylactic surgery must
be discussed including the risk of occult gynecological cancer
detection at prophylactic surgery. Estrogen replacement
therapy should be suggested if bilateral salpingo- oophorectomy
is performed in pre- menopausal women (IV, B).
on August 30, 2024 by guest. Protected by copyright. J Gynecol Cancer: first published as 10.1136/ijgc-2020-002230 on 18 December 2020. Downloaded from
ConcinN, etal. Int J Gynecol Cancer 2021;31:12–39. doi:10.1136/ijgc-2020-002230
Joint statement
Different types of endometrial carcinoma have specic histolog-
ical and molecular features, precursor lesions and natural histo-
ries. Conventional pathologic analysis remains an important tool
for tumor stratication, but suffers from inter- observer varia-
tion. Different groups have applied a diagnostic algorithm using
three immunohistochemical markers (p53, MSH6 and PMS2)
and one molecular test (mutation analysis of the exonuclease
domain of POLE) to identify prognostic groups analogous to the
TCGA molecular- based classication.
The feasibility of this
approach was conrmed by a large number of publications that
have all consistently reported prognostic relevance particularly in
high- grade and high- risk tumors in several independent cohorts
and prospective clinical trials.
To apply this molecular classica-
tion, all these diagnostic tests need to be performed. Performing
one of the surrogate marker tests in isolation is insufcient, as a
combination of positive tests can occur in approximatively 5% of
all carcinomas. The diagnostic algorithm to classify these so- called
'multiple classiers' has been described recently.
23 24
In addition,
endometrial carcinoma should only be classied as POLE- mutated
(POLEmut) when pathogenic variants of POLE are identied in the
gene’s exonuclease domain.
25 26
This surrogate marker approach to the molecular- based classi-
cation has been demonstrated to be prognostically informative in
low-, intermediate-, and high- risk endometrial carcinoma. Smaller
studies showed that the molecular classication is also applicable
to non- endometrioid tumors including serous, clear cell, undiffer-
entiated carcinomas, and uterine carcinosarcomas. For adjuvant
treatment recommendations, the molecular classication seems to
be particularly relevant in the context of high- grade and/or high- risk
endometrial carcinomas. Application of the molecular classication
in high- grade and/or high- risk endometrial carcinomas shows that
there is a group of patients with an excellent prognosis—that is,
the POLEmut tumors—and a group with a poor prognosis—that is,
the p53- abnormal (p53abn) tumors. Endometrial carcinomas with
MMRd or non- specic molecular prole (NSMP) have an interme-
diate prognosis. However, the molecular surrogate is not perfect.
Immunohistochemical demonstration of p53abn is a good but not
perfect surrogate of TP53 mutation. Furthermore, a small propor-
tion of high copy number tumors do not show TP53 mutations. To
minimize these limitations, an integrated analysis combining tradi-
tional pathologic and molecular results seems ideal. In low- risk
endometrioid carcinomas, the molecular classication may not be
27 28
The proposed molecular classication of endometrial carcinoma
is clinically feasible using a limited set of diagnostic tests. Using
this novel classication is encouraged. All diagnostic tests should
be performed in conjunction due to the occurrence of 'double clas-
Clinical management may be particularly impacted by the
molecular classication in scenarios where adjuvant chemotherapy
is considered (high- grade/high- risk disease). Thus, these cases
should be prioritized when there is a lack of sufcient resources to
perform this classication on all endometrial carcinomas. If molec-
ular classication tools are not available, endometrial carcinoma
classication should be based on traditional pathologic features.
There is still room for other biomarkers that may be potentially
useful in the big group of low- grade endometrioid carcinoma with
NSMP, such as L1CAM expression or mutations in CTNNB1.
Molecular classication is encouraged in all endometrial carci-
nomas, especially high- grade tumors (IV, B).
POLE mutation analysis may be omitted in low- risk and
intermediate- risk endometrial carcinoma with low- grade
histology (IV, C).
There is overwhelming evidence that traditional pathologic features,
such as histopathologic type, grade, myometrial invasion, and
lymphovascular space invasion (LVSI), are important in assessing
prognosis, as recommended in the ISGyP guidelines.
logic typing should be performed according to the WHO Classica-
tion of Tumors (5th edition).
A binary International Federation of
Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) grading is recommended, which
considers grade 1 and grade 2 carcinomas as low- grade and grade
3 carcinomas as high- grade. For the assessment of myometrial
invasion, account needs to be taken of the endo- myometrial junc-
tion which is undulating.
Focal LVSI is dened by the presence
of a single focus around the tumor, substantial LVSI as multifocal
or diffuse arrangement of LVSI or the presence of tumor cells in
ve or more lymphovascular spaces. The molecular classication
adds another layer of information to the conventional morphologic
features and therefore should be integrated in the pathologic report.
Histopathologic type, grade, myometrial invasion, and LVSI (no/
focal/substantial) should be recorded in all patients with endo-
metrial carcinoma (V, A).
The denition of prognostic risk groups is presented in Table2
for both situations when molecular classication is known or
Risk group allocation on biopsy according to the WHO Classication
of Tumors (5th edition) and FIGO grading of endometrial carcinoma
is required for adequate planning of therapy.
grade has prognostic relevance. A modied binary FIGO grading is
recommended lumping together grade 1 and grade 2 endometrioid
carcinomas as low- grade and grade 3 as high- grade.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques are highly specic
in the assessment of deep myometrial invasion, cervical stromal
involvement, and lymph node metastasis.
The diagnostic
performance of TVUS and MRI for detecting myometrial invasion
in endometrial carcinoma are quite similar.
39 44 56 83–88
Of note, pre-
operative ultrasound assessment of deep myometrial and cervical
stromal invasion in endometrial carcinoma is best performed by an
expert sonographer as, compared with gynecologists, they show
a greater degree of agreement with histopathology and greater
inter- observer reproducibility.
Positron emission tomography
(PET) scanning has an excellent specicity for the pre- operative
assessment of lymph node metastases in patients with endome-
trial carcinoma. Its moderate sensitivity for detecting lymph node
metastases during preo- perative staging probably reects the need
on August 30, 2024 by guest. Protected by copyright. J Gynecol Cancer: first published as 10.1136/ijgc-2020-002230 on 18 December 2020. Downloaded from
ConcinN, etal. Int J Gynecol Cancer 2021;31:12–39. doi:10.1136/ijgc-2020-002230
Joint statement
for a sufcient number of neoplastic cells to induce
F- uoro-
2- deoxy- D- glucose hypermetabolism.
The usefulness of
maximal standardized uptake value in classifying patients into pre-
dened risk groups is limited.
A pre- operative CT scan has a
clinical utility in patients with endometrial carcinoma in detecting
metastatic disease.
102 103
Frozen section of endometrial biopsy material is obsolete.
Myometrial invasion should not be assessed by frozen section
because of poor reproducibility and agreement with denitive
parafn sections. Since sentinel node biopsy is increasingly used,
the need for intra- operative assessment of myometrial invasion has
become less important. Moreover, some of the biomarkers that have
been proposed require optimal management of the surgical spec-
imen with high quality pre- analytical issues such as appropriate
xation conditions. Performing frozen sections can lead to incor-
rect control of pre- analytical conditions, sometimes even leading
to incorrect assessment of LVSI due to artifactual displacement of
tumor cells into vascular spaces during processing. In addition, the
freezing of tissue before xation and further processing interferes
with an optimal pre- analytical procedure required for standardized
histopathologic diagnosis.
Histopathologic tumor type and grade in endometrial biopsy is
required (IV, A).
Pre- operative mandatory work- up includes: family history;
general assessment and inventory of co- morbidities; geriatric
assessment, if appropriate; clinical examination, including
pelvic examination; expert transvaginal or transrectal ultra-
sound or pelvic MRI (IV, C).
Depending on clinical and pathologic risk, additional imaging
modalities (thoracic, abdominal and pelvic CT scan, MRI, PET
scan, or ultrasound) should be considered to assess ovarian,
nodal, peritoneal, and other sites of metastatic disease (IV, C).
Table 2 Denition of prognostic risk groups
Risk group Molecular classication unknown Molecular classication known*†
Stage IA endometrioid + low- grade‡ +
LVSI negative or focal
Stage I–II POLEmut endometrial carcinoma,
no residual disease
Stage IA MMRd/NSMP endometrioid
carcinoma + low- grade‡ + LVSI negative or focal
Stage IB endometrioid + low- grade‡ +
LVSI negative or focal
Stage IA endometrioid + high- grade‡ +
LVSI negative or focal
Stage IA non- endometrioid (serous,
clear cell, undifferentiared carcinoma,
carcinosarcoma, mixed) without myometrial
Stage IB MMRd/NSMP endometrioid
carcinoma + low- grade‡ + LVSI negative or focal
Stage IA MMRd/NSMP endometrioid
carcinoma + high- grade‡ + LVSI negative or
Stage IA p53abn and/or non- endometrioid
(serous, clear cell, undifferentiated carcinoma,
carcinosarcoma, mixed) without myometrial
Stage I endometrioid + substantial LVSI
regardless of grade and depth of invasion
Stage IB endometrioid high- grade‡
regardless of LVSI status
Stage II
Stage I MMRd/NSMP endometrioid
carcinoma + substantial LVSI regardless of grade
and depth of invasion
Stage IB MMRd/NSMP endometrioid
carcinoma high- grade‡ regardless of LVSI status
Stage II MMRd/NSMP endometrioid
Stage III–IVA with no residual disease
Stage I–IVA non- endometrioid (serous,
clear cell, undifferentiated carcinoma,
carcinosarcoma, mixed) with myometrial
invasion, and with no residual disease
Stage III–IVA MMRd/NSMP endometrioid
carcinoma with no residual disease
Stage I–IVA p53abn endometrial carcinoma
with myometrial invasion, with no residual
Stage I–IVA NSMP/MMRd serous,
undifferentiated carcinoma, carcinosarcoma with
myometrial invasion, with no residual disease
Stage III–IVA with residual disease
Stage IVB
Stage III–IVA with residual disease of any
molecular type
Stage IVB of any molecular type
*For stage III–IVA POLEmut endometrial carcinoma and stage I–IVA MMRd or NSMP clear cell carcinoma with myometrial invasion,
insufcient data are available to allocate these patients to a prognostic risk group in the molecular classication. Prospective registries are
†See text on how to assign double classiers (eg, patients with both POLEmut and p53abn should be managed as POLEmut).
‡According to the binary FIGO grading, grade 1 and grade 2 carcinomas are considered as low- grade and grade 3 carcinomas are
considered as high- grade.
LVSI, lymphovascular space invasion; MMRd, mismatch repair decient; NSMP, non- specic molecular prole; p53abn, p53 abnormal;
POLEmut, polymerase- mutated.
on August 30, 2024 by guest. Protected by copyright. J Gynecol Cancer: first published as 10.1136/ijgc-2020-002230 on 18 December 2020. Downloaded from
ConcinN, etal. Int J Gynecol Cancer 2021;31:12–39. doi:10.1136/ijgc-2020-002230
Joint statement
Intra- operative frozen section is not encouraged for myometrial
invasion assessment because of poor reproducibility and inter-
ference with adequate pathologic processing (IV, A).
