SAP HANA Platform SPS 12
Document Version: 1.2 – 2018-01-24
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
1 SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management......................................5
1.1 SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management Home Screen.............................. 7
2 Preparing to Use SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management........................11
2.1 SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management Tasks................................... 12
2.2 SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management Roles....................................14
2.3 Assign User Roles............................................................16
2.4 Maintain the Delivery-Unit Vendor ID...............................................18
3 Setting Up the Transport.....................................................20
3.1 Transport Scenarios in SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management.......................22
3.2 Setting Up and Using Native SAP HANA Transport.....................................26
Register a System for a Transport Route..........................................27
Create a Transport Route....................................................29
Start the Transport........................................................ 32
Setting Up Native SAP HANA Transport for SAP HANA Cloud Platform....................33
3.3 Setting Up and Using CTS Transport...............................................37
Congure SAP HANA Systems for CTS Transport...................................38
Change CTS Conguration...................................................40
Export Delivery Units for CTS Transport..........................................42
Export Changelists for CTS Transport........................................... 43
3.4 Remarks on the Transport......................................................45
3.5 Check the Transport Logs...................................................... 47
4 Maintaining Delivery Units....................................................49
4.1 SAP HANA Delivery Units...................................................... 50
4.2 SAP HANA Delivery Unit Naming Conventions........................................51
4.3 The SAP HANA Delivery-Unit Lifecycle............................................. 51
4.4 Create a Delivery Unit.........................................................52
4.5 Assign Packages to a Delivery Unit................................................54
4.6 Export a Delivery Unit.........................................................55
4.7 Import a Delivery Unit.........................................................57
5 Maintaining Products........................................................59
5.1 Create a Product............................................................ 60
5.2 Assign a Delivery Unit to a Product................................................61
6 SAP HANA Change Recording..................................................63
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
6.1 Technical Details of Initial Change Recording Setup....................................64
6.2 Predecessor Changelists in SAP HANA Change Recording............................... 65
6.3 Consequences of Package - DU Reassignments.......................................66
6.4 Setup of the Transport Landscape................................................68
Transport Modes in Change Recording...........................................70
Recommendations on the Transport of Changelists..................................72
CTS and Changelists....................................................... 74
Native SAP HANA and Selected Changelists.......................................75
Native SAP HANA and Complete DU............................................76
6.5 Enable SAP HANA Change Recording..............................................77
6.6 Create Changelists...........................................................78
6.7 Assign Objects to Changelists...................................................80
Assign objects in SAP HANA Web-based Development Workbench.......................81
Move objects from one changelist to another...................................... 81
6.8 Approve Contributions to Changelists..............................................82
6.9 Release Changelists..........................................................83
6.10 Filter and Search for Changelists.................................................84
Filter Changelists..........................................................84
Search for Changelists......................................................85
7 Assembling Add-On Products and Software Components.............................86
8 Installing and Updating SAP HANA Products and Software Components.................88
8.1 Installing and Updating SAP HANA Products.........................................89
8.2 Installing and Updating SAP HANA Software Components............................... 91
8.3 Installation and Update Options..................................................93
9 Installing and Updating Products and Software Components in SAP HANA XS Advanced
9.1 Prerequisites and Authorizations.................................................98
9.2 Set Up a Virus Scan for Installation Archives .........................................98
9.3 Checks Before Installing or Updating Products or Software Components in SAP HANA XS
Advanced Model.............................................................99
9.4 Installation and Update Options in XS Advanced Model.................................102
9.5 Examples: Installing and Updating Products and Software Components in XS Advanced Model
9.6 Display installed Products and Software Components in XS Advanced Model.................108
9.7 Uninstall Products and Software Components in SAP HANA XS Advanced Model...............110
10 Using hdbalm............................................................. 114
10.1 Using hdbalm with SAP HANA Cloud Platform.......................................116
10.2 hdbalm Commands, Options, and Variables.........................................117
10.3 Enable SSL for hdbalm........................................................121
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
P U B L I C 3
10.4 Proxy Support for hdbalm..................................................... 122
10.5 hdbalm install Command......................................................123
Examples: hdbalm install Command............................................125
10.6 hdbalm assemble Command................................................... 127
10.7 hdbalm import Command.....................................................128
10.8 hdbalm transport Command................................................... 129
10.9 hdbalm log Command........................................................130
10.10 hdbalm product Command.....................................................131
10.11 hdbalm du Command........................................................ 132
10.12 hdbalm dependencies Command................................................134
10.13 hdbalm package Command....................................................135
10.14 hdbalm admin Command......................................................136
11 Conguring SAP HANA Applications with the Process Engine.........................138
11.1 Process Engine Roles.........................................................138
11.2 Tutorial: Execute a Conguration Service with Process Engine............................139
11.3 Troubleshooting ............................................................142
12 FAQs on SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management............................. 143
13 SAP HANA Repository Translation Tool..........................................147
13.1 SAP HANA Repository Translation Tool (RTT) Parameters...............................148
13.2 Congure the Repository Translation Tool..........................................150
13.3 Create Text-Strings Packages for Translation........................................ 151
13.4 Export Text-Strings Files for Translation............................................152
13.5 Import Translated Text-Strings Files.............................................. 152
14 Maintaining Translation Text Strings............................................154
14.1 Create and Edit Text Translations................................................ 155
Online Translation Tool Details................................................157
14.2 Export and Import Translated Text................................................159
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
1 SAP HANA Application Lifecycle
SAP HANA application lifecycle management supports you in all phases of an SAP HANA application lifecycle,
from modeling your product structure, through application development, transport, assemble, and install.
