KurnitKC, FrumovitzM. Int J Gynecol Cancer 2022;32:1455–1462. doi:10.1136/ijgc-2022-003806
Primary mucinous ovarian cancer: options for
surgery andchemotherapy
Katherine C Kurnit ,
Michael Frumovitz
Department of Obstetrics
and Gynecology, University of
Chicago Medicine, Chicago,
Illinois, USA
Department of Gynecologic
Oncology and Reproductive
Medicine, University of Texas
MD Anderson Cancer Center,
Houston, Texas, USA
Correspondence to
Dr Katherine C Kurnit,
Department of Obstetrics
and Gynecology, University of
Chicago Biological Sciences
Division, Chicago, IL 60637,
USA; kkurnit@ uchicago. edu
Received 11 July 2022
Accepted 27 September 2022
Published Online First
To cite: KurnitKC,
FrumovitzM. Int J Gynecol
Cancer 2022;32:1455–1462.
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Primary mucinous ovarian cancer is a rare type of
epithelial ovarian cancer. In this comprehensive review we
discuss management recommendations for the treatment
of mucinous ovarian cancer. Although most tumors are
stage I at diagnosis, 15–20% are advanced stage at
diagnosis. Traditionally, patients with primary mucinous
ovarian cancer have been treated similarly to those with
the more common serous ovarian cancer. However, recent
studies have shown that mucinous ovarian cancer is very
different from other types of epithelial ovarian cancer.
Primary mucinous ovarian cancer is less likely to spread
to lymph nodes or the upper abdomen and more likely to
affect younger women, who may desire fertility- sparing
therapies. Surgical management of mucinous ovarian
cancer mirrors surgical management of other types of
epithelial ovarian cancer and includes a bilateral salpingo-
oophorectomy and total hysterectomy. When staging is
indicated, it should include pelvic washing, omentectomy,
and peritoneal biopsies; lymph node evaluation should
be considered in patients with inltrative tumors. The
appendix should be routinely evaluated intra- operatively,
but an appendectomy may be omitted if the appendix
appears grossly normal. Fertility preservation can be
considered in patients with gross disease conned to one
ovary and a normal- appearing contralateral ovary. Patients
with recurrent platinum- sensitive disease whose disease
distribution suggests a high likelihood of complete gross
resection may be candidates for secondary debulking.
Primary mucinous ovarian cancer seems to be resistant to
standard platinum- and- taxane regimens used frequently
for other types of ovarian cancer. Gastrointestinal cancer
regimens are another option; these include 5- uorouracil
and oxaliplatin, or capecitabine and oxaliplatin. Data
on heated intra- peritoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC) for
mucinous ovarian cancer are scarce, but HIPEC may
be worth considering. For patients with recurrence or
progression on rst- line chemotherapy, we advocate
enrollment in a clinical trial if one is available. For this
reason, it may be benecial to perform molecular testing in
all patients with recurrent or progressive mucinous ovarian
Primary mucinous ovarian cancer is a rare malignancy
accounting for <3% of all epithelial ovarian cancers.
Because of its rarity, primary mucinous ovarian cancer
has historically been under- represented in clinical
trials for epithelial ovarian cancer, meaning that the
evidence base for treatment for primary mucinous
ovarian cancer is not strong. What has become clear
is that mucinous ovarian cancer is distinct from the
more common epithelial ovarian cancer types, such
as serous ovarian cancer, in terms of clinical behavior
and response to chemotherapy. For example, 83%
of patients with primary mucinous ovarian cancer
have ovary- conned disease at diagnosis compared
with only 4% of patients with serous ovarian cancer.
Patients with stage I primary mucinous ovarian cancer
have a 5- year overall survival rate approaching 90%.
In contrast, patients with stage II–IV disease have a
much worse prognosis than women with metastatic
serous ovarian cancer at similar stages treated with
similar chemotherapy regimens.
4 5
We review surgical and chemotherapy options for
women with primary mucinous ovarian cancer and
offer recommendations for treating women with this
Given the rarity of this tumor type, patients with a
new diagnosis of mucinous ovarian cancer should
have a thorough evaluation to rule out a gastroin-
testinal primary tumor. In two separate Gynecologic
Oncology Group studies, the majority of cases that
were initially thought to be mucinous ovarian carci-
noma were reclassied as gastrointestinal primary
tumors on re- review of the pathologic specimens
(55% in Gore et al and 57–63% in Zaino et al).