Surgical management of apparent stage I/II endometrial
Minimally invasive approach
Two randomized prospective studies comparing minimally invasive
with open surgeries showed similar survival with quicker recovery
with the minimally invasive approach.
104 105
More recently, pooled
analyses of randomized prospective studies including, notably, these
two studies and multiple retrospective and prospective studies also
support the use of minimally invasive surgery for patients including
those with high- risk endometrial carcinoma.
Minimally invasive surgery is the preferred surgical approach,
including patients with high- risk endometrial carcinoma (I, A).
Any intra- peritoneal tumor spillage, including tumor rupture or
morcellation (including in a bag), should be avoided (III, B).
If vaginal extraction risks uterine rupture, other measures
should be taken (eg, mini- laparotomy, use of endobag) (III, B).
Tumors with metastases outside the uterus and cervix
(excluding lymph node metastases) are relative contra-
indications for minimally invasive surgery (III, B).
Standard surgical procedures
In a randomized controlled trial comparing modied radical (Piver–
Rutledge class II) hysterectomy to the standard extrafascial (Piver–
Rutledge class I) or simple total hysterectomy in stage I endometrial
carcinoma, Signorelli et al showed no differences in locoregional
control and survival.
The high risk of microscopic omental metas-
tases in stage I serous and undifferentiated endometrial carcinoma
and in carcinosarcoma suggests that omentectomy should be part
of staging surgery in these patients.
The low rate of omental
metastases in apparent clinical stage I endometrioid and clear cell
carcinoma does not justify the procedure.
Although the risk of
having occult (microscopic) omental metastases in carcinosarcoma
is around 6%, staging omentectomy in these women is suggested.
Identication of these cases will allow inclusion of patients with
advanced stage disease into clinical trials.
Positive peritoneal
cytology correlates with poor prognostic factors and poor survival;
however, it is not part of FIGO staging and unclear if this should
inuence treatment decisions.
Standard surgery is total hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-
oophorectomy without vaginal cuff resection (II, A).
Staging infracolic omentectomy should be performed in clinical
stage I serous endometrial carcinoma, carcinosarcoma, and
undifferentiated carcinoma. It can be omitted in clear cell and
endometrioid carcinoma in stage I disease (IV, B).
Surgical re- staging can be considered in previously incom-
pletely staged patients with high– intermediate- risk/high- risk
disease if the outcome might have an implication for adjuvant
treatment strategy (IV, B).
Lymph node staging
Sentinel node biopsy has been introduced as an alternative to lymph
node dissection for lymph node staging and, if done according to
state- of- art principles, a negative sentinel node is accepted to
conrm pN0. Multiple studies, including prospective cohort ones,
conrmed high sensitivity of sentinel lymph node status for lymph
node staging in patients with early- stage endometrial carcinoma
and support the impact of sentinel lymph node biopsy on surgical
management and indications for adjuvant therapies.
intensive pathologic assessment of sentinel lymph node (sentinel
lymph node ultrastaging) supports the detection of small metas-
tases which could be missed by standard evaluation.
214 232
lymph node biopsy without dissection of other pelvic lymph nodes is
associated with subtantially lower risk of post- operative morbidity,
especially lower leg lymphedema.
In a large group of patients
with low- risk (myometrial invasion <50%, low- grade) endometrial
carcinoma with sentinel lymph node biopsy, lymph node involve-
ment was found in 6% of patients, half of them identied by patho-
logic ultrastaging.
Patients with tumors without myometrial inva-
sion did not have any positive sentinel lymph nodes. Four prospec-
tive cohort trials have shown high sensitivity to detect pelvic lymph
node metastases and a high negative predictive value by applying
a sentinel lymph node algorithm in high- risk/high- grade endome-
trial carcinomas in the hands of experienced surgeons.
181 182 237 244
Recently, a randomized controlled trial highlighted that the use
of indocyanine green instead of methylene blue dye resulted in
a signicant increase in sentinel lymph node detection rates per
hemipelvis in women with endometrial carcinoma undergoing mini-
mally invasive surgery.
Retrospective studies showed a similar
prognosis for patients after full lymphadenectomy and sentinel
lymph node biopsy only.
179 201 220
High bilateral pelvic sentinel
lymph node detection can be achieved when the tracer is injected
into the cervix.
180 246
A higher sentinel lymph node detection rate
has been reported using near- infrared uorescence in comparison
to other techniques.
A worse prognosis is associated with the
presence of nodal micrometastases, especially in patients who do
not receive adjuvant treatment.
There is no evidence that the
presence of isolated tumor cells (ITCs) has an impact on prognosis,
and similar to other tumor sites, the stage would be pN0(i+). If
pelvic lymph node involvement is reported either by sentinel lymph
node frozen section or by the nal pathology, para- aortic staging
can be considered, either by imaging (with all limitations of the
imaging modalities) or by surgery. It should be noted that, based on
data from two large randomized trials, lymph node staging does not
have a therapeutic value but is done to assess the extent of disease
and to provide information for adjuvant treatment decisions.
249 250
Frozen section on specimens regarded as sentinel lymph nodes
can conrm the presence of lymph nodes and macrometastases
but should not replace adequate pathologic processing and ultrast-
Sentinel lymph node biopsy can be considered for staging
purposes in patients with low- risk/intermediate- risk disease. It
can be omitted in cases without myometrial invasion. System-
atic lymphadenectomy is not recommended in this group (II, A).
Surgical lymph node staging should be performed in patients
with high–intermediate- risk/high- risk disease. Sentinel
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ConcinN, etal. Int J Gynecol Cancer 2021;31:12–39. doi:10.1136/ijgc-2020-002230
Joint statement
lymph node biopsy is an acceptable alternative to systematic
lymphadenectomy for lymph node staging in stage I/II (III, B).
If sentinel lymph node biopsy is performed (II, A):
Indocyanine green with cervical injection is the preferred
detection technique.
Tracer re- injection is an option if sentinel lymph node is not
visualized upfront.
Side- specic systematic lymphadenectomy should be per-
formed in high–intermediate- risk/high- risk patients if senti-
nel lymph node is not detected on either pelvic side.
Pathologic ultrastaging of sentinel lymph nodes is
When a systematic lymphadenectomy is performed, pelvic and
para- aortic infrarenal lymph node dissection is suggested (III,
Presence of both macrometastases and micrometastases
(<2 mm, pN1(mi)) is regarded as a metastatic involvement (IV,
The prognostic signicance of ITCs, pN0(i+), is still uncertain
(IV, C).
If pelvic lymph node involvement is found intra- operatively,
further systematic pelvic lymph node dissection should be
omitted. However, debulking of enlarged lymph nodes and
para- aortic staging can be considered (IV, B).
Option for ovarian preservation and salpingectomy in stage I/II
A meta- analysis showed that there was no signicant difference
in overall survival between patients treated with ovarian preser-
vation and bilateral salpingo- oophorectomy.
A similar result
was achieved in young and pre- menopausal women. Disease- free
survival of patients whose ovaries were preserved was slightly
compromised, but this was not statistically signicant. Ovarian
preservation can be cautiously considered in specic clinical situa-
tions when treating young and pre- menopausal women with early
stage endometrial carcinoma because it is not associated with a
signicant adverse impact on survival.
Salpingectomy during
hysterectomy is recommended to decrease the risk of high- grade
serous ovarian carcinoma.
Ovarian preservation is not recom-
mended in patients with cancer family history involving ovarian
cancer risk (eg, BRCA mutation, Lynch syndrome, etc), but oocyte
cryopreservation might be considered.
Ovarian preservation can be considered in pre- menopausal
patients aged <45 years with low- grade endometrioid endo-
metrial carcinoma with myometrial invasion <50% and no
obvious ovarian or other extra- uterine disease (IV, A).
In cases of ovarian preservation, salpingectomy is recom-
mended (IV, B).
Ovarian preservation is not recommended for patients with
cancer family history involving ovarian cancer risk (eg, BRCA
mutation, Lynch syndrome, etc) (IV, B).
Radicality of surgery for clinical stage II
Radicality of hysterectomy (simple vs modied radical hysterec-
tomy (type II)) in stage I–III endometrial carcinoma has no impact
on local recurrence rate, disease- free survival, and overall survival.
In a meta- analysis enrolling 2866 patients with stage II endometrial
carcinoma, radical hysterectomy did not show a signicant survival
benet for either overall survival or progression- free survival
compared with simple hysterectomy.
The result remained
consistent after it was adjusted for the possible impact of adjuvant
Total hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo- oophorectomy and
lymph node staging is the surgical standard of care in patients
with stage II endometrial carcinoma (IV, B).
More extensive procedures should only be performed if required
to achieve free surgical margins (IV, B).
Medically unt patients
It is rare for patients to be unt for surgery, but medical co- morbidi-
ties, which increasingly include morbid obesity, can preclude surgery
due to high operative and peri- operative risks. Ideally, assessment
should be undertaken in a center with specialist anesthetic experi-
ence in managing these high- risk patients. Denitive radiotherapy
with brachytherapy, external beam radiation therapy (EBRT) or the
combination of both modalities can be considered.
Medical contra- indications to the standard surgical manage-
ment by minimally invasive surgery are rare. Vaginal hyster-
ectomy, with bilateral salpingo- oophorectomy if feasible, can
be considered in patients unt for the recommended standard
surgical therapy (IV, C).
Denitive radiotherapy can be considered for primary tumors
where surgery is contra- indicated for medical reasons:
The combination of EBRT and brachytherapy should be used
for high- grade tumors and/or deep myometrial invasion (II,
For low- grade tumors, brachytherapy alone can be consid-
ered (II, B).
In medically unt patients unsuitable for curative surgery or
radiotherapy, systemic treatment (including hormonal ther-
apy) can be considered (IV, B).
Fertility preservation
Work-up for fertility preservation treatments
Fertility- sparing treatments should be considered in patients with
atypical hyperplasia/endometrioid intra- epithelial neoplasia (AH/
EIN) or grade 1 endometrioid carcinoma without myometrial inva-
There are very few published data on patients with
stage IA grade 2 endometrioid carcinoma without myometrial
invasion who received fertility- sparing treatment with combined
oral medroxyprogesterone acetate/levonorgestrel intrauterine
Although results are encouraging, this treatment should
only be considered by experienced gynecological oncologists using
well- dened protocols with detailed patient information and close
follow- up.
Hysteroscopic biopsy is suggested, based on its higher agree-
ment with the nal diagnosis compared with dilatation and curet-
271 272
Although hysteroscopy seems to be associated with a
higher rate of positive peritoneal cytology, it seems not to have a
negative impact on survival.
Expert vaginal ultrasound examina-
tion can be used instead of pelvic MRI. Its high diagnostic perfor-
mance allows the detection of myometrial invasion and cervical
on August 30, 2024 by guest. Protected by copyright. J Gynecol Cancer: first published as 10.1136/ijgc-2020-002230 on 18 December 2020. Downloaded from
ConcinN, etal. Int J Gynecol Cancer 2021;31:12–39. doi:10.1136/ijgc-2020-002230
Joint statement
stromal invasion with respect to nal pathologic examination.