The following graphic illustrates the phases in a product lifecycle of an SAP HANA application:
Phases of SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
You dene your product structure to provide a framework for ecient software development. This includes
creating delivery units and assigning packages to delivery units. The delivery units are then bundled in
You perform software development in repository packages. SAP HANA application lifecycle management
supports you with change tracking functions.
You can transport your developed content in dierent ways according to your needs. You can choose
between transporting products or delivery units, based on changelists or complete entities. The transport
type can be native SAP HANA transport or transport using Change and Transport System (CTS). You can
also export delivery units, and import them into another system.
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
P U B L I C 5
The developed software plus the metadata dened when modeling your product structure as well as
possible translation delivery units are the basis for assembling your add-on product. You can also build
Support Packages and patches for your product.
You can install SAP HANA products that you downloaded from SAP Support Portal or that you assembled
If the SAP HANA product delivers conguration content, you can use the process engine of SAP HANA
application lifecycle management to automate conguration tasks.
All phases of SAP HANA application lifecycle management are documented in the SAP HANA Application
Lifecycle Management Guide. The tasks related to the Install and Congure phases of SAP HANA application
lifecycle management are relevant for system administrators and are therefore also documented in the SAP
HANA Administration Guide. The tasks related to software development are documented in the SAP HANA
Developer Guide (For SAP HANA Studio).
Availability of SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
SAP HANA application lifecycle management is installed with SAP HANA as automated content. You can
access the SAP HANA application lifecycle management functions in dierent ways:
Using the XS user interface SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management which is available in the
following places:
On the SAP HANA XS Web server at the following URL: http://<WebServerHost>:
Using a link in SAP HANA Web-based Development Workbench.
For example, to open the home screen, choose Navigation Links Lifecycle Management in the
SAP HANA Web-based Development Workbench Editor tool.
Using the context menu in SAP HANA studio.
For example, to open the home screen from, choose Lifecycle Management Application Lifecycle
Management Home Screen from the context menu for a particular system in the SAP HANA
Administration Console perspective in SAP HANA studio.
Using the tile catalog in SAP HANA cockpit.
There are tiles available both in the SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management and in the SAP HANA
Application Installation and Update groups in SAP HANA cockpit that you can customize according to
your needs.
Using the command line tool hdbalm.
The le is shipped with the SAP HANA client installation. If you leave the default installation options
unchanged hdbalm is located in the ..\sap\hdbclient directory.
You cannot perform all application lifecycle management tasks with one tool. For example, assembling
products and software components can only be done using the hdbalm tool, whereas the full set of transport
functions is available only in the XS user interface. Whenever a function is available in the XS user interface it is
documented there. When used in SAP HANA studio, the functions are the same as in the XS user interface.
Therefore, these options are not separately documented.
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
For information about the SAP HANA platform lifecycle management tools, see the SAP HANA Server
Installation and Update Guide and SAP HANA Platform Lifecycle Management in the SAP HANA
Administration Guide.
Related Information
Using hdbalm [page 114]
1.1 SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management Home
The home screen of the SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management XS user interface provides you with a
single point-of-access to all application lifecycle management functions required for SAP HANA. You open SAP
HANA Application Lifecycle Management using a Web browser.
You can either click on the tiles or the tabs on the top of the screen to access the required functions.
The row on the very top of the screen contains the title, and further information, such as the log-on user and
role, the ID and the Web server host of the SAP HANA system, as well as the vendor name. The Help link
provides links to context-sensitive help that comes with the application.
The row on top of the tiles provides links to the most important views that are also available using the links.
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
P U B L I C 7
Maintaining Products [page 59]
Maintaining Delivery Units [page 49]
Check the Transport Logs [page 47]
Setting Up the Transport [page 20]
Register a System for a Transport Route [page 27]
Installing and Updating SAP HANA Products and Software Components [page 88]
Conguring SAP HANA Applications with the Process Engine [page 138]
SAP HANA Change Recording [page 63]
Setting Up the Transport [page 20]
Tiles in SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management Home Screen
Tile Title Description
More Information
Products Opens the Products view that allows you to cre
ate and manage products and product instan
ces, as well as assigning delivery units.
Maintaining Products [page 59]
Delivery Units Opens the Delivery Units view that allows you to
create and manage delivery units and to assign
Maintaining Delivery Units [page 49]
8 P U B L I C
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
Tile Title Description
More Information
Transport Overview Opens the Logs view that allows you to check the
transport logs.
Check the Transport Logs [page 47]
Recent Activities Provides an overview of the last transport activi
ties that were performed in this system. Clicking
on an activity opens the log entry of the activity
in the Logs view.
Check the Transport Logs [page
Settings Opens the Settings view that allows you to ena
ble or disable change recording and to establish
transport settings for your system.
Setting Up the Transport [page 20]
Enable SAP HANA Change Recording
[page 77]
Packages Opens the SAP HANA Web-based Development
Workbench that allows you to create and man
age SAP HANA Repository packages.
Maintaining Repository Packages in SAP
HANA Developer Guide for SAP HANA
Web Workbench
Systems Opens the Systems view that allows you to regis
ter HTTP destinations as source systems for the
This tile is visible only if the system is cong
ured for native SAP HANA transport.
Register a System for a Transport
Route [page 27]
Installation Opens the Install and Update SAP HANA
Products and Software Components view.
Installing and Updating SAP HANA
Products and Software Components
[page 88]
Conguration Services
(Process Engine)
Opens the process engine of SAP HANA applica
tion lifecycle management that allows you to
start and monitor conguration services that are
provided by the application.