6 7
Although data regarding site of origin are not avail-
able from this study, another analysis of the published
literature suggested that colorectal primaries are the
most common gastrointestinal source, followed by
gastric, appendiceal, and pancreatic.
Thus, review of
the specimens by a gynecologic pathologist is critical.
Colonoscopy and upper gastrointestinal endoscopy
should also be performed to rule out a gastrointestinal
primary tumor.
Computed tomography (CT) of the chest, abdomen,
and pelvis should be performed for baseline staging,
as for other types of ovarian cancer. The tumor
markers CA125, carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), and
CA19- 9 may all be useful in the diagnosis and surveil-
lance of mucinous ovarian tumors
and should be
evaluated at baseline. A ratio of CA125 level to CEA
level of >25 to 1 may be indicative of a gynecologic
primary tumor, although the positive predictive value
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KurnitKC, FrumovitzM. Int J Gynecol Cancer 2022;32:1455–1462. doi:10.1136/ijgc-2022-003806
is only 82%.
Unfortunately, mucinous ovarian cancer often is not
diagnosed until after surgery, at which time levels of tumor markers
may be normal even if they were elevated at baseline.
The 2014 World Health Organization classication system sepa-
rates primary mucinous ovarian cancer into two sub- types: expan-
sile (conuent) and inltrative. Although available data are limited,
a recent review of the literature suggests that 50–60% of reported
mucinous ovarian tumors may exhibit inltrative histology.
sile tumors exhibit conuent glandular growth with little or no inter-
vening stroma and no stromal invasion. These tumors have low
metastatic potential and are limited to the ovary in 95% of cases.
Furthermore, among patients with the expansile sub- type, <5% of
patients with stage I disease have recurrence. In contrast, inltrative
tumors have destructive stromal invasion with haphazard glands
and associated desmoplastic stromal reaction. These tumors are
more aggressive, and although 75% are stage I at diagnosis, in
15–30% of women with stage I disease they will recur.
expansile and inltrative mucinous ovarian cancers usually stain
diffusely positive for CK7. They may also stain positive for CK20,
PAX- 8, and/or estrogen receptor, but when they stain positive, the
pattern of staining is focal or patchy, not diffuse. This contrasts with
the pattern observed in metastatic colorectal carcinoma, which
typically stains diffusely positive for CK20 and negative for CK7.
Tumor size and laterality may be helpful in differentiating primary
mucinous ovarian cancer from metastatic disease from a gastroin-
testinal tumor. If the tumor is unilateral and >10 cm in diameter, the
ovary is the primary tumor site in >80% of cases. If the tumor is
bilateral and/or <10 cm in diameter, the primary tumor site is in the
gastrointestinal tract in >90% of cases.
Primary Treatment
Surgical management of primary mucinous ovarian cancer largely
mirrors surgical management of other types of epithelial ovarian
cancer. This typically includes a total hysterectomy, bilateral
salpingo- oophorectomy, omentectomy, and removal of any visible
tumor metastases with the goal of complete gross resection of
disease. When possible, surgery for mucinous ovarian cancer should
be performed by gynecologic oncologists. Traditionally, staging and
debulking procedures were done via laparotomy. More recently, use
of minimally invasive approaches has increased, most commonly
in patients with an isolated pelvic mass. When minimally invasive
surgery is used, care should be taken to avoid intra- abdominal
rupture and spillage, which increases the nal disease stage.
Staging Procedures
Even in patients with disease apparently conned to the pelvis,
occult peritoneal disease has been described in mucinous ovarian
At a minimum, staging should include pelvic wash-
ings, omentectomy, and peritoneal biopsies. The role of lymphad-
enectomy is less certain in mucinous ovarian carcinoma than in
high- grade serous ovarian carcinoma. Historically, complete pelvic
and para- aortic lymphadenectomies were performed. In the 2010s,
data were published suggesting that the frequency of lymph node
metastasis in mucinous ovarian cancer is very low (0–2%),
thus lymphadenectomy in patients with grossly normal appearing
lymph nodes was frequently omitted. However, new data emerged
showing that, although lymph node metastases are rare in expansile
mucinous ovarian cancer, lymph node metastases may be present
in up to 30% of patients with the inltrative sub- type.