Ultrasound should be performed by an expert sonographer (a prac-
titioner who spends a signicant part of her/his time undertaking
ultrasound examinations in gynecology and gynecologic oncology
and has fullled the minimum training requirements for level 3
following the recommendations of the European Federation of Soci-
eties for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology).
There is currently a lack of high- quality evidence regarding the
correlation between weight loss and reduction of risk of recurrence/
increased survival in patients with endometrial carcinoma, espe-
cially with respect to fertility- sparing treatment.
Diabetes mellitus
does not seem to affect the outcome of conservative treatment in
women with AH/EIN or early endometrial carcinoma.
the use of metformin seems associated with an improvement in
overall survival for patients with endometrial carcinoma and a
reduced risk of cancer relapse.
In addition, metformin is associ-
ated with improvement in the overall survival of patients with endo-
metrial carcinoma with diabetes.
Patients who are candidates for fertility- preserving treatment
must be referred to specialized centers. Fertility- sparing treat-
ment should be considered only in patients with AH/EIN or
grade 1 endometrioid endometrial carcinoma without myome-
trial invasion and without genetic risk factors (V, A).
In these patients, endometrial biopsy, preferably through
hysteroscopy, must be performed (III, A).
AH/EIN or grade 1 endometrioid endometrial carcinoma must
be conrmed/diagnosed by a pathologist experienced in gyne-
cological pathology (V, A).
Radiologic imaging to assess the extension of the disease must
be performed. An expert ultrasound examination can substitute
pelvic MRI scan (III, B).
Patients must be informed that fertility- sparing treatment is
not a standard treatment. Only patients who strongly desire
to preserve fertility should be treated conservatively. Patients
must be willing to accept close follow- up and be informed of
the need for future hysterectomy in case of failure of treatment
and/or after pregnancies (V, A).
Management and follow-up for fertility preservation
To date, there are no available randomized controlled trials
comparing different methods of conservative treatment in women
with AH/EIN or presumed stage IA grade 1 endometrioid carci-
noma. Existing data suggest that patients who received hystero-
scopic resection followed by progestin therapy achieve the highest
complete remission rate compared with other existing fertility-
preserving treatments.
263–269 278–295
Intrauterine progestin therapy
such as levonorgestrel- releasing intrauterine system combined with
gonadotropin- release hormone receptor agonist/progestin have a
satisfactory pregnancy rate and low recurrence rate. Patients who
received oral progestin only might be more likely to recur and have
more systemic adverse effects.
All patients should be evaluated before and after the fertility-
sparing treatment at a fertility clinic (IV, C).
Hysteroscopic resection prior to progestin therapy can be
considered (III, B).
Medroxyprogesterone acetate (400–600 mg/day) or megestrol
acetate (160–320 mg/day) is the recommended treatment.
Treatment with levonorgestrel intrauterine device in combina-
tion with oral progestins with or without gonadotropin- releasing
hormone analogs can also be considered (IV, B).
In order to assess response, hysteroscopic guided biopsy
and imaging at 3–4 and 6 months must be performed. If no
response is achieved after 6 months, standard surgical treat-
ment is recommended (IV, B).
Continuous hormonal treatment should be considered in
responders who wish to delay pregnancy (IV, B).
Strict surveillance is recommended every 6 months with TVUS
and physical examination. During follow- up, hysteroscopic
and endometrial biopsy should be performed only in case of
abnormal uterine bleeding or atypical ultrasound ndings (IV,
Fertility- sparing treatment can be considered for intrauterine
recurrences only in highly selected cases under strict surveil-
lance (IV, C).
Hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo- oophorectomy is recom-
mended after childbearing due to a high recurrence rate. Pres-
ervation of the ovaries can be considered depending on age
and genetic risk factors (IV, B).
Synchronous presentation of low-grade endometrioid
endometrial and ovarian carcinomas
Adnexal involvement by endometrial carcinoma is currently a
parameter important in FIGO staging and has an impact on overall
survival rate.
It was shown that patients with simultaneous
involvement of the endometrium and ovary by low- grade endo-
metrioid carcinoma had a favorable outcome. This suggested that
they were synchronous primary tumors rather than metastatic
sites. Several criteria have been used in the past to distinguish
between endometrial carcinoma with ovarian metastasis and
synchronous primary tumors.
297 298
However, these were not easy
to apply.
Recent studies have shown that, for low- grade endometrioid
carcinomas, there is a clonal relationship between endometrial and
ovarian carcinomas in the vast majority of cases, indicating that
the carcinoma arises in the endometrium and extends secondarily
to the ovary.
299 300
In the most recent edition of WHO (2020) it is
mentioned that patients with clonally related low- grade endome-
trioid carcinomas should be managed without adjuvant treatment
(as if they were two independent primaries) when fullling the
following criteria: (1) low- grade endometrioid morphology, (2) no
more than supercial myometrial invasion, (3) absence of LVSI, and
(4) absence of additional metastases.
33 301
If all WHO 2020 criteria mentioned above are met and the
ovarian carcinoma is pT1a, no adjuvant treatment is recom-
mended (III, B).
Adjuvant treatment recommendations for endometrial carcinoma
strongly depend on the prognostic risk group (see Table 2 for
on August 30, 2024 by guest. Protected by copyright. J Gynecol Cancer: first published as 10.1136/ijgc-2020-002230 on 18 December 2020. Downloaded from
ConcinN, etal. Int J Gynecol Cancer 2021;31:12–39. doi:10.1136/ijgc-2020-002230
Joint statement
denitions of the prognostic risk groups with and without known
molecular classication).
Low risk
For patients with low- risk endometrial carcinoma, no adjuvant treat-
ment is recommended based on data from multiple randomized
For patients with stage I–II POLEmut endometrial carci-
nomas, no adjuvant treatment seems justiable based on the data
from independent series showing very few recurrences and also
in cases of observation.
21 25
For stage III patients, however, there
are only indirect data to support this, as all cases with advanced
disease had adjuvant treatment. In the molecular analysis of the
PORTEC-3 trial of high- risk endometrial carcinoma, those with
POLEmut endometrioid carcinoma had an excellent outcome in both
However, both trial arms included EBRT. Prospective regis-
tration (preferably in national or international studies) of POLEmut
endometrial carcinoma cases with treatment and outcome data is
strongly recommended.
For patients with low- risk endometrial carcinoma, no adjuvant
treatment is recommended (I, A).
When molecular classication is known:
For patients with endometrial carcinoma stage I–II, low- risk
based on pathogenic POLE- mutation, omission of adjuvant
treatment should be considered (III, A).
For the rare patients with endometrial carcinoma stage
III–IVA and pathogenic POLE-mutation, there are no out-
come data with the omission of the adjuvant treatment.
Prospective registration is recommended (IV, C).
Intermediate risk
Adjuvant brachytherapy provides excellent vaginal control and
high survival rates, similar to those after adjuvant EBRT in this
intermediate- risk population, as shown in large randomized trials,
particularly the PORTEC-2 trial and Swedish trial.
It was also
shown that only the small minority of patients with higher risk
based on substantial LVSI, p53abn, or L1CAM overexpression had a
slightly higher risk of pelvic recurrence with vaginal brachytherapy
than those who had EBRT. Therefore, the intermediate- risk category
only includes those with none or only focal LVSI and no p53abn. In
a Danish population study it was conrmed that the risk of locore-
gional relapse was higher (about 14%) with omission of vaginal
brachytherapy, but that overall survival was not different due to
treatment of relapse.
Therefore, no adjuvant treatment is an
option in this group, especially for patients aged <60 years who
have a lower risk of relapse.
MMRd and, especially, NSMP cancers form the majority of
endometrioid carcinomas and have an intermediate prognosis, in
between POLEmut (excellent prognosis) and p53abn carcinomas
(unfavorable prognosis). Findings of prior large randomized trials
in high–intermediate- risk endometrial carcinoma are therefore
mainly applicable to MMRd and NSMP endometrioid carcinomas in
this intermediate- risk category.
It has to be stressed that p53abn carcinomas restricted to
a polyp or without myometrial invasion were not included in the
randomized trials and the value of chemotherapy and of EBRT are
uncertain. Since the studies mentioned above did not include and/
or did not address non- endometrioid (and/or p53abn) carcinomas
without myometrial invasion, there are very few specic available
data on the best treatment for stage IA non- endometrioid carci-
nomas (serous, clear cell, undifferentiated carcinoma, carcinosar-
coma, mixed) without myometrial invasion. Some case series and
a recent analysis using the US National Cancer Data Base suggest
that adjuvant chemotherapy (with or without vaginal brachytherapy)
might improve survival, while other reports showed good outcomes
with vaginal brachytherapy only.
Therefore, these carcinomas
have been grouped in the intermediate- risk category and adjuvant
therapy should be discussed on a case- by- case basis until more
prospective data are available.
Adjuvant brachytherapy can be recommended to decrease
vaginal recurrence (I, A).
Omission of adjuvant brachytherapy can be considered (III, C),
especially for patients aged <60 years (II, A).
When molecular classication is known, POLEmut and p53abn
with myometrial invasion have specic recommendations (see
respective recommendations for low- and high- risk).
For p53abn carcinomas restricted to a polyp or without myome-
trial invasion, adjuvant therapy is generally not recommended
(III, C).
High–intermediate risk (pN0 after lymph node staging)
The denition of high–intermediate risk has changed in compar-
ison with the ESMO- ESGO- ESTRO consensus conference. In the
current prognostic risk group classication (see Table2), stage IA
endometrioid carcinomas are only included if there is substantial
This high–intermediate- risk group also includes stage IB
low- grade endometrioid with substantial LVSI, and stage IB high-
grade endometrioid carcinomas regardless of LVSI, and stage II
endometrioid carcinomas. In view of the higher risk of recurrence
in this newly classied group (even with negative nodes), adjuvant
brachytherapy can be recommended to decrease vaginal recur-
rence. In the case of substantial LVSI and/or stage II, EBRT can be
considered as it has been shown to reduce the risk of pelvic and
para- aortic nodal relapse.
In two older randomized controlled trials
317 318
there was no
difference between adjuvant chemotherapy alone and EBRT
alone in recurrence- free and overall survival. In the NSGO/EORTC
trial and the PORTEC-3 trials, the combination of chemotherapy
and radiotherapy seemed to provide better recurrence- free and
overall survival outcomes respectively compared with radiotherapy
319 320
The GOG-249 trial did not nd benet in recurrence-
free or overall survival from three cycles of chemotherapy with
brachytherapy compared with EBRT alone.
Molecular analysis
of PORTEC-3 trial tissues suggested no benet of chemotherapy
for MMRd carcinomas.
320 321
Omission of adjuvant treatment is an
option and this should be considered only when close follow- up
is guaranteed to ensure detection and prompt treatment of recur-
rence at an early stage.