Conguring SAP HANA Applications
with the Process Engine [page
Changes Opens the Changes view that allows you to cre
ate and manage changelists.
The link on this tile only works if change re
cording is enabled.
SAP HANA Change Recording [page
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
P U B L I C 9
Tile Title Description
More Information
CTS Export Opens the CTS EXPORT view that allows you to
export delivery units or changelists for CTS
This tile is visible only if the system is cong
ured for CTS transport.
Export Delivery Units for CTS
Transport [page
Export Changelists for CTS Trans
port [page 43]
Transport Opens the Transport view that allows you to cre
ate transport routes that specify the congura
tion details for the native SAP HANA transport,
such as the source system and which content is
to be transported. You can also start the trans
port from there.
This tile is visible only if the system is cong
ured for native SAP HANA transport.
Create a Transport Route [page
Support & Documentation Opens a dialog box that contains support infor
mation about the SAP HANA application lifecycle
management XS user interface and links to doc
10 P U B L I C
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
2 Preparing to Use SAP HANA Application
Lifecycle Management
Before you can use SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management, you must assign predened roles to users
who need to perform application lifecycle management tasks and set the content vendor ID for the SAP HANA
To use the SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management tool, you must ensure that the following prerequisites
are met:
An SAP HANA system is available.
SAP HANA XS is up and running on the SAP HANA system.
You have system privileges on the SAP HANA system (for example, to add users).
For the prerequisites required to use hdbalm, see the Prerequisites section in the Using hdbalm topic. The link
to the topic is in the More Information section.
With SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management, your authorization level determines which tasks you are
able to perform. Authorization levels are granted by assigning the appropriate role, for example,
sap.hana.xs.lm.roles::Administrator. If you do not have the required level of access, in the Web-
based tool, certain buttons are disabled, and certain options are hidden. In
hdbalm, you receive an error
message informing you that authorization is missing.
1. Assign copies of the necessary roles to the users who perform application lifecycle management tasks for
example, SAP HANA application lifecycle management administrator tasks.
This step must be performed in the SAP HANA studio or SAP HANA Web-based Development
Workbench by a user with administrator privileges.
Access to features and options in the SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management is based on user
privileges, which are assigned in user roles, for example, administrator or transport manager.
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
Preparing to Use SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
P U B L I C 11
Do not use the repository roles delivered with SAP HANA directly, but instead use them as templates for
creating your own roles. Furthermore, if repository package privileges are granted by a role, we
recommend that these privileges be restricted to your organization’s packages rather than the complete
repository. To do this, for each package privilege (
REPO.*) that occurs in a role template and is granted
on .REPO_PACKAGE_ROOT, check whether the privilege can and should be granted to a single package
or a small number of specic packages rather than the full repository.
2. Set the Vendor ID.
The vendor ID sets the namespace in SAP HANA where your application development takes place, for
example, “” or “com.mycompany”.
The namespace sap is restricted; you must not develop your own applications in this namespace. Place
your packages in your own namespace.
Related Information
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management [page 5]
Using hdbalm [page 114]
2.1 SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management Tasks
The responsibility for the tasks you perform with the SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management is shared
between dedicated lifecycle management roles.
The responsibility for common application-lifecycle management performed with the SAP HANA Application
Lifecycle Management is shared between the various lifecycle management roles, which must be copied and
assigned to the SAP HANA users who start the SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management. For example, the
Administrator role enables access to all options and tools in the SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management.
To start a transport operation based on a dened route, you only need the privileges assigned with the user role
ExecuteTransport. The Display role enables a user to view details of the delivery units, routes, and transports,
but cannot make any changes.
Do not use the repository roles delivered with SAP HANA directly, but instead use them as templates for
creating your own roles. Furthermore, if repository package privileges are granted by a role, we recommend
that these privileges be restricted to your organization’s packages rather than the complete repository. To
do this, for each package privilege (REPO.*) that occurs in a role template and is granted
.REPO_PACKAGE_ROOT, check whether the privilege can and should be granted to a single package or a
small number of specic packages rather than the full repository.
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
Preparing to Use SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
The following table provides an overview of the most common tasks performed with the SAP HANA Application
Lifecycle Management and which user role is required to perform the specied task.
The SAP HANA systems you use as destination for delivery unit (DU) transport operations as well as the
SAP HANA users required to complete the operation must be set up by an SAP HANA administrator.
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management Task/Role Matrix
Administrator Execute Trans
Display Developer Development Ex
Create product,
DU, and so on
Export DU X X
Import DU X
Add transport des
Setup transport
For this task,
you need addi
tional roles as
described in
plication Lifecy
cle Manage
ment Roles.
Execute transport
View log les for
transport, export,
import operations
Congure change
Create / delete
Assign objects to
Approve contribu
tions to change
X X (your own con
X (your own and
foreign contribu
Release change
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
Preparing to Use SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
P U B L I C 13
Task Administrator Execute Trans
Display Developer Development Ex
Add / delete con
tributors to
SAP HANA prod
ucts and software
Related Information
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management Roles [page 14]
2.2 SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management Roles
To grant users the privileges they require to perform tasks with the SAP HANA Application Lifecycle
Management, you must assign them the privileges of one or more dedicated application lifecycle management
The following table lists the roles that can be used as templates for users who want to perform lifecycle-
management-related tasks using SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management tool. The roles are hierarchical
and interlinked. For example, by default, the Administrator role grants the privileges included in all other roles;
the ExecuteTransport role grants the privileges assigned in the Transport and Display roles.