17 22
Thus, in
general, lymph node evaluation should be considered in patients
with inltrative tumors. From a practical standpoint, however, it
is difcult to determine the sub- type of mucinous ovarian cancer
intra- operatively. Frozen section analysis of mucinous ovarian
tumors is notoriously difcult, and one study indicated that the nal
diagnosis (benign vs borderline vs invasive mucinous carcinoma)
might differ from the diagnosis rendered on the basis of frozen
section evaluation in 10% of cases.
More realistically, knowledge
of the sub- type of mucinous ovarian cancer—inltrative or expan-
sile—may be more useful when the patient has already undergone
unilateral oophorectomy and the decision is being made whether to
re- operate for staging purposes.
Further research is needed into strategies for improving intra-
operative diagnosis and decision- making, and a staged procedure
may ultimately be required if a diagnosis cannot be conrmed
intra- operatively during the initial surgical procedure.
Another intra- operative consideration is whether or not appendec-
tomy should be routinely performed. Previously, routine appen-
dectomy was recommended for any patient with a borderline or
invasive mucinous ovarian cancer to ensure that the appendix was
not the true primary tumor site. Most recent data suggest, however,
that the likelihood of an occult appendiceal primary tumor in a
patient with a normal- appearing appendix is of the order of 1% or
17 24–26
Thus, we recommend that the appendix be routinely
evaluated intra- operatively, but an appendectomy may be omitted if
the appendix appears grossly normal, particularly if no gross meta-
static disease is identied.
Fertility Preservation
In primary mucinous ovarian cancer, as in other types of epithe-
lial ovarian cancer, fertility preservation with unilateral salpingo-
oophorectomy can be considered in patients with disease conned
to one ovary, who have a normal- appearing contralateral ovary, and
who desire future fertility. Given that the median age at diagnosis
is lower for patients with mucinous ovarian cancer than for those
with other types of epithelial ovarian cancer,
27 28
and given the
good prognosis for many patients with stage I mucinous ovarian
desire for fertility preservation among these patients is not
uncommon. Data regarding the safety of fertility preservation are
limited, but overall small series have not shown a clear increased
risk of recurrence or death with fertility- sparing approaches.
these small series, some but not all patients had surgical staging
with biopsies, omentectomy, and/or lymphadenectomy, which also
makes these data more difcult to interpret. Median age at diag-
nosis for patients included in these studies was largely in the late
20s. Given the limitations of available data, patients should be care-
fully counseled about the theoretical increased risk of recurrence,
particularly in the case of inltrative disease.
However, overall for
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KurnitKC, FrumovitzM. Int J Gynecol Cancer 2022;32:1455–1462. doi:10.1136/ijgc-2022-003806
surgically staged patients desiring fertility preservation, fertility-
sparing surgeries could be considered.
Treatment of Recurrent Disease
Data regarding surgical interventions for recurrent mucinous ovarian
carcinoma are largely extrapolated from other types of epithelial
ovarian cancer. Several recent trials suggested that secondary
debulking may be benecial for patients in whom the likelihood of
achieving a complete gross resection is high,
32 33
although notably
one study that included bevacizumab did not show any survival
benet for secondary debulking.
It is worth noting, however, that
very few patients with mucinous ovarian cancer were included in
these studies. In general, though, patients with platinum- sensitive
disease whose disease distribution suggests a high likelihood
of complete gross resection may be candidates for secondary
debulking. Furthermore, given the poor rates of response to systemic
treatment (discussed below), we believe secondary cytoreduction
may prove to be more benecial in patients with mucinous ovarian
cancer than in patients with other types of epithelial ovarian cancer.
Primary Treatment
Historically, patients with mucinous ovarian cancer were included
in large practice- changing trials of systemic treatment for other
types of epithelial ovarian cancer. For this reason, until recently,
standard rst- line adjuvant systemic treatment for patients with
mucinous ovarian cancer included the doublet of carboplatin and
paclitaxel, with consideration of adding bevacizumab for patients
with advanced disease. However, given the rarity of this histologic
type, patients with mucinous ovarian cancer frequently accounted
for only 7% or fewer of the patients in these large trials.