Adjuvant brachytherapy can be recommended to decrease
vaginal recurrence (II, B).
on August 30, 2024 by guest. Protected by copyright. J Gynecol Cancer: first published as 10.1136/ijgc-2020-002230 on 18 December 2020. Downloaded from
ConcinN, etal. Int J Gynecol Cancer 2021;31:12–39. doi:10.1136/ijgc-2020-002230
Joint statement
EBRT can be considered for substantial LVSI and for stage II
(I, B).
Adjuvant chemotherapy can be considered, especially for high-
grade and/or substantial LVSI (II, C).
Omission of any adjuvant treatment is an option (IV, C).
When molecular classication is known, POLEmut and p53abn
have specic recommendations (see respective recommenda-
tions for low- and high- risk).
High–intermediate risk cN0/pNx (lymph node staging not
In view of the recent randomized trials GOG-249 (for stage I and II
endometrial carcinomas with high- risk factors or serous or clear
cell histology), the PORTEC-3 trial and the older GOG-99 trial, adju-
vant EBRT is recommended in case of substantial LVSI or stage
302 316 319 320 322
Additional chemotherapy can be considered, espe-
cially for high- grade carcinomas, based on the PORTEC-3 trial, but
the question remains whether the benet outweighs the toxicity for
stage I–II endometrioid carcinomas, and multi- disciplinary shared
decision- making is needed.
Molecular analysis of PORTEC-3 trial
tissues suggested no benet of chemotherapy for MMRd carci-
320 321
Adjuvant brachytherapy alone can be considered for
LVSI negative cases and for stage II grade 1 disease.
Adjuvant EBRT is recommended, especially for substantial LVSI
and/or for stage II (I, A).
Additional adjuvant chemotherapy can be considered, espe-
cially for high- grade and/or substantial LVSI (II, B).
Adjuvant brachytherapy alone can be considered for high- grade
LVSI negative and for stage II grade 1 endometrioid carcinomas
(II, B).
When molecular classication is known, POLEmut and p53abn
have specic recommendations (see respective recommenda-
tions for low- and high- risk).
High risk
The risk category changes also have a substantial impact on this
category. Some carcinomas designated as high risk in the ESMO-
ESGO- ESTRO consensus conference are not included anymore in
the high- risk sub- group in these ESGO- ESTRO- ESP guidelines.
High- risk carcinomas are now either stage III–IVA without residual
disease or stage I–IVA p53abn or non- endometrioid carcinomas
without residual disease with myometrial invasion (for specics see
In 2019 the updated results of the PORTEC-3 trial, with a longer
median follow- up of 72 months and with 75% of participants
having reached 5 years of follow- up, were published.
In this
trial comparing combined chemotherapy and radiotherapy (two
cycles of cisplatin during radiotherapy followed by four cycles
of carboplatin- paclitaxel) with radiotherapy alone, a statistically
signicant 5% overall survival benet at 5 years and a 7% failure-
free survival benet was seen in the combined therapy group
compared with radiotherapy alone. The greatest overall survival
difference was seen in stage III carcinomas and in serous carci-
nomas regardless of stage. The GOG-258 trial compared the same
chemotherapy- radiotherapy schedule used in PORTEC-3 with six
cycles of carboplatin- paclitaxel chemotherapy alone and found
overlapping relapse- free and overall survival rates.
However, the
chemotherapy alone arm had signicantly higher rates of pelvic
and peri- aortic nodal relapse. Therefore, chemotherapy alone is
an alternative option based on the GOG-258 results for stage III–
IV disease. The nal analysis of the GOG-249 trial highlighted that
a post- operative adjuvant strategy of vaginal cuff brachytherapy
followed by three cycles of paclitaxel and carboplatin chemotherapy
did not signicantly increase 5- year recurrence- free survival or
5- year overall survival compared with pelvic radiotherapy.
Vaginal and distant recurrence rates were similar between arms.
However, pelvic or para- aortic nodal recurrences were signicantly
less common with pelvic radiotherapy. The older pooled analysis
of the NSGO- EORTC and MANGO- ILIADE trials used sequential
chemotherapy and radiotherapy (either sequence) and reported
signicantly longer recurrence- free survival compared with radio-
therapy alone.
Multiple retrospective studies indicated a survival
benet in patients with advanced stage endometrial carcinoma
treated with post- operative combined treatment including radio-
therapy and chemotherapy, delivered by either the sandwich or
sequential method, compared with radiotherapy alone or chemo-
therapy alone.
The benet of added chemotherapy is unclear for patients with
stage I–II clear cell carcinomas. These have often been included
with serous as 'non- endometrioid carcinomas'. Of note, in the
PORTEC-3 trial it was specically in those with serous histology
that a signicant benet of added chemotherapy was seen.
However, this was not observed in the NSGO- EORTC and MANGO-
ILEADE trials. Extended eld radiotherapy is used in the case of
involved para- aortic nodes or involvement of high common iliac
nodes, both with or without chemotherapy. The combination of
extended eld radiotherapy with chemotherapy using modern
intensity- modulated radiation therapy/volumetric modulated arc
therapy (IMRT/VMAT) techniques has been shown feasible in the
PORTEC-3 and GOG-258 trials. An additional brachytherapy boost
can be considered, especially for substantial LVSI, endocervical
stromal invasion, and/or stage IIIB–IIIC.
MMRd and NSMP carcinomas are included in the high- risk cate-
gory if stage III–IVA with no residual disease. The p53abn carci-
nomas can be of endometrioid, serous, undifferentiated, and clear
cell histologic type, but all consistently show a poor outcome and
should therefore be regarded as high risk. Based on the current
data, it is more difcult to draw conclusions regarding carcino-
sarcomas and undifferentiated carcinomas that are NSMP endo-
metrial carcinomas due to the lack of large series. For clear cell
carcinomas, the available data suggest some prognostic infor-
mation may lie in the molecular classication. About 40–50% of
clear cell carcinomas are p53abn. While serous carcinomas in the
PORTEC-3 trial had an unfavorable outcome and signicant benet
of added adjuvant chemotherapy, those with clear cell carcinomas
seemed to have an outcome similar to high- grade carcinomas in
general and were more favorable if not p53abn.
321 323
The ndings
of the randomized trials for endometrioid carcinomas cited above
are therefore largely applicable to stage III MMRd and NSMP carci-
nomas and to stage I–III p53abn carcinomas. This was also seen
in the molecular analysis of the PORTEC-3 trial, which showed a
statistically signicant survival advantage for p53abn carcinomas
with combined therapy for stage I–III. In contrast, POLEmut carci-
nomas had almost no recurrences in both arms. There was no clear
on August 30, 2024 by guest. Protected by copyright. J Gynecol Cancer: first published as 10.1136/ijgc-2020-002230 on 18 December 2020. Downloaded from
ConcinN, etal. Int J Gynecol Cancer 2021;31:12–39. doi:10.1136/ijgc-2020-002230
Joint statement
benet of added chemotherapy for MMRd, while the NSMP carci-
nomas had some benet of added chemotherapy especially in case
of stage III. Prospective evaluation of the molecular characteristics
in randomized trials is highly recommended.
EBRT with concurrent and adjuvant chemotherapy (I, A) or
alternatively sequential chemotherapy and radiotherapy is
recommended (I, B).
Chemotherapy alone is an alternative option (I, B).
Carcinosarcomas should be treated as high- risk carcinomas
(not as sarcomas) (IV, B).
When the molecular classication is known, p53abn carci-
nomas without myometrial invasion and POLEmut have specic
recommendations (see respective recommendations for low-
and intermediate- risk) (III, C).
Surgery for clinically overt stage III and IV disease
In stage III and IV endometrial carcinoma (including carcinosarcoma),
maximal cytoreduction should be considered only if macroscopic
complete resection is feasible with acceptable morbidity.
Surgery should be performed in a specialized center. Pre- operative
complete staging and multi- disciplinary discussion within a tumor
board should be performed. Suspicious enlarged lymph nodes
should be resected if complete resection is possible.
351 352
A full
systematic pelvic and para- aortic lymphadenectomy of non-
suspicious lymph nodes should not be performed because there
is no evidence of a therapeutic impact. If upfront surgery is not
feasible or acceptable and therefore primary systemic therapy is
given, delayed surgery can be considered in case of a meaningful
response to chemotherapy.
In stage III and IV endometrial carcinoma (including carcino-
sarcoma), surgical tumor debulking including enlarged lymph
nodes should be considered when complete macroscopic
resection is feasible with an acceptable morbidity and quality of
life prole, following full pre- operative staging and discussion
by a multi- disciplinary team (IV, B).
Primary systemic therapy should be used if upfront surgery is
not feasible or acceptable (IV, A).
In cases of a good response to systemic therapy, delayed
surgery can be considered (IV, C).
Only enlarged lymph nodes should be resected. Systematic
lymphadenectomy is not recommended (IV, B).
Unresectable primary tumor due to local extent of disease
For patients presenting with unresectable locally advanced disease
and no evidence of multiple distant metastases, treatment options
include denitive radiotherapy or neoadjuvant chemotherapy
followed by surgery or denitive radiotherapy, depending on
261 354–356 361
Denitive radiotherapy comprises EBRT to
the pelvis followed by image- guided brachytherapy. Concurrent
chemotherapy may be considered to enhance the radiation effect.
Brachytherapy should boost sites of macroscopic disease in the
uterus, parametrium, or vagina using the ESTRO principles. Adju-
vant chemotherapy should also be considered following primary
local treatment (surgery or radiotherapy) to reduce the risk of
distant metastases.
For unresectable tumors, multi- disciplinary team discussion
should consider denitive radiotherapy with EBRT and intra-
uterine brachytherapy, or neoadjuvant chemotherapy prior
to surgical resection or denitive radiotherapy, depending on
response (IV, C).
Image- guided brachytherapy is recommended to boost intrau-
terine, parametrial, or vaginal disease (IV, A).
Chemotherapy should be considered after denitive radio-
therapy (IV, B).
Residual pelvic or para-aortic lymph nodes following surgery
Residual lymph node disease can be treated with EBRT using an
integrated or sequential boost to escalate the nodal dose. An IMRT
technique reduces the risk of toxicity to surrounding tissue.
Adjuvant chemotherapy reduces the risk of distant metastases for
patients with lymph node involvement.
320 323 324
Residual lymph node disease should be treated with a combi-
nation of chemotherapy and EBRT (III, B) or chemotherapy
alone (IV, B).
EBRT should be delivered to pelvis and para- aortic nodes
with dose escalation to involved nodes using an integrated or
sequential boost (IV, B).
Residual pelvic disease (positive resection margin, vaginal
disease, pelvic side wall disease)
Patients with residual pelvic disease following surgery have a high
risk of both local and distant recurrence. Radiotherapy can achieve
long- term local control while chemotherapy reduces the risk of
distant metastases. An individualized approach with either (chemo)-
radiotherapy to the pelvis followed by chemotherapy or adjuvant
chemotherapy followed by radiotherapy to the pelvis±para- aortic
nodes should be considered.
An individualized approach with either radiotherapy or chemo-
therapy or a combination of both modalities should be consid-
ered by a multi- disciplinary team (V, B).