Some lifecycle-management tasks require interaction with external tools, and this requires additional
privileges, which you can grant by assigning the appropriate roles. For example, to register an HTTP
destination as part of the setup of a transport route, you need to supply logon credentials for an existing
technical user on the source system - the system dened in the HTTP destination conguration. To maintain
logon credentials, you can use the SAP HANA XS Administration Tool, which requires the privileges granted
by the delivered role sap.hana.xs.admin.roles::HTTPDestAdministrator. To display all available
roles, start the SAP HANA studio, and in the SAP HANA Systems view, expand the node Security
Roles .
Do not use the repository roles delivered with SAP HANA directly, but instead use them as templates for
creating your own roles. Furthermore, if repository package privileges are granted by a role, we recommend
that these privileges be restricted to your organization’s packages rather than the complete repository. To
do this, for each package privilege (REPO.*) that occurs in a role template and is granted
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
Preparing to Use SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
on .REPO_PACKAGE_ROOT, check whether the privilege can and should be granted to a single package or a
small number of specic packages rather than the full repository.
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management Roles
Role Name Description
Full read/write access to all the features in the SAP HANA
Application Lifecycle Management tool, including the access
privileges granted to all other user roles available in the
HANA Application Lifecycle Management , for example,
Display, ExecuteTransport, and Transport.
A role based on this role template is required if change re
cording is activated: Enables the user to work on a change
list to which he is assigned and to approve own contributions
to the changelist. This role includes the privileges of the
Display role.
A role based on this role template is required if change re
cording is activated: Enables the user to perform all actions
involved in change recording (for example, create, assign ob
jects to, release, delete, assign other users to a changelist,
approve own or foreign contributions). This role includes the
privileges of the
Display and the Developerroles.
View-only access; some features and options are hidden. A
user with a role based on this role template can view all infor
mation available but cannot make any changes or trigger
any transport operations.
Users with a role based on this role template can view all in
formation as well as trigger predened transport operations.
However, they cannot register or maintain systems, create
transport routes, or edit details of a product, a delivery unit,
or a package.
For technical users only. Do not assign a role based on this
role template to normal users; the required privileges are
part of the
ExecuteTransport role. The Transport role grants
the privileges required for export or import actions during a
transport operation. The credentials and privileges of a tech
nical user with the
Transport role cannot be used for interac
tive logons, for example, to start the SAP HANA Application
Lifecycle Management.
For technical users used for HTTP-based deployment when
using CTS Transport. Users with a role based on this role
template can perform all supported read requests for SL
protocol services.
For technical users used for HTTP-based deployment when
using CTS Transport. Users with a role based on this role
template can perform all supported requests for CTS Deploy
SL protocol service.
For technical users used for HTTP-based deployment when
using CTS Transport. Users with a role based on this role
template can perform all supported requests for CTS Ping
SL protocol service.
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
Preparing to Use SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
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Additional Roles
Role Name Description
Inspect, create, change, delete and activate SAP HANA re
pository objects
A role based on this role template is required when you se
lect the Packages tile to maintain SAP HANA Repository
Packages in SAP HANA Web-based Development Work
To create new packages, additional privileges may be re
quired. For more information, see Dene Repository Package
Privileges in the SAP HANA Developer Guide for Web-based
Development Workbench.
Full access to HTTP destination congurations (display and
A role based on this role template is required when you reg
ister a system for a transport route.
Full access to the conguration settings for SAP HANA XS
application security and the related user-authentication pro
A role based on this role template is required when you reg
ister a system for a transport route.
Related Information
Register a System for a Transport Route [page 27]
Process Engine Roles [page 138]
2.3 Assign User Roles
Access to features and functionality in SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management is based on roles and
privileges; the role you have determines the tasks you can perform.
To assign privileges to users of the SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management, you must ensure the
following prerequisites are met:
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
Preparing to Use SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
You have access to an SAP HANA system.
You have administrator/system privileges on the SAP HANA system (for example, you can add/maintain
database users).
In the SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management, the availability of features, screens, tabs, and UI controls
(for example, Add, Edit, Save, or Delete buttons) is based on user privileges. For the sake of convenience, the
specic privileges required to use the features provided with a particular tool have been collected into a
selection of specic roles, which you can use as a template to assign the relevant privileges to the user who
needs to use a particular tool.
To start the SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management, you must have a role based on the the privileges
granted by one of the dedicated ALM roles, for example, sap.hana.xs.lm.roles::Display.
To assign the required privileges to people who want to use the features provided by the SAP HANA ALM tool,
perform the following steps:
Create a new user or assign a copy of the required application lifecycle management role to an existing user
who needs to perform a specic task.
For more information on the how to assign roles to users, see Provisioning Users in the SAP HANA
Administration Guide. For more information on the available application lifecycle management roles, see SAP
HANA Application Lifecycle Management Roles. The links can be found in the Related Information section.
Do not use the repository roles delivered with SAP HANA directly, but instead use them as templates for
creating your own roles. Furthermore, if repository package privileges are granted by a role, we recommend
that these privileges be restricted to your organization’s packages rather than the complete repository. To
do this, for each package privilege (REPO.*) that occurs in a role template and is granted
on .REPO_PACKAGE_ROOT, check whether the privilege can and should be granted to a single package or a
small number of specic packages rather than the full repository.
The user can now use SAP HANA application lifecycle management to perform the required task.