12 35–39
Additionally, mucinous ovarian cancer behaves markedly differ-
ently from high- grade serous ovarian cancer,
the type that is most
widely represented in these studies. Thus, it is uncertain whether
results from these landmark trials can truly be extrapolated to
patients with mucinous ovarian cancer.
The poorer prognosis seen with mucinous ovarian cancer relative
to high- grade serous ovarian cancer is thought to be due at least in
part to the lower degree of platinum sensitivity of mucinous ovarian
cancer. Platinum sensitivity data are largely based on retrospec-
tive studies. One such study, a case–control study that included
27 patients with advanced mucinous ovarian cancer, showed a
response rate of 26% for these patients compared with 65% in
patients with other types of epithelial ovarian cancer (the control
A second retrospective study found that the response rate
to rst- line platinum- based chemotherapy was 39% for patients
with advanced- stage mucinous ovarian cancer compared with 70%
for patients with serous ovarian cancer.
In a third small study of
21 patients with newly diagnosed mucinous ovarian cancer, only
32% of evaluable patients had a complete response to rst- line
platinum- based chemotherapy and an additional 11% had a partial
response; 47% had disease progression.
Given these poor response rates and the histologic similarity
between primary mucinous ovarian tumors and mucinous tumors
of the gastrointestinal tract, the hypothesis arose that mucinous
ovarian tumors may respond better to gastrointestinal chemo-
therapy regimens. On the basis of pre- clinical data supporting this
a phase II trial comparing a gastrointestinal cancer
regimen with a traditional gynecologic cancer regimen in patients
with mucinous ovarian cancer was implemented. Gynecologic
Oncology Group trial 241/mEOC randomized patients to one of
four arms: capecitabine and oxaliplatin; capecitabine, oxaliplatin,
and bevacizumab; carboplatin and paclitaxel; or carboplatin, pacl-
itaxel, and bevacizumab.
The planned accrual was 330 patients,
and enrollment occurred in both the USA and the UK. Unfortunately,
the study closed early, in large part because of poor accrual. This
highlights one of the major barriers to clinical trials of rare tumor
types: accrual is very difcult and frequently requires many years of
enrollment even when the trial is open nationwide or internationally.
On analyses of the enrolled patients, the investigators also iden-
tied a second signicant issue: 55% of the patients were found
to have a non- gynecologic primary mucinous tumor on central
pathology review.
This nding limited the conclusions that could
be drawn. However, the data that were available suggested that
gastrointestinal cancer regimens were not worse than gynecologic
cancer regimens, even when the analysis was limited to the sub-
set of patients in whom an ovarian primary tumor was conrmed.
Following these results, the results from two other retrospective
studies were published. The rst was a descriptive study of 21
patients who received adjuvant chemotherapy with either a gastro-
intestinal cancer regimen (n=9) or a gynecologic cancer regimen
No difference was seen between the two regimens but,
of note, the stage distributions for the two regimens were unbal-
anced with those receiving the gastrointestinal cancer regimen
having more advanced disease. The second study, a retrospective
cohort study from two tertiary referral centers, evaluated the use of
gynecologic cancer (n=26) and gastrointestinal cancer regimens
(n=26) as rst- line treatment for patients with mucinous ovarian
cancer. The results of this second study demonstrated a signicant
improvement in overall survival for patients who received gastro-
intestinal cancer regimens, primarily 5- uorouracil and oxaliplatin
or capecitabine and oxaliplatin, with or without bevacizumab.
the basis of these limited data, as well as the overall biological
rationale and the poor outcomes seen for patients with advanced
mucinous ovarian cancer, the National Comprehensive Cancer
Network (NCCN) has updated their recommendations for rst- line
treatment for mucinous ovarian cancer to include 5- uorouracil
and oxaliplatin, capecitabine and oxaliplatin, and carboplatin and
Recommendations for which patients with mucinous ovarian
cancer would benet most from adjuvant treatment are varied.
Most organizations agree that patients with stage II, III, or IV disease
should receive adjuvant treatment. In general, outcomes for this
group of patients remain poor.
The use of adjuvant treatment was
supported by a recent database study of patients with stages II–IV
mucinous ovarian cancer that showed an improvement in overall
survival for those who received chemotherapy.
However, recom-
mendations for patients with stage I disease are mixed. NCCN
recommends that patients with stage IC disease receive adjuvant
chemotherapy and that those with stage IA or IB disease do not,
regardless of other histologic ndings.