Radiotherapy naïve patients
Treatment of patients with recurrent endometrial carcinoma
involves a multi- disciplinary approach with surgery, radiotherapy,
and/or systemic therapy depending on the tness and wishes of
the patient, the tumor dissemination patterns, and prior treatment.
A decision about surgery needs to take account of patient morbidity
and wishes, available non- surgical treatments, and resources. The
interval between primary treatment and recurrence should also be
taken into consideration. Patients with recurrent disease, including
resectable peritoneal and lymph node relapse, should be consid-
ered for surgery only if it is anticipated that complete resection of
macroscopic disease can be achieved with a reasonable morbidity
The extent of the operation will depend on the degree
of tumor dissemination pattern.
on August 30, 2024 by guest. Protected by copyright. J Gynecol Cancer: first published as 10.1136/ijgc-2020-002230 on 18 December 2020. Downloaded from
ConcinN, etal. Int J Gynecol Cancer 2021;31:12–39. doi:10.1136/ijgc-2020-002230
Joint statement
Locoregional recurrence of endometrial carcinoma is rare. With
the advent of modern image- guided radiation therapy, including
IMRT and image- guided adaptive brachytherapy, radiotherapy
has become the treatment of choice in previously non- irradiated
patients with isolated vaginal recurrence or locoregional recur-
363 364 370–379
Consideration should be given to remove solitary
easily accessible vaginal relapses, for better local symptom control
prior to radiotherapy.
Patients with recurrent disease (including peritoneal and lymph
node relapse) should be considered for surgery only if it is
anticipated that complete removal of macroscopic disease can
be achieved with acceptable morbidity. Systemic and/or radia-
tion therapy should be considered post- operatively depending
on the extent and pattern of relapse and the amount of residual
disease (IV, C).
In selected cases, palliative surgery can be performed to alle-
viate symptoms (eg, bleeding, stula, bowel obstruction) (IV, B).
For locoregional recurrence, the preferred primary therapy
should be EBRT±chemotherapy with brachytherapy (IV, A).
An easily accessable supercial vaginal tumor can be resected
vaginally prior to radiotherapy (IV, C).
For vaginal cuff recurrence:
Pelvic EBRT+intracavitary (±interstitial) image- guided
brachytherapy is recommended (IV, A).
In case of supercial tumors, intracavitary brachytherapy
alone can be considered (IV, A).
Systemic treatment can be considered before or after radio-
therapy (IV, C).
Radiotherapy pre-treated patients with locoregional
In patients who have previously received EBRT±brachytherapy,
radical surgery with the intention of complete resection with clear
margins should be considered in specialized centers after ruling out
metastatic disease with modern imaging. Pelvic exenteration may
be considered for central local relapse.
349 380 381
Otherwise, further
radiation should be considered as radical therapy with or without
systemic therapy. Interstitial brachytherapy (low- dose rate or high-
dose rate) as the sole modality of treatment or combined with EBRT
can result in high local control over 1–5 years.
375 382 383
techniques like permanent seed implant or post- operative elec-
tron irradiation, protons and stereotactic body radiotherapy may be
recommended in highly selected patients.
The appropriate
dose for each case needs to be individualized. Some low- dose rate
data suggest improved outcomes with doses >50 Gy. The high- dose
rate data are more varied, suggesting improved local control with
doses >40 Gy. In general, a longer time interval between the rst
and second course of radiation as well as recurrences <2–4 cm
tend to have improved outcomes. Multi- disciplinary management is
critical to develop individualized plans and to clearly communicate
potential side effects and expected treatment outcomes.
In patients with a history of previous radiation, radical surgery,
including exenteration, should be considered when the inten-
tion is complete resection with clear margins (IV, B).
Additional options to consider include intra- operative electron
radiation therapy or other forms of radiation therapy (IV, C).
If surgery is not feasible, radical re- irradiation options include
stereotactic body radiotherapy targeting the recurrence,
permanent seed implants, or proton therapy. In selected cases,
limited volume re- irradiation with EBRT and brachytherapy
boost may be an option (especially if longer interval from the
rst irradiation) (IV, C).
In patients who only had previous brachytherapy,
EBRT+brachytherapy boost is recommended (IV, C).
In patients where re- irradiation with ERBT is not an option,
image- guided interstitial brachytherapy only is recommended
(may improve outcome) (IV, C).
Oligometastatic recurrent disease
Oligometastases is a disease concept that is dened by a state of
limited metastatic tumors for which local ablative therapy could be
curative. It refers in general to cancer patients with 1–5 metastases
or recurrences.
In recent years the concept of oligometastatic
relapse has evolved and has led to a change in the approach to
treatment. A prolonged disease- free interval and perhaps even cure
may be achieved in some situations where the primary cancer site
(if still present) is controlled and metastatic sites are ablated (surgi-
cally or with radiation).
Multi- disciplinary management is
critical to develop individualized plans and to communicate poten-
tial side effects and expected treatment outcomes. The additional
benet of chemotherapy is uncertain.
Patients with oligometastatic disease should be considered for
radical local therapy (IV, B).
Treatment options include (IV, B):
Radiation therapy including stereotactic radiotherapy
Local ablating techniques
The additional benet of chemotherapy is uncertain (IV, B).
Systemic treatment for recurrent disease
Hormonal treatment results in a response rate of up to 55% in
advanced/recurrent endometrial carcinoma.
Low- grade, slowly
progressing, hormone receptor- positive tumors appear to gain
the greatest benet from treatment; however, clinical benet has
also been observed in patients with hormone receptor- negative
Progestogens are generally recommended.
tive options include aromatases inhibitors, tamoxifen, and fulves-
trant. In the PARAGON trial a response rate of 7% and a clinical
benet rate of 44% was reported with anastrazole in a cohort of
82 patients with recurrent, receptor positive, endometrial carci-
A single- arm phase II trial demonstrated a high response
rate and clinical benet rate with the combination of letrozole and
Conrmation of hormone receptor status by biopsy
should be considered at the time of recurrence because of a poten-
tial change in hormone receptor expression between primary tumor
and recurrence. In patients undergoing hormonal therapy, the risk
of thrombo- embolic events needs to be taken into account. Proph-
ylaxis with low molecular weight heparin should be considered in
patients at high risk for thrombosis and be given according to local
guidelines. There are no universally agreed recommendations to
on August 30, 2024 by guest. Protected by copyright. J Gynecol Cancer: first published as 10.1136/ijgc-2020-002230 on 18 December 2020. Downloaded from
ConcinN, etal. Int J Gynecol Cancer 2021;31:12–39. doi:10.1136/ijgc-2020-002230
Joint statement
predict a response to hormonal therapy in endometrial carcinoma
based on estrogen and progesterone receptor immunohistochem-
ical status. Some of the following should be taken into account:
(1) a wide range of hormonal agents are used, including medroxy-
progesterone acetate and synthetic progestational agents, lutein-
izing hormone releasing hormone antagonists, tamoxifen, and new
generations of selective estrogen receptor modulators; each has a
different molecular action and may therefore have different activity;
(2) receptor- negative status is not an absolute contra- indication to
hormone treatment; (3) in some reports, response rates to various
hormonal treatments for patients with endometrial carcinoma are
higher for those with progesterone receptor expression; (4) the
methodology for assessing and scoring hormone receptor expres-
sion in endometrial carcinoma is variable in the reported series;
(5) assessment of estrogen and progesterone receptor status in
the primary tumor may not reect the status in the recurrent or
metastatic tumor and thus a biopsy of recurrent or metastatic carci-
nomas for hormone receptor analysis may be helpful; (6) from a
pragmatic viewpoint, it seems reasonable to interpret a carcinoma
as receptor positive when immunoreactivity for estrogen receptor
or progesterone receptors is found in more than 1% of carcinoma
cells, until stronger validated scientic evidence is provided.
The combination of carboplatin and paclitaxel is the standard
chemotherapy treatment of advanced/recurrent endometrial carci-
noma based on a randomized phase 3 trial comparing carboplatin-
paclitaxel versus carboplatin- paclitaxel- anthracyclines that
reported overlapping progression- free survival and overall survival
between the two arms but an increased toxicity for the triple combi-
No standard treatment has been identied as second- line
therapy; a response rate of about 10–15% has been seen among
all the available treatment options. Thus, enrollment of patients in
clinical trials is strongly encouraged. Weekly paclitaxel and anthra-
cyclines (including pegylated liposomal doxorubicin when available)
are considered to be active drugs. The re- introduction of carbo-
platin may be considered after a prolonged interval from the last
platinum treatment, based on the results of a single- center retro-
spective series in patients treated with a median platinum- free
interval of 25 (8–79) months. A response rate of 50% and median
progression- free and median overall survival of 10 and 27 months,
respectively, was reported after platinum re- challenge.
Several anti PD-1 and anti PD- L1 checkpoint inhibitors have
been shown to have activity in endometrial carcinoma and thus far
pembrolizumab has been approved by the Food and Drug Admin-
istration (FDA) based on the results of a phase 2 single arm trial
for the treatment of MSI- high (MSI- H)/MMRd solid tumors that
have progressed on conventional therapy.
400 401
The combination of
intravenous pembrolizumab and lenvatinib, an oral multi- receptor
tyrosine kinase inhibitor, received FDA approval in October 2019
for the second- line systemic therapy of microsatellite- stable (ie,
non- MSI- H/MMRd) endometrial carcinoma based on the results
of a phase 2 single- arm trial reporting 36% response rate in this
population, including signicant activity in those with serous carci-
402 403
No phase 3 randomized data are yet available.
Approximately 30% of uterine serous carcinomas show HER2/
neu over- expression. A small randomized phase 2 trial of paclitaxel
and carboplatin with or without trastuzumab in HER2/neu positive
disease showed a 4.6 month increase in median progression- free
Anti- angiogenic agents and PI3kinase/mTor and MEK
inhibitors also have demonstrated activity but secure evidence of
benet is inconclusive due to the limited sample size of the trials,
inconsistency of results, and the low therapeutic index of the drugs,
suggesting further investigations in well- designed and properly
powered molecularly driven randomized trials are warranted.
Hormone therapy is the preferred front- line systemic therapy
for patients with low- grade carcinomas without rapidly
progressive disease (II, A).
Progestogens (medroxyprogesterone acetate 200 (–300) mg
and megestrol acetate 160 mg) are recommended (III, A).
Alternative options for hormonal therapies include aromatases
inhibitors, tamoxifen, fulvestrant (III, C).
The standard chemotherapy treatment is carboplatin AUC 5–6
+ paclitaxel 175 mg/m
every 21 days for six cycles (I, A).
There is no standard of care for second- line chemotherapy.
Doxorubicin and paclitaxel are considered the most active ther-
apies (IV, C).
In patients with a long platinum- free interval, re- introduction of
platinum can be considered (IV, C).
Anti- PD1- based immune therapy with pembrolizumab could be
considered for second- line therapy of MSI/MMRd carcinomas.
The combination of pembrolizumab and the multi- tyrosine-
kinase inhibitor lenvatinib could be considered for second- line
treatment of microsatellite- stable carcinomas (III, B). However,
its use may be limited due to regulatory approvals or reim-
bursement in different countries. Clinical trial participation
should be offered to all patients with relapse disease (V, B).