Related Information
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management Roles [page 14]
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management [page 5]
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
Preparing to Use SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
P U B L I C 17
2.4 Maintain the Delivery-Unit Vendor ID
In SAP HANA, the vendor ID is used primarily to dene the identity of the company developing a software
component that it plans to ship for use with SAP HANA, for example, “”. To create a delivery unit, it is a
prerequisite to maintain a vendor ID in your system.
To set the vendor ID, you must ensure the following prerequisites are met:
You have access to an SAP HANA system.
You have been assigned the privileges granted by a role based on the SAP HANA XS
sap.hana.xs.lm.roles::Administrator user role template.
Before creating your own rst delivery unit, you must set the identity of the vendor in the development
system's conguration. To maintain details of the delivery-unit vendor ID, perform the following steps:
1. Start the SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management.
The SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management is available on the SAP HANA XS Web server at the
following URL: http://<WebServerHost>:80<SAPHANAinstance>/sap/hana/xs/lm
To start the SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management, you must use the logon credentials of an
existing database user, who has the appropriate user role assigned.
2. Choose the SETTINGS tab.
3. Maintain details of the vendor ID.
In the SETTINGS tab, perform the following steps:
a. Choose Change Vendor.
b. In the Set Vendor dialog, enter the name of the new vendor, for example,
c. Choose OK to save the changes.
The new vendor ID appears in the Vendor box.
The vendor ID is required to create a delivery unit.
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
Preparing to Use SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
Related Information
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management [page 5]
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
Preparing to Use SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
P U B L I C 19
3 Setting Up the Transport
You can choose to perform transports in native SAP HANA mode using transport routes or using the Change
and Transport System (CTS).
To set up the transport you want to use for the entire SAP HANA system, you must ensure the following
prerequisites are met:
You have the privileges granted by a role based on the SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
sap.hana.xs.lm.roles::Administrator role template.
You have the privileges granted by roles based on the following SAP HANA XS role templates:
You have decided which transport scenario you want to use for this system, Native SAP HANA transport or
CTS Transport. For more information on the scenarios, see Transport Scenarios in SAP HANA Application
Lifecycle Management. The link to the topic is in the Related Information section.
Use the following steps to set up your transports using either a native SAP HANA system to transport to a
single system or using CTS to transport through a transport landscape dened in CTS.
Bear in mind that exports for native SAP HANA are executed on the target system while exports using CTS
are started on the source system.
If you want to transport SAP HANA content for SAP HANA applications that are closely connected with
ABAP applications in terms of content (ABAP for SAP HANA applications), you can also use SAP HANA
Transport for ABAP (HTA) as transport tool.
For more information, search for SAP HANA Transport for ABAP or Transport Scenarios for SAP HANA
Content documentation in the SAP NetWeaver documentation on SAP Help Portal at
You usually perform these steps once after you have set up the system.
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
Setting Up the Transport
1. Open the SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management.
The SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management is available on the SAP HANA XS Web server at the
following URL: http://<WebServerHost>:80<SAPHANAinstance>/sap/hana/xs/lm
2. Choose the SETTINGS tab.
3. In the Transport section, make the selection that suits your needs.
Ensure that Enable Native SAP HANA Transport is selected, if you want to use this option. This is the
default setting.
Select Enable CTS Transport, if you want to use this option.
In the Switch Transport Mode popup, choose Yes to conrm your choice.
If you have selected CTS Transport, then the TRANSPORT tab changes to CTS EXPORT.
If you have changed from CTS Transport to Native SAP HANA Transport, then the CTS EXPORT tab changes to
To transport objects using CTS Transport or Native SAP HANA Transport, you must make further settings.
Follow the instructions for the transport type that you want to use.
Related Information
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management [page 5]
Setting Up and Using Native SAP HANA Transport [page 26]
Setting Up and Using CTS Transport [page 37]
Transport Scenarios in SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management [page 22]
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
Setting Up the Transport
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3.1 Transport Scenarios in SAP HANA Application Lifecycle
When you develop SAP HANA applications, you must decide on the transport scenario that you want to use
and its impact on the setup of the transport landscape, as well as on whether or not you want to use change
Transport Scenarios
A transport track often consists of a development system, a test system, and one or multiple production
The development system is characterized by ongoing development, many changes, a lot of versions, and so on.
It is not used productively. After transporting the development entities to the test system, they can be tested
there. After successful testing, the software can be transported to the production systems. In the production
systems, the software is not changed. Instead, a dened state of the development entities is used productively
in these systems.
There are dierent scenarios available for transport in SAP HANA application lifecycle management: Native
SAP HANA transport and Change and Transport System (CTS) transport. The following table provides a
quick overview of the scenarios available. Links to more information are located in the Related Information
section of this topic.
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
Setting Up the Transport
Transport Scenarios
Transport Scenario More information
Native SAP HANA This scenario is suitable for the transport of native SAP HANA objects in which no ABAP devel
opment is involved and in which no other non-SAP HANA transports are done using CTS. This
scenario is useful for smaller transport tracks with about 3-to-5 systems.
You can use native SAP HANA transport to transport content from development to test and
from test to production. Using native SAP HANA transport for the entire transport track, includ
ing the transport to the production systems, oers the following advantages:
You have one tool in place that you can use for the entire transport track.
You can transport both products and delivery units.
If you use change recording, you can transport very small changes through this track using
individual changelists.
With native SAP HANA transport, performing an import means that you are on the target
system and you pull an export from the source system using a congured transport route.
Therefore, each import in a production system triggers a separate export from the test sys
tem. If you have multiple production systems, you must ensure that the test system remains
unchanged while you are performing imports in the production systems. If the test system
changes during this process, then the multiple imports into several production systems can
result in dierent states of the software in these systems. Bear in mind that you need to trig
ger the import separately on each target system.