In contrast, the European
Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) guidelines recommend that
treatment decisions for stage I disease be based at least in part
on the histologic sub- type, as inltrative tumors tend to behave
more aggressively than expansile tumors.
The ESMO guidelines
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KurnitKC, FrumovitzM. Int J Gynecol Cancer 2022;32:1455–1462. doi:10.1136/ijgc-2022-003806
recommend against adjuvant chemotherapy for patients with stage
IA expansile, grade 1–2 tumors. For all other sub- groups of patients
with stage I disease, the ESMO guidelines either state that chemo-
therapy should be considered (for patients with stage IA inltrative
tumors or stage IB or IC expansile tumors) or state that chemo-
therapy is recommended (for patients with stage IB or IC inltrative
tumors). A recent study from the National Cancer Database found
no improvement in overall survival for patients with stage I disease
who received adjuvant chemotherapy.
However, in that report,
the authors provided no information about histologic sub- groups.
A different study from the National Cancer Database attempted
to further characterize patients with stage I disease into higher-
and lower- risk groups, but notably also did not include information
about inltrative or expansile histology.
The differences in recom-
mendations regarding adjuvant chemotherapy for primary muci-
nous ovarian cancer reect the limited data that are available and
highlight an area where further investigation would be benecial.
Incorporating these ndings, we would recommend erring on the
side of complete staging for patients with clinical stage I mucinous
ovarian cancer with inltrative histology. Our proposed approach is
outlined in Figure1.
Neoadjuvant chemotherapy might be appropriate for certain
patients with advanced stage mucinous ovarian cancer, with
patient selection for treatment based on algorithms for other
types of ovarian cancer
; however, neoadjuvant chemotherapy for
mucinous ovarian cancer remains understudied. Within the three
largest trials of neoadjuvant chemotherapy for ovarian cancer, no
more than 3% of patients had a diagnosis of mucinous ovarian
Therefore, the safety and efcacy of neoadjuvant
chemotherapy with interval debulking surgeries in patients with
mucinous ovarian cancer remain unknown. Furthermore, it is
uncertain whether traditional gynecologic cancer regimens should
be used, or whether these patients would benet from gastrointes-
tinal cancer regimens, as discussed above. A nal consideration is
that diagnosing the primary tumor site for mucinous tumors may
be more difcult with a core biopsy and limited tissue than when
the entire ovary can be examined. Thus, in cases of metastatic
mucinous disease in which the primary tumor site of origin is not
clear, we recommend review in collaboration with a gastrointes-
tinal oncology team. However, outcomes for metastatic mucinous
carcinoma, regardless of whether it arises from a gynecologic or
gastrointestinal primary tumor, are overall poor.
Heated Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy (HIPEC)
Whether or not heated intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC) may
be benecial for patients with epithelial ovarian cancer has been
increasingly discussed. A study by van Driel et al in the Netherlands
showed a recurrence- free and overall survival benet from HIPEC
at the time of interval debulking for patients with stage III epithelial
ovarian cancer.
In contrast, a phase II trial at the Memorial Sloan
Kettering Cancer Center in the USA, which evaluated the use of
HIPEC for recurrent platinum- sensitive high- grade serous ovarian
cancer, did not nd a benet.
The utility of HIPEC for recurrent
high- grade serous ovarian cancer therefore remains uncertain.
Data on the use of HIPEC in patients with mucinous ovarian cancer
are currently limited. Notably, the study by van Driel et al cited
above included only three patients with mucinous ovarian cancer
among a total of 245 patients enrolled.
Despite these limited data,
there remains substantial interest in the use of HIPEC in patients
with mucinous ovarian cancer because of the disease’s similarity to
gastrointestinal tumors, in which HIPEC is often used to treat carci-
The Peritoneal Surface Oncology Group International
Figure 1 Treatment algorithm for stage I mucinous ovarian cancer tumors with (A)expansile or (B)inltrative sub- types.
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KurnitKC, FrumovitzM. Int J Gynecol Cancer 2022;32:1455–1462. doi:10.1136/ijgc-2022-003806
and BIG- RENAPE working groups in France published their expe-
rience with the use of HIPEC in rare ovarian tumors. They found a
particular benet in patients with mucinous ovarian cancer; in this
group, neither the median progression- free survival nor the median
overall survival had been reached by 5 years (n=77).