Palliative radiotherapy
Historically, radiotherapy has been an efcient treatment to palliate
bleeding and pain from pelvic disease or systemic metastases. This
results in rapid pain relief and temporary cessation of bleeding in
the majority of patients.
Radiotherapy is indicated for palliation of symptoms related to
pelvic or systemic disease (IV, A).
Hypofractionated small volume EBRT can be used for treating
primary disease in patients not t for radical treatment (IV, B).
The following sections present the general principles, the princi-
ples of adjuvant radiotherapy, of denitive treatment, and of radio-
therapy for recurrent disease.
258–261 307 362 372 377 418–423
General principles
State- of- art techniques and radiotherapy dose are chosen based on
clinical ndings, pathology, and patient factors including co- mor-
bidities. For complex treatments or rare cases, referral to a special-
ized center is recommended. Prospective assessment of toxicity is
recommended. Patients should have counseling on pelvic care and
general and sexual rehabilitation whenever appropriate.
Adjuvant radiotherapy
Radiotherapy should preferably commence within 6 (–8) weeks of
surgery or be scheduled in relation to chemotherapy.
on August 30, 2024 by guest. Protected by copyright. J Gynecol Cancer: first published as 10.1136/ijgc-2020-002230 on 18 December 2020. Downloaded from
ConcinN, etal. Int J Gynecol Cancer 2021;31:12–39. doi:10.1136/ijgc-2020-002230
Joint statement
IMRT/VMAT techniques are recommended because the more
conformal dose distribution increases normal tissue- sparing
compared with a four- eld conventional or 3D- conformal plan.
The clinical target volume (CTV) includes the pelvic nodes (external
iliac, internal iliac, obturator, distal common iliac), parametria, and
upper vagina. The upper common iliac and sub- aortic pre- sacral
lymph nodes are included when there is cervical stromal involve-
ment and/or pelvic lymph node involvement. The lymph node
target volume may be extended to include the aortic bifurcation or
para- aortic nodes, up to or just above the level of the renal vessels,
depending on the location and number of positive lymph nodes, site
of sentinel lymph nodes, and whether there is extrauterine primary
tumor involvement. The CTV should be individualized when there
is a positive resection margin, pelvic peritoneal disease, or vaginal
involvement. Treatment with a comfortably full bladder reduces
the volume of irradiated small bowel and bladder. The planning
target volume (PTV) should account for potential internal motion,
depending on the method of verication used during the course
of treatment. Image- guided radiotherapy by repeated volumetric
imaging with cone beam CT (and use of so- called library of plans
or plan of the day techniques) may enable the use of smaller CTV-
PTV margins to reduce normal tissue toxicity. The prescription
dose is commonly 45–50.4 Gy in 25–28 fractions over 5–6 weeks.
An integrated or sequential EBRT boost is given to residual lymph
node disease, sites of extracapsular nodal spread, and positive
lateral resection margins with a total dose of 55–60 Gy EQD2
for microscopic residual disease, or up to 66 Gy for macroscopic/
bulky disease. Concurrent and adjuvant chemotherapy may be
considered for stage III disease, serous histology and/or recurrent
Vaginal brachytherapy
Vaginal examination is undertaken to ensure the vaginal cuff is
healed and to assess the size and shape of the vagina to guide
applicator selection. Usually a vaginal cylinder is used but other
applicators can be used, depending on patient anatomy. The target
volume is individually determined and is usually the upper third of
the vagina to a depth of 5 mm (both superiorly and halfway along
the active length). The high- dose rate brachytherapy dose is most
commonly 21–24 Gy in 3–4 fractions to 0.5 cm from the applicator
surface, or 8–11 Gy in 2–3 fractions when given as a boost following
EBRT. A higher dose is required for treatment of residual disease
or positive margins. Pulsed- dose rate brachytherapy can be used
following EBRT to boost macroscopic residual disease witha dose
of 15–25 Gy. The treatment planning options are to use a standard
library plan for each applicator size and treatment length or to use
image- guided adaptive brachytherapy. In institutions where image-
guided adaptive brachytherapy is applied, imaging of the applicator
with CT scan or MRI evaluates whether the applicator is in close
apposition to the vaginal mucosa and close to organs at risk. This
allows verication and calculation of cumulative doses, especially if
vaginal brachytherapy is used as a boost after EBRT. Image- guided
adaptive brachytherapy is strongly recommended when there is
residual vaginal disease following surgery using similar principles
to treatment for recurrent disease.
Denitive treatment
Denitive radiotherapy with EBRT, brachytherapy, or a combination
of both is indicated for primary tumors where surgery is contra-
indicated for medical reasons. If patients are medically unt for
surgery, consider whether a long course of EBRT would be toler-
ated or, if not, a more hypofractionated approach could be used.
Intrauterine brachytherapy as a sole treatment modality is used for
low- grade early stage disease whereas the combination of EBRT
and intra- cavitary brachytherapy is recommended for high- grade
tumors and/or deep myometrial invasion. Specialist anesthetic
review may be required to assess suitability for brachytherapy or
whether brachytherapy could be applied with local anesthesia only.
More advanced inoperable disease is treated with a combination of
pelvic EBRT and intrauterine brachytherapy with or without concur-
rent platinum- based chemotherapy. EBRT is planned with at least
three- dimensional (3D) conformal radiotherapy to ensure inclusion
of the whole uterus. The preferred technique is intensity- modulated
radiotherapy with adaptive image guidance to verify target volume
coverage and to maximize normal tissue sparing. A highly conformal
EBRT boost (with IMRT or stereotactic body radiotherapy) can be
used to escalate the total dose to the tumor site in the uterus to at
least 65 Gy if brachytherapy is not feasible.
Image- guided adaptive brachytherapy is recommended, prefer-
ably using MRI at the time of brachytherapy, in order to optimize
tumor coverage and organ at risk doses. The brachytherapy appli-
cator should consist of an intrauterine applicator (preferably a
dedicated applicator with multiple channels for the larger uterus)
and a vaginal component depending on the extent of any extra-
uterine disease. Interstitial applications may be required to achieve
adequate coverage. In view of the rarity of denitive treatment for
endometrial carcinoma, referral to a dedicated center is recom-
mended. The tumor- related target volumes include the (residual)
gross tumor volume on MRI (GTV- res) and the CTV is the whole
uterus and any extrauterine sites of extension before EBRT. The
treatment plan aims include a total dose (EQD2
) of at least 80 Gy
to GTV- res, CTV D90 of about 48 Gy with brachytherapy alone, and
60–65 Gy with the combination of EBRT and brachytherapy.
Recurrent disease
Radiotherapy treatment for recurrent endometrial carcinoma
depends on the site of disease and any previous treatment. It
involves EBRT, brachytherapy, or a combination of both modalities.
Concurrent or sequential chemotherapy may also be considered.
Radiation-naïve or previous brachytherapy only
Pelvic EBRT is used according to the guidelines above. Brachytherapy
is used to boost recurrent disease in the vagina; in selected cases
with supercial tumors brachytherapy alone can be considered. The
brachytherapy applicator options include a vaginal cylinder or mold
for supercial lesions whereas interstitial applicators can be used
for bulkier tumors.
Image- guided adaptive brachytherapy is recommended, prefer-
ably using MRI at the time of brachytherapy, in order to optimize
tumor coverage and organ at risk doses. When image- guided adap-
tive brachytherapy is used, the target volumes should be contoured
according to the recent GEC- ESTRO recommendation for primary
vaginal cancer, aiming for a total dose (EQD2
) of 80–85 Gy
to CTV D90 with the combination of EBRT and image- guided
on August 30, 2024 by guest. Protected by copyright. J Gynecol Cancer: first published as 10.1136/ijgc-2020-002230 on 18 December 2020. Downloaded from
ConcinN, etal. Int J Gynecol Cancer 2021;31:12–39. doi:10.1136/ijgc-2020-002230
Joint statement
If brachytherapy is not feasible due to tumor
location or topography, a sequential EBRT boost with conformal
radiotherapy, IMRT, or stereotactic body radiotherapy is used to
deliver a total GTV dose of at least 65 Gy EQD2
Re- irradiation is individualized according to the extent of disease,
previous radiation elds, and time elapsed from the previous treat-
ment. In general, recurrences with a longer disease- free interval
as well as recurrences less than 2–4 cm tend to have improved
outcomes. Ideally, this should be done in specialist centers with
prospective collection of dosimetric and clinical data. The most
common re- irradiation technique is intracavitary- interstitial
brachytherapy, preferably image- guided with CT scan or MRI.
However, in selected cases EBRT, stereotactic body radiotherapy,
proton or carbon ion therapy is an option, particularly for pelvic side-
wall or lymph node disease. Organ at risk dose constraints should
take into account prior radiotherapy treatment to derive cumulative
doses. Some low- dose rate data suggest improved outcomes with
doses more than 50 Gy. The high- dose rate data are more varied
with some studies suggesting improved local control with doses
more than 40 Gy EQD2
The following sections present the requirements for specimens
submitted for pathologic evaluation including specimen grossing
and sampling, for the pathology report, and the molecular classi-
19 21 23 26 425 426
The sections are proposed in agreement with
the recently published recommendations from the ISGyP and Inter-
national Collaboration on Cancer Reporting, and WHO Classication
of Tumors (5th edition).
9 33 427–429
Requirements for specimens submitted for pathologic
Patient information, previous cytology, histologic specimens, clinical
and radiological data need to be included on the specimen request
form, particularly if there is no electronic patient le. This needs to
provide itemised details of biopsy and surgical specimen (type of
hysterectomy, presence of ovaries and fallopian tubes, presence of
lymph nodes, and designation of lymph node sites). Biopsies should
be sent to the pathology department in a container with liquid xa-
tive (10% neutral formalin is preferred). Surgical specimens should
be either sent in a xative or preferably fresh if there is a specic
workow for it and if the microbiological risk is controlled. This
allows proper opening of the uterus and sampling a fresh tissue for
research purposes.
Specimen grossing and sampling
All pathology reports should include a detailed section, code/block
key on which the origin/designation of all tissue blocks should be
The specimen needs to be oriented, which means that the ante-
rior and posterior walls of the uterus are identied using anatomic
landmarks such as the peritoneal reection and the round ligament/
ovaries. All organs/structures received should be documented and
their measurements and gross appearance recorded.
The uterus should be opened immediately on receipt in the
pathology laboratory and placed in formalin within an hour of
opening whenever possible. If the uterus is not immediately sent
to a pathology laboratory, the uterine cavity needs to be opened
technically correctly to guarantee proper xation. The uterus is
preferably opened along the lateral uterine walls (3 and 9 o’clock),
although 12 and 6 o’clock sectioning may be acceptable.
The pathology laboratory personnel and/or pathologists should
manage the requests for fresh tissue for banking and/or investiga-
tional protocols and this task should be completed as soon as the
specimen is received in the pathology laboratory.
Inking of peritoneal and/or non- peritoneal surfaces is recom-
mended in hysterectomy specimens and is mandatory in radical
hysterectomy specimens in which the parametrium and vaginal
cuff are present.