If you cannot guarantee that the test system remains unchanged, you can opt to assemble
the development into an installable archive on the test system, and install it in the produc
tion systems, as described in the Distribution using assembly and installation section of this
For more information on native SAP HANA transport, see Set Up and Use Native SAP HANA
Transport. For more information on the setup of the transport landscape, if you have enabled
change recording, see Setup of the Transport Landscape.
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
Setting Up the Transport
P U B L I C 23
Transport Scenario More information
CTS This scenario is suitable for the transport of native SAP HANA objects in system landscapes in
which the Enhanced CTS is already in use. This means that CTS is used to manage transports of
other non-ABAP and non-SAP HANA applications. This scenario is particularly well suited for
transporting SAP HANA content as part of an SAP solution (such as SAP BI, Mobile, and so on),
since you often need to create a connection between the SAP HANA content and other non-
ABAP and non-SAP HANA development objects.
CTS is integrated into the SAP tools for change control (Change Request Management and
Quality Gate Management of SAP Solution Manager).
You can use CTS transport to transport SAP HANA content through the transport track, from
development to test and from test to production. Using CTS transport for the entire transport
track, including the transport to the production systems, oers the following advantages:
You have one tool in place that you can use for the entire transport track.
You have a dened landscape (in CTS).
If you use change recording, you can transport very small changes through this track using
individual changelists.
If you use CTS transport, you can only transport delivery units, because CTS transport does
not support the transport of products.
For more information on CTS transport, see Set Up and Use CTS Transport. For more informa
tion on the setup of the transport landscape if you have enabled change recording, see Setup of
the Transport Landscape.
To bundle transports of ABAP and SAP HANA objects, for example, for SAP HANA content for ABAP for SAP
HANA applications, you can use HANA Transport Container (HTC) or SAP HANA transport for ABAP (HTA),
depending on your SAP NetWeaver release. For more information, search for Transport Scenarios for SAP
HANA Content in the SAP NetWeaver documentation on SAP Help Portal at
Distribution using assembly and installation
In addition to the transport scenarios available, SAP HANA application lifecycle management oers the
possibility to assemble the developed software and install it in the production systems. This way, you have a
welldened state of the software including all the metadata, such as product, delivery unit, and support
package versions in the production systems.
You can use this option in the following situations:
You use CTS transport, but you need to transport products to the production system.
You use native SAP HANA transport and you want to guarantee maximum consistency in the production
Your production systems cannot be reached using transport routes (CTS or SAP HANA application lifecycle
management transport routes).
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
Setting Up the Transport
You can assemble the software in the test system or in an additional system, the consolidation system, for
example. To do this, you must model the delivery unit or the product in the system in which you perform the
assembly to supply the required metadata, such as version information and dependencies, for example.
Assembly is supported for delivery units and not for individual objects or changelists. Once the metadata is
available in the system you can perform the assembly using the commandline tool hdbalm.
After performing installation tests, you can install the assembled software in the production systems. You
install the software separately in each production system.
If it is important for you to have the information about versions in your production systems, use assembly
and installation to distribute software to the production systems. If you want to supply your production
systems with new software at regular intervals, use one of the transport scenarios (CTS or native SAP
Change Recording
You need to decide whether you want to record your changes in the development system and transport them
using your transport track. The following table provides a quick overview of the change recording options. Links
to more information are located in the Related Information section of this topic.
Options for Change Recording
Landscape Option Description
Change recording ena
The change recording function is delivered with the SAP HANA server installation and provides a
light-weight and out-of-the-box method to keep track of your software changes. If you use change
recording, you use SAP HANA Web-based Development Workbench or SAP HANA studio for your
SAP HANA development. Your software changes are recorded in changelists and you use one of
the transport scenarios described above to transport your development entities.
If you use change recording, see Setup of the Transport Landscape for the recommended land
scape scenarios.
Change recording not
If you do not use change recording, you still use SAP HANA Web-based Development Workbench
or SAP HANA studio for your SAP HANA development and you use one of the transport scenarios
described above to transport your development entities. However, choosing this option means
that you do not have any method to track changes, for example, if errors occur, you need to use a
dierent means to nd the source of the errors.
Related Information
Setting Up the Transport [page 20]
Setting Up and Using Native SAP HANA Transport [page 26]
Setting Up and Using CTS Transport [page 37]
SAP HANA Change Recording [page 63]
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
Setting Up the Transport
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Setup of the Transport Landscape [page 68]
Assembling Add-On Products and Software Components [page 86]
3.2 Setting Up and Using Native SAP HANA Transport
You use the Native SAP HANA Transport option to transport native SAP HANA objects.
You have enabled your system for Native SAP HANA Transport.
You have planned your transport scenario. This includes deciding which systems are required for
transports, and if you want to use change recording in the development system. For more information, see
Transport Scenarios in SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management. If you have enabled change
recording, see also Setup of the Transport Landscape.
If you transport native SAP HANA objects only and you do not have any ABAP transports or other non-SAP
HANA transport activites, then you should use the native SAP HANA transport.
You perform native SAP HANA transports on the target system, pulling the content from the source system
into the target system.
To use native SAP HANA transport, you must perform the following tasks.
1. Register your SAP HANA source systems.
On the SAP HANA target system, you must make the source system for transports known to the target
system. This includes entering the host and the XS engine port of the source system and maintaining the
transport destination in the SAP HANA XS Administration Tool.
2. Create transport routes.
A transport route denes the connection details, content and mode for the transport between SAP HANA
source and target systems.