Patients with
mucinous ovarian cancer in this study had perfusion with either
mitomycin C or oxaliplatin, which is the working groups’ standard
treatment for appendiceal tumors.
In contrast, all patients in the
study by van Driel et al had perfusion with cisplatin.
A group from China published their experience with patients
diagnosed with pseudomyxoma peritonei secondary to mucinous
ovarian cancer.
Over a 10- year period they performed cytoreduc-
tion and HIPEC in 22 patients. Similar to van Driel et al, this group
used cisplatin for perfusion. Patients with low- grade mucinous
cancers and those with lower peritoneal cancer index scores had
improved overall survival. Notably, median overall survival times
were shorter than 40 months for the entire cohort of patients with
pseudomyxoma peritonei due to mucinous ovarian cancer in this
Much remains unanswered about the role of HIPEC in mucinous
ovarian cancer. Additionally, recent data about the use of HIPEC in
colorectal cancer did not show the benets anticipated,
that there is still much to be understood about HIPEC in general.
However, given the rarity of mucinous ovarian cancer and the
lack of effective systemic treatment options, HIPEC may be worth
considering. Whether HIPEC is best given at the time of initial diag-
nosis, as a second staging surgery following the initial diagnosis in
the up- front setting, or at the time of secondary debulking is not
clear. Given that that vast majority of mucinous ovarian cancers
are stage I at diagnosis and do not recur, it is likely that primary
treatment with HIPEC for all patients with newly diagnosed muci-
nous ovarian cancer would result in overtreatment in a substantial
proportion of patients. Thus, it may make most sense to preserve
HIPEC for tumors associated with highest risk: those that are meta-
static at diagnosis or those that have already recurred. We hope
that future trials will better delineate the optimal use of HIPEC in
patients with mucinous ovarian cancer.
Treatment of Recurrent and Progressive Disease
Data on second- line systemic treatment for mucinous ovarian
cancer are even more limited than data on rst- line systemic treat-
ment. A retrospective study evaluated 20 patients with mucinous
ovarian cancer who had a recurrence at least 6 months after their
initial treatment.
Although the number of patients in this study
was small, several patients treated with platinum as second-
line chemotherapy had a response. No patient treated with non-
platinum agents as second- line chemotherapy had a response.
Among patients treated with third- or fourth- line chemotherapy,
one patient had a response to paclitaxel, topotecan, and cyclophos-
phamide as third- line treatment, and one patient had a response
to this regimen as fourth- line treatment, but no responses were
seen to gemcitabine or liposomal doxorubicin.
Another small study
found that none of the 12 patients treated in second line or beyond
with cytotoxic chemotherapy had a complete response, and only
one and two patients had partial and complete responses, respec-
tively, to second- line treatment. The remaining eight patients in the
second- line setting and six patients in the third- line setting all had
progression of disease.
Bevacizumab may also be benecial for treatment of recurrent or
progressive disease. One case report described a patient with recur-
rence after adjuvant carboplatin and paclitaxel followed by several
standard single- agent regimens for platinum- resistant disease.
She was treated with weekly paclitaxel with bevacizumab for six
cycles, followed by maintenance bevacizumab for 32 cycles, and
she had a durable response to treatment (stable disease).
case report described durable disease stabilization of a borderline
mucinous ovarian tumor with single- agent bevacizumab.
In general, responses to standard- of- care chemotherapy at the
time of recurrence or progression of mucinous ovarian cancer
are relatively poor. Other regimens for platinum- resistant ovarian
cancer listed in the NCCN guidelines should be considered. For
patients who received combinations of platinum agents and
taxanes for adjuvant treatment, there may be benet to attempting
a gastrointestinal cancer regimen such as capecitabine and oxal-
iplatin or 5- uorouracil and oxaliplatin. However, given the poor
outcomes described above, even for patients who previously
received gastrointestinal cancer regimens, it may also be benecial
to extrapolate from data on mucinous gastrointestinal tumors and
consider second- line gastrointestinal cancer regimens, particularly
in patients whose functional status remains good after receipt of
multiple other lines of treatment. Further data are needed to explore
the question of whether the sequence of regimens matters and
which second- line regimens are most likely to be successful.