At least the largest dimension of the tumor must be provided,
although providing three dimensions is recommended. Horizontal/
transverse sectioning is recommended. Sampling one section per
centimeter of the largest tumor dimension is recommended.
In case of pre- operative endometrial sampling with a malignant
diagnosis and no visible lesion on gross examination or a history
of atypical endometrial hyperplasia/EIN, the entire endometrium
and adjacent inner myometrium should be submitted for micro-
scopic examination. The same applies to hysterectomy specimens
that have been obtained for other reasons (leiomyomas, adeno-
myosis, etc) when the endometrium is grossly inconspicuous but
endometrial carcinoma or atypical endometrial hyperplasia/EIN are
detected on the initial histological sections.
At least one full- thickness section of the uterine wall including
serosa is required to show the deepest point of myometrial invasion.
The number of sections submitted should not be altered in the
context of adenomyosis. However, in cases where the assess-
ment of myometrial invasion is difcult because of tumor involving
adenomyosis, taking additional sections of the uterine wall may be
Whenever possible, the interface between the tumor and its
surroundings should be submitted for microscopic examination.
This facilitates the measurement of the depth of myometrial inva-
sion and the identication of precursor lesions.
At least one representative section of non- neoplastic endome-
trium should be submitted for microscopic examination. In addition,
any grossly identied endometrial lesions separate from the tumor
should be submitted.
All gross endometrial abnormalities need to be submitted for
microscopic examination in the hysterectomy specimen from
patients with Lynch syndrome. In the absence of a gross lesion,
the endometrium should be submitted in toto, including the lower
uterine segment.
A minimum of two sections (one anterior, one posterior) should
be submitted from the lower uterine segment.
Parametrial tissue/parametrium should be sampled before
opening the uterus as this approach minimizes the chance of
nding carryovers. All of the parametrial tissue/parametrium should
be submitted for histologic examination. If macroscopic tumor is
seen in the parametrial tissue/parametrium, the most proximal
parametrial section should include the adjacent outer portion of the
cervical wall.
on August 30, 2024 by guest. Protected by copyright. J Gynecol Cancer: first published as 10.1136/ijgc-2020-002230 on 18 December 2020. Downloaded from
ConcinN, etal. Int J Gynecol Cancer 2021;31:12–39. doi:10.1136/ijgc-2020-002230
Joint statement
The cervix should be left attached to the corpus during the gross
examination of a hysterectomy specimen obtained for endometrial
carcinoma. At least two full thickness sections (one anterior and
one posterior) should be submitted from a grossly unremarkable
cervix. At least two representative sections of tumor involving the
cervix should be submitted when the cervix is grossly involved by
endometrial carcinoma. These sections must include the full thick-
ness of the cervical wall and the ectocervical or vaginal cuff margin.
Gross examination of a morcellated hysterectomy specimen
requires special attention to identify any endometrial abnormality,
although this may be extremely difcult to see in some cases. If
such an abnormality is detected, the entire endometrial lesion
and the adjacent myometrium should be submitted for micro-
scopic examination. In addition, sampling of myometrial tissue
containing any serosal surface should be undertaken. If the endo-
metrium appears grossly unremarkable and the initial represen-
tative sections demonstrate the presence of atypical endometrial
hyperplasia/EIN or endometrial carcinoma, careful re- grossing is
required with the submission of all the visible endometrial lining
and adjacent myometrium. If the morcellated specimen contains
the uterine cervix, this should be sampled representatively.
Gross examination of the fallopian tube must be carefully under-
taken and any areas with macroscopic abnormalities should be
submitted for microscopic examination. If the fallopian tube is
unremarkable, the entire tube should be submitted for microscopic
examination using the sectioning and extensively examining the
mbriated end (according to the SEE- FIM protocol), particularly for
serous carcinoma and carcinosarcoma, while only the mbrial end
should be submitted in toto in other scenarios using the guidelines
of the SEE- FIM protocol, along representative cross- sections of the
remainder of the fallopian tube.
Gross examination of the ovary must be carefully performed. In
case of endometrial serous, clear cell carcinoma or carcinosar-
coma, the entire ovary should be submitted after slicing it perpen-
dicularly to its long axis at 2–3 mm intervals. If possible, the same
protocol should be used for oophorectomy specimens accompa-
nying hysterectomies for other endometrial carcinoma histotypes.
Should the latter not be possible, at least two sections of each ovary
should be submitted.
Omentectomy is part of the staging procedure of endometrial
serous carcinoma, undifferentiated carcinoma, and carcinosar-
coma. The gross appearance and measurement of the omentum
should be provided. Omental tissue should be sliced at 0.5 cm
intervals to detect small abnormalities. If the omentum is grossly
positive, one or two representative sections are enough for micro-
scopic evaluation, but if it is grossly negative, one representative
section per 2 or 3 cm of maximal omental dimension or at least a
total of four blocks of tissue should be submitted.
Lymph nodes from different anatomic sites should be sent in
separate appropriately labeled specimen containers and handled
separately. They should be carefully dissected from the adipose
tissue. This can be done with a thorough visual examination and
palpation. A small amount of adipose tissue should be left around
larger lymph nodes to evaluate the presence or absence of extra-
nodal extension. Lymph nodes up to 2 mm are totally embedded. If
larger than 2 mm, parallel slices at 2–3 mm intervals perpendicular
to the long axis of the node should be performed. All grossly unre-
markable lymph node tissue should be submitted for microscopic
examination. The number of lymph nodes submitted per cassette
and the way they have been submitted—for example, in toto if
very small or sectioned—should be specied in the section code.
With grossly positive lymph nodes, representative sections to
demonstrate the largest size of tumor involvement as well as the
surrounding adipose tissue should be submitted for microscopic
examination and noted in the section code.
The description of the sentinel lymph node should include gross
measurement and description of gross appearance including the
presence of dye. The lymph node is sliced at 2–3 mm intervals
perpendicular to its long axis. A small rim of adipose tissue should
be left around the lymph node. The entire lymph node is submitted
for microscopic examination in properly coded cassettes. Ultrast-
aging is encouraged (ie, additional recuts and/or IHC for keratin). At
the present time there is no universal ultrastaging protocol.
Frozen section for intra- operative assessment is not encouraged
for myometrial invasion assessment because of poor reproducibility
and because it interferes with pre- analytical issues and the possi-
bility of carryovers.
Report of pathology results (required items)
Description of the specimen(s) submitted for histologic
Attached anatomic structures
Accompanying specimens
Tumor type (WHO Classication of Tumors (5th edition))
Tumor grade (FIGO and WHO Classication of Tumors (5th
edition)). Endometrioid endometrial carcinoma is graded using
FIGO grading criteria: grades 1, 2, and 3 tumors exhibit ≤5%,
6–50%, and >50% solid non- glandular (including cribriform),
non- squamous growth. The presence of severe cytologic
atypia in the majority of cells (>50%) increases the grade by
one level, but serous carcinoma should be excluded in cases
with nuclear atypia that is out of proportion to the architecture.
Binary grading is recommended by the WHO Classication of
Tumors (5th Edition) whereby grades 1–2 tumors are classied
as low- grade and grade 3 tumors as high- grade.
Absence or presence and depth of myometrial invasion should
be reported in all endometrial carcinoma as 'none or less than
half' OR 'half or more'. The measurement should be performed
from the adjacent endometrial–myometrial interface.
If myometrial invasion occurs from carcinoma within adeno-
myosis, the deepest myoinvasive point should be reported
according to where this is located in the myometrium, and
regardless of whether or not it arises from adenomyosis. In
case of an exophytic tumor, the depth of myometrial invasion,
and not tumor thickness, should be measured by identifying the
adjacent endo–myometrial junction and by correlating with the
macroscopic appearance. For tumors involving polyps, meas-
urement of invasion is performed only if the tumor invades the
underlying myometrium.
LVSI should be unequivocal and reported as focal and exten-
sive/substantial (ve vessels or more). LVSI should not be
included in assessment of myometrial invasion depth.
Cervical stromal invasion: for the purposes of standard
reporting, the uppermost endocervical mucinous gland iden-
tied in the section should be taken as the upper limit of the
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ConcinN, etal. Int J Gynecol Cancer 2021;31:12–39. doi:10.1136/ijgc-2020-002230
Joint statement
Vaginal involvement.
Uterine serosal involvement. Tumor inltrating the full myome-
trial thickness and reaching sub- mesothelial bro- connective
tissue or the mesothelial layer should be reported as serosal
involvement; tumor may or may not be present on the surface
of the uterus; a desmoplastic response may or may not be
Parametrial involvement.
Adnexal involvement. Care should be taken to determine
whether the ovarian involvement is considered to be meta-
static or 'synchronous'. Synchronous low- grade endometrioid
carcinomas of the endometrium and the ovary have been
demonstrated mostly to be clonally related in the vast majority
of cases. Their reported indolent behavior supports conserva-
tive management when the following criteria are met: (a) both
tumors are low grade; (b) <50% myometrial invasion; (c) no
involvement of any other site; (d) absence of extensive LVSI
at any location. These parameters should be reported and
included in a specic comment.
In cases of serous endometrial carcinoma with co- existing
tubal intra- epithelial (mucosal) carcinoma, with or without
stromal invasion, ancillary techniques should be undertaken
to help dene whether the Fallopian lesion is independent or
metastatic. In cases of endometrioid endometrial carcinoma, a
comment may be included on the unknown prognostic signi-
cance of this nding.
Omental involvement.
Peritoneal involvement.
Lymph node status including sentinel lymph node status
reports the total number of nodes found and the number of
positive lymph nodes, and the presence of extranodal extension
(list for all separates sites). Micrometastasis (>0.2 mm and up
to 2 mm) are reported as pN1(mi). ITCs no greater than 0.2 mm
in regional nodes should be reported as pN0 (i+).
Pathologically proven distant metastases.
Required ancillary techniques (IHC for p53, MSH-6 and PMS-2,
complemented with MLH-1 and MSH-2, MLH-1 promoter
methylation analysis in cases of MLH-1/PMS-2 decrease
expression). Additional immunohistochemical markers may be
important for pathologic diagnosis (PTEN, p16, ER, Napsin A,
Racemase, Pax8, E- Cadherin) or prognosis (L1CAM).
Provisional pathologic staging pre- tumor board/multi-
disciplinary team meeting. The TNM staging system (Union for
International Cancer Control and American Joint Committee
on Cancer versions) for endometrioid carcinoma is largely
concordant with the widely used FIGO system.
Report of pathology results (recommended items unrelated to
stage and with limited supporting evidence)
Tumor site.
Tumor size.
Percentages of different components of mixed carcinoma and
in carcinosarcoma.
Measurement of absolute depth of myometrial invasion,
percentage of myometrium inltrated by tumor, invasion of
inner, middle, or outer one third of the myometrium, distance of
myo- invasive tumor to serosal surface.
Microcystic, elongated, fragmented pattern of invasion.
Peritoneal cytology (if available).
Recommended ancillary investigations.