3. Execute the transport on the specied transport routes.
Execute a transport operation that exports delivery units or a product from the source SAP HANA system
(dened in an HTTP destination) and imports them into the local (target) SAP HANA system.
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
Setting Up the Transport
You can trigger a transport with the privileges granted by a role based on the
sap.hana.xs.lm.roles::ExecuteTransport role template, you do not need to have the privileges of
a role based on the Lifecycle Management Administrator role template.
Related Information
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management [page 5]
Setting Up the Transport [page 20]
Register a System for a Transport Route [page 27]
Create a Transport Route [page 29]
Start the Transport [page 32]
Transport Scenarios in SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management [page 22]
Setup of the Transport Landscape [page 68]
3.2.1 Register a System for a Transport Route
In the context of a SAP HANA transport route, the system you register is an HTTP destination representing the
source system where the object you want to transport is located, for example a delivery unit (DU).
To register a system for a transport route, you must ensure the following prerequisites are met:
You are logged on to the SAP HANA system that is the target of the transport route.
A technical user must already exist on the source (HTTP destination) system you register in this step. The
technical user for SAP HANA application lifecycle management transport must not be an SAP HANA
restricted user and it requires privileges granted by a role based on the SAP HANA XS
sap.hana.xs.lm.roles::Transport user role template.
You have the privileges granted by a role based on the SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
sap.hana.xs.lm.roles::Administrator role template.
You have the privileges granted by roles based on the following SAP HANA XS role templates:
To create and register an HTTP destination as part of the setup of a transport route, you must have the
privileges required to create an HTTP destination conguration and, in addition, maintain the logon credentials
of an existing technical user on the destination system.
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
Setting Up the Transport
P U B L I C 27
1. Open the SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management.
The SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management is available on the SAP HANA XS Web server at the
following URL:
2. Choose the TRANSPORT tab.
3. Choose the System tab.
4. Register a new system.
Choose Register to start the registration process and enter the system details in the Register System
The name of the source SAP HANA system, where the delivery units you want to transport are located.
If you want to use a tenant database on a multiple-container system, make sure that you specify the
host of the tenant database here. You do this by adding the system ID (SID) of the tenant database as
an alias to the host name of the SAP HANA system. Use the following format:
<Host name of SAP HANA system>-<SID of tenant database>
For more information about where to get the SID of the tenant database, see Congure HTTP Access to
Multitenant Database Containers in the SAP HANA Administration Guide. A link to the guide is in the
Related Information section.
Host: or
Host: lo1234-DB1
XS Engine HTTP(S) Port
The port number of the XS Engine associated with the SAP HANA instance running on the host
specied in Host.
Choose Next to continue registering the system.
The Congure Destination panel appears.
5. Maintain the HTTP destination.
Choose Maintain Destination to display details of the HTTP destination you want to maintain in the SAP
HANA XS Administration Tool.
You must have the SAP HANA XS HTTPDestAdministrator role to complete this step.
6. Maintain details of the required technical user.
The technical user is required for the execution of the transport on the destination system.
a. In the Authentication panel of the HTTP Destination screen (in the SAP HANA XS Administration Tool),
select the method used to authenticate the user on the destination system, or tenant database, for
example, Basic.
If you want to use single sign-on, see Maintaining Single Sign-On for SAP HANA XS Applications in the
SAP HANA Administration Guide for more information. The link to the guide is in the Related
Information section.
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
Setting Up the Transport
b. Enter the name of the technical user described in the Prerequisites section. No check is made at this
point to ensure the validity of the user name (or the corresponding password) on the destination
c. Enter a password for the technical user.
7. Choose Save to make the changes to the HTTP destination conguration and close the SAP HANA XS
Administration Tool.
8. Choose Finish to create the new HTTP destination.
Before the changes are saved, a check is made to ensure a logon is possible on the destination system
with the user name and password provided. If the check fails, then a message appears with details.
You have registered an HTTP destination for communication with the source system, or with a tenant database
on this system.
If you use a tenant database, the SID column displays the system in the following format: <Name of tenant
database>@<Name of SAP HANA system>.
You can now create transport routes for the registered system.
You can modify registered systems by choosing Edit for a selected system.
You can delete registered systems by choosing Remove for a selected system. If you want to do this, you must
make sure that all transport routes which use this system are removed beforehand.
Related Information
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management [page 5]
3.2.2 Create a Transport Route
A transport route denes the conguration details which specify the source and target systems for a transport
To create a transport route for SAP HANA objects, you must ensure the following prerequisites are met:
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
Setting Up the Transport
P U B L I C 29
You are logged on to the target SAP HANA system.
You have the privileges granted by a role based on the SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
sap.hana.xs.lm.roles::Administrator role template.
You have registered the source system for the transport route that you want to congure on the target
A transport route species the source and target systems for a transport operation as well as additional details
about the objects to transport and the transport mode, for example, transport based on changelists or
transport based on complete delivery units. You can use the transport route to transfer a delivery unit between
a source system (dened in an HTTP destination on the target system) and a target system, which is the local
SAP HANA system that you are logged onto as the application lifecycle administrator.
To create a transport route, perform the following steps:
1. Open SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management.
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management is available on the SAP HANA XS Web server at the following
URL: http://<WebServerHost>:80<SAPHANAinstance>/sap/hana/xs/lm
2. Display the TRANSPORT tab.
Choose the Transports tab.
3. Create a new transport route.
Choose Create and use the Create Transport Route dialog to enter details of the new SAP HANA transport
route. If change recording is active in the system, some options are dierent.