Molecular Characterization and Novel Agents
Given the poor response of mucinous ovarian cancer to cytotoxic
chemotherapy, there is much interest in further exploring novel
agents for this rare tumor type. Large molecular studies have
shown that mucinous ovarian cancers often have aberrations in
TP53 (57–90%), KRAS (44–79%), and CDKN2A (11–19%).
Her2 positivity or ERBB2 amplication has also been demonstrated
in 18–27% of mucinous ovarian cancers.
62 63 65 66
Mismatch repair deciency has been reported in mucinous
ovarian cancer, although it is a rare event.
60 67
Thus, the tumor-
type agnostic approval of pembrolizumab for patients with tumors
demonstrating mismatch repair deciency or high microsatel-
lite instability
68 69
provides another viable option for treatment of
recurrent disease. Homologous recombination deciency, which is
present in up to 50% of high- grade serous ovarian cancers,
rare in mucinous ovarian tumors.
Her2 positivity may be targetable given its prevalence described
above, although data about treatment options for Her2- positive
disease are limited. Extrapolating from other tumor types, it may
be possible to combine Her2- targeting treatment with standard- of-
care chemotherapy (trastuzumab plus carboplatin and paclitaxel
or to give Her2- targeting treatment as a single agent. Additionally,
the combination of trastuzumab and pertuzumab is currently being
explored in other tumor types with Her2 positivity,
72 73
and while this
combination has not been evaluated in mucinous ovarian cancer, it
may represent an avenue for future exploration.
Estrogen and progesterone receptor positivity has also been
reported in a sub- set of patients with mucinous ovarian cancer
in one study,
67 74
and thus anti- hormonal agents could be consid-
ered for selected patients. Novel agents targeting the Ras pathway
are currently in use for other tumor types and may be a prom-
ising avenue in the future. Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR)
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KurnitKC, FrumovitzM. Int J Gynecol Cancer 2022;32:1455–1462. doi:10.1136/ijgc-2022-003806
inhibitors have also been proposed,
and other new treatments are
being explored in pre- clinical studies.
While data are lacking
for many of these novel agents, we hope that patients with muci-
nous ovarian cancers will be enrolled in future basket trials of
these targeted therapies as it is unlikely that a biomarker- driven,
tumor type- specic trial of treatment for this rare histologic sub-
type could achieve adequate accrual. If a patient has recurrence or
progression on rst- line chemotherapy, we would advocate enroll-
ment in a clinical trial if one is available. For this reason, it may be
benecial to perform molecular testing, including next- generation
sequencing, mismatch repair deciency, and Her2 testing, in all
patients with recurrent or progressive mucinous ovarian cancer.
Metastatic mucinous ovarian cancer is a rare but aggressive type
of epithelial ovarian cancer. Given its rarity, large prospective
studies of treatment for this disease have been difcult. This review
summarizes the available data and highlights areas that warrant
future investigation. Many patients are diagnosed at an early stage
and outcomes in this setting are better; however, identifying the
ideal algorithms for patients with early- stage inltrative disease
has been difcult. Similarly, surgical management may need to
differ depending on histologic ndings, so developing ways that
details about the histologic sub- type can be available at the time of
a surgical staging procedure could be important. Although systemic
treatment is recommended for all patients with metastatic muci-
nous ovarian cancer, data are still limited on whether a traditional
gynecologic regimen is sufcient or whether a gastrointestinal
regimen may be benecial. Fully dening the role of HIPEC and
knowledge about which second- line regimens are most effective
have also remained elusive. New therapies and updated treat-
ment algorithms are sorely needed, and we may need to rely on
novel clinical trial designs and basket trial approaches in order to
obtain the data we need to move the eld forward for this sub- set
of patients.
Twitter Michael Frumovitz @frumovitz
Contributors KK: concept development, literature search, writing, revisions,
guarantor. MF: concept development, literature search, writing, revisions.
Funding The authors have not declared a specic grant for this research from any
funding agency in the public, commercial or not- for- prot sectors.
Competing interests None declared.
Patient consent for publication Not applicable.
Ethics approval Not applicable.
Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.
Katherine CKurnit http://orcid.org/0000-0003-3205-0128
MichaelFrumovitz http://orcid.org/0000-0002-0810-2648
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