Molecular classication
The decision to use molecular classication in all endometrial
carcinoma cases in the subset of high- grade or high- risk tumors
or in none of the cases depends on the availability of resources
and decision by the multi- disciplinary team of each center.
Molecular classication is recommended to be performed
by the TCGA surrogate using the diagnostic algorithm provided
by Vermij et al.
This diagnostic algorithm requires testing of
three immunohistochemical markers (p53, MSH-6, PMS-2) and
somatic mutation analysis of POLE (exons 9, 11, 13, 14). Guid-
ance on the interpretation of pathogenicity of POLE variants is
provided by Leon- Castillo et al.
Five categories of tumors are recognized: (1) ultramutated/with
pathogenic POLE mutations; (2) hypermutated with MSI/MMRd
(loss of MMR protein immunoreactivity); (3) high copy number/
p53abn (p53 mutant immunoreactive pattern); (4) low copy
number/NSMP (retained MMR protein immunoreactivity, and p53
wild- type immunoreactive pattern); (5) multiple classier (any
combination of markers included in the previous categories).
If available, molecular classication data should be integrated into
conventional pathologic diagnosis. The report should include informa-
tion regarding the methods used for IHC as well as for POLE mutation
analysis. It should include information from the literature regarding the
pathogenicity of each POLE mutation detected.
Endometrial carcinoma, even as a cancer with a relatively good prog-
nosis, is a life- threatening disease. Treatment may produce signicant
toxicities which cause substantial short- and long- term side effects,
functional loss in various behavioral and life domains as well as psycho-
social distress. The patient and her caregivers may face major chal-
lenges in terms of coping and adjustment.
Therefore, continuous evaluation for psychological distress, sexual
dysfunction, and psychiatric co- morbidity as well as identication of
psychosocial needs are of major importance.
The rst step includes
an early assessment and identication of the patient’s distress.
are several standardized and validated screening instruments available
such as the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale or the easy to use
Distress Thermometer.
Depending on the result of the diagnostic
process, various interventions should be offered such as counseling,
individual or group psychotherapy, psychoeducational interventions,
art therapies, or relaxation techniques. For patients with a disease
involving genital organs, cancer itself, surgical treatment and subse-
quent hormonal loss may impair sexual function. Therefore, discussion
and treatment of sexual problems should be integrated as part of a
holistic approach.
In order to empower patients to cope with physical and
psychosocial long- term side effects of disease, treatment, and to
preserve quality of life, they should receive a personalized survi-
vorship care plan including information and education life style
and prevention of secondary malignancies and other diseases.
Contact with advocacy groups should be offered to all patients.
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ConcinN, etal. Int J Gynecol Cancer 2021;31:12–39. doi:10.1136/ijgc-2020-002230
Joint statement
Author afliations
Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Innsbruck Medical University,
Innsbruck, Austria
Evangelische Kliniken Essen- Mitte, Essen, Germany
Department of Pathology, Hospital Universitari Arnau de Vilanova, University of
Lleida, CIBERONC, Irblleida, Spain
Department of Pathology, Hospital Universitari de Bellvitge, University of
Barcelona, Idibell, Spain
Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Gynecologic Oncology, Leuven Cancer
Institute, Catholic University Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, First Faculty of Medicine, Charles
University, General University Hospital in Prague, Prague, Czech Republic
Department of Oncology, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen University Hospital,
Copenhagen, Denmark
Department of Radiation Oncology, Medical Faculty of the University of Cologne,
Cologne, Germany
UCL Cancer Institute, University College, London, UK
Department of Pathology, Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum, Leiden,
Department of Radiation Oncology, Institut Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, France
Division of Gynecologic Oncology, Fondazione Policlinico Universitario A Gemelli
IRCCS, Rome, Italy
Department of Gynaecologic Oncology, Imperial College London Faculty of
Medicine, London, UK
Department of Medical Oncology, Clinica Universidad de Navarra, Madrid, Spain
Department of Pathology, Hospital Graz II, Graz, Austria
School of Medicine, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Linz, Austria
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Innsbruck Medical University,
Innsbruck, Austria
Department of Surgery, Institut Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, France
Department of Radiotherapy, Erasmus MC Cancer Institute, Rotterdam,
Department of Medical Oncology, St James Hospital, Dublin, Ireland
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecologic Oncology, University Hospital,
Strasbourg, France
Histopathology and Molecular Diagnostics, Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria
Careggi, Florence, Italy
Department of Gynecology with Center for Oncological Surgery, Campus
Virchow Klinikum, Charité–Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Corporate Member of Freie
Universität Berlin, Humboldt- Universität zu Berlin and Berlin Institute of Health,
Berlin, Germany
Department of Radiation Oncology, Comprehensive Cancer Center, Christian
Doppler Laboratory for Medical Radiation Research for Radiation Oncology, Medical
University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria
Department of Gynaecology, Royal Marsden Hospital, London, UK
Department of Medical Oncology, Amsterdam University Medical Centres,
Amsterdam, Noord- Holland, Netherlands
Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, TU Dresden Medizinische Fakultat Carl
Gustav Carus, Dresden, Germany
Gynecologic Oncology Program, European Institute of Oncology, IRCCS, Milan and
University of Milan- Bicocca, Milan, Italy
Clinical Research Unit, Institut Bergonie, Bordeaux, France
Department of Radiation Oncology, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden,
Presented at
These guidelines statements were developed by ESGO, ESTRO and ESP and are
published in the International Journal of Gynaecological Cancer, Radiotherapy &
Oncology and the Virchows Archiv.
Acknowledgements The authors thank ESGO, ESTRO, and ESP for their
support. ESGO ofce, especially Kamila Macku, provided invaluable logistical
and administrative support throughout the process. The authors also thank the
191 international reviewers (physicians and patient representatives, Appendix 2)
for their valuable comments and suggestions. The European Society for Medical
Oncology, Professor Cristiana Sessa and the ESMO- ESGO- ESTRO consensus
conference working group are gratefully acknowledged for the previous 2014
Endometrial Consensus Conference. The authors wish to express sincere gratitude
to Annette Hasenburg and Joachim Weis for describing the psycho- oncological
aspects in this article.
Contributors The development group (including all authors) is collectively
responsible for the decision to submit for publication. NCon (chair), CLC (co-
chair), XM- G (co- chair) and FP (methodologist) have written the rst draft of the
manuscript. All other contributors have actively given personal input, reviewed the
manuscript, and have given nal approval before submission.
Funding All costs relating to the development process were covered from ESGO,
ESTRO, and ESP funds.
Competing interests NCon: advisory boards for Seattle Genetics, AstraZeneca
and Mersana, education fees from Medscape Oncology, and grants for travelling
from Roche, Genmab and Amgen. IV: advisory boards for Amgen, AstraZeneca,
Clovis Oncology, Carrick Therapeutics, Debiopharm International, F Hoffmann- La
Roche, Genmab, GSK, Immunogen, Millenium Pharmaceuticals, MSD Belgium,
Octimet Oncology, Oncoinvent, Pharmamar- Doctaforum Servicios, Roche,
Sotio, Tesaro, Deciphera Pharmaceuticals and Verastem Oncology (fees for
consulting to his university), contracted research (KU Leuven) for Oncoinvent AS
and Genmab, corporate sponsored research for Amgen and Roche, and grants
for travelling from Amgen, MSD/Merck, Roche, AstraZeneca and Tesaro. DC:
advisory boards for AstraZeneca, Roche, Sotio and Novocure. MRM: personal
nancial interests for AstraZeneca, Biocard, Clovis Oncology, Geneos, Genmab,
Karyopharm Therapeutics, Merck, Mersana, MSD, Oncology Venture, Pzer, Roche,
SeatleGenetics, SeraPrognostics, Sotio, Tesaro- GSK, ZaiLab; leadership role for
Karyopharm Therapeutics, Sera Prognostics; institutional nancial interests (study
grants) for AstraZeneca, Boehringer Ingelheim, Clovis Oncology, Pzer, Tesaro-
GSK, Ultimovacs. JL: advisory boards for AstraZeneca, Pzer, GSK, Eisai, MSD/
Merck, Artios Pharma, Regeneron, Amgen and Clovis Oncology, and grants for
travelling from Clovis Oncology. CC: advisory boards for MSD, Takeda and GSK,
conducting research for TherAguiX and Roche, and grants for travelling from
Takeda. AF: advisory boards for GSK and Johnson & Johnson SpA, and grants for
travelling from Pharmmar and MSD Italia. CF: advisory boards for AstraZeneca,
Clovis, Ethicon, Roche, MSD, GSK and Tesaro, and grants for travelling from
Sequana. AGM: speakers’ bureau activities for AstraZeneca, Pharmamar, Roche
and GSK, advisory boards for Amgen, AstraZeneca, Clovis Oncology, Genmab,
GSK, Immunogen, Merck Sharp & Dohme, Novartis, Oncoinvent, Pzer/Merck,
Pharmamar, Roche and Sotio, and grants for travelling from AstraZeneca,
Pharmamar Roche and Tesaro. DL: advisory boards for Roche, Amgen, MSD, GSK,
Clovis, AstraZeneca, Immunogen, Genmab, Pharmamar and Merck, and grants
for travelling from Pharmamar, GSK, Roche and AstraZeneca. CM: consulting/
advisory boards for Roche, Novartis, Amgen, MSD, AstraZeneca, Pzer, Pharmamar,
Cerulean, Vertex and Tesaro, funded research from EU, FWF, AstraZeneca and
Roche, and honoraria/expenses from Roche, Novartis, Amgen, MSD, Pharmamar,
AstraZeneca and Tesaro. JS: advisory boards for Roche, Eisei, MSD, AstraZeneca,
Clovis, GSK and Tesaro. AT: advisory boards for Genmab; PW: advisory boards
for Amgen, AstraZeneca, MSD, Novartis, Pzer, Pharmamar, Lilly, Roche Pharma
GmbH, TEVA, Eisai, Clovis and Tesaro, and grants for travelling from Roche Pharma
GmbH, AstraZeneca, MSD, Amgen and Pzer. NC: consulting and advisory services,
speaking or writing engagements, public presentations for Roche, AstraZeneca,
MSD, Pharmamar, Tesaro, GSK, Clovis, Advaxis, Pzer, Takeda, Immunogen, Biocad,
Amgen, Novartis and Ellipses, institutional nancial interests for Roche, Pharmamar
and AstraZeneca, and non- nancial interests for ESMO clinical Guidelines (subject
editor for gynecological cancer). XMG, SM, TB, SL, PM, RN, DOD, DQ, MRR, AS, AW,
FP, and CLC: no conicts of interest.
Patient consent for publication Not required.
Provenance and peer review Commissioned; internally peer reviewed.
Data availability statement All data relevant to the study are included in the
article or uploaded as supplementary information.
NicoleConcin http:// orcid. org/ 0000- 0002- 9795- 2643
JonathanLedermann http:// orcid. org/ 0000- 0003- 3799- 3539
ChristinaFotopoulou http:// orcid. org/ 0000- 0001- 6375- 9645
DenisQuerleu http:// orcid. org/ 0000- 0002- 3984- 4812
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