Enter a name for the transport route.
Source System
Use the drop-down list to select the System ID (SID) of the SAP HANA source system on which the
delivery unit to transport is located. All systems that you have registered before as source systems are
available in the list.
After you have selected the source system the delivery units or the product instance changes to reect
the content of the selected source system. The transport mode may also change between Complete
Delivery Units and Selected Changelists or All Changelists.
Choose the content that you want to transport. If you select the Delivery Units option, delivery units are
transported. If you select the Product Instance option, product instances are transported. Depending
on which option you select, the system displays a list of delivery units or product instances that exist
on the source system.
You can select one or more (with the CTRL key) delivery units to include in the transport, but you can
select only one product instance.
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
Setting Up the Transport
If change recording is not active in the selected source system, the Complete Delivery Units Mode is
preselected. You cannot make any changes. The system always transports complete delivery units of
the selected delivery units or product instance.
If change recording is active in the selected source system, you have the following options for the
Selected Changelists
This transports all objects that are part of released changelists of the selected delivery units or the
product instance that were not yet transported to the target system. When you start the transport,
a dialog box with a list of changelists appears where you can select the changelists that you want
to transport.
All Changelists
This transports all changelists that are in status released for the selected delivery units or the
product instance. This transport mode corresponds to a transport of the complete delivery unit or
product instance.
For more information on the transport modes available with change recording, see Transport Modes in
Change Recording. The link to the topic is in the Related Information section.
Enter a meaningful comment in the Comment eld to enable others to dierentiate between the
transport routes. This is especially important if you work with a multitude of transport routes.
4. Save the details of the new transport route.
Choose OK to nish creating the new transport route.
You have created a new transport route. You can now start the transport on this transport route.
You can modify transport routes by choosing Edit for a selected transport route.
You can delete transport routes by choosing Remove for a selected transport route.
Related Information
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management [page 5]
SAP HANA Delivery Units [page 50]
Register a System for a Transport Route [page 27]
Transport Modes in Change Recording [page 70]
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
Setting Up the Transport
P U B L I C 31
3.2.3 Start the Transport
A transport operation enables you to move a delivery unit (DU) or a product between a source system (dened
in an HTTP destination) and a target system, which is the local SAP HANA system that you are logged onto as
the application lifecycle administrator.
To execute a transport using a dened SAP HANA transport route, you must ensure the following prerequisites
are met:
You can log on to the target system dened in the SAP HANA transport route.
A technical user with valid logon credentials exists on the source system specied in the SAP HANA
transport route.
You have the privileges granted by a role based on the SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
sap.hana.xs.lm.roles::ExecuteTransport role template.
To transport a DU or a product between a source system and a target system, perform the following steps:
1. Open the SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management on the SAP HANA target system.
The SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management is available on the SAP HANA XS Web server at the
following URL: http://<WebServerHost>:80<SAPHANAinstance>/sap/hana/xs/lm
2. Choose the TRANSPORT tab.
3. Choose the Transports tab.
4. Select the transport route on which you want to execute the transport.
5. Choose Start Transport.
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management displays the details of the transport you want to start in the
Start the Transport dialog.
Choose OK to start the transport.
If change recording is active in the selected source system and if transport mode Selected Changelists is
set in the transport route, the Transport of Changelists dialog box appears. Select the changelists that
you want to transport and choose Next.
If changelists exist in the same package that were released earlier than the ones that you want to attach
to the transport request, the predecessor changelists are also included in the transport request. You
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
Setting Up the Transport
must always transport the predecessors with the selected changelists. For more information, see
Predecessor Changelists in SAP HANA Change Recording. If you do not want to transport predecessor
changelists, you must modify your selection.
To see the objects of a changelist, ensure that the Show Objects eld is selected and select the Change ID
in the list.
The list of objects appears in Objects in the selected Changelist(s) section of the screen.
6. Choose Next.
7. Verify the DU/product name and the changelists and then choose Transport and Close.
If no errors occurred, the Transport completed successfully message appears at the bottom of your
screen. Check the transport logs by selecting the status message in the Last Transport column.
Related Information
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management [page 5]
Create a Transport Route [page 29]
Transport Modes in Change Recording [page 70]
Check the Transport Logs [page 47]
Predecessor Changelists in SAP HANA Change Recording [page 65]
3.2.4 Setting Up Native SAP HANA Transport for SAP HANA
Cloud Platform
If you want to perform native SAP HANA transports using SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management on
SAP HANA systems in the SAP HANA Cloud Platform, you must set up a trust relationship so that the SAP
HANA source system can be reached by the SAP HANA target system. This is required because systems in the
SAP HANA Cloud Platform can only be reached using HTTPS communication.
To set up the trust relationship you must exchange a certicate. This includes the following steps:
1. Export a certicate of the SAP HANA source system to a le.
2. Make the certicate that you exported from the source system known on the target system.
To do this, create a trust store on the SAP HANA target system and import the exported certicate le into
the new trust store.
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
Setting Up the Transport
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3. Make the conguration settings for native SAP HANA transport on the target system (register the SAP
HANA source system and create transport routes).
Export a Certicate on the Source System
1. Start SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management on the source system on SAP HANA Cloud Platform.
2. Use the Web browser's functions to export the certicate and save it to a le. The certicate must exist in
the DER encoded binary format.
The following is an example of how to export the certicate if you use Google Chrome.
1. Click on the Lock icon in the browser bar:
2. Choose the Connection tab.
3. Choose the Certicate Information link.
The certicate with which you are currently logged on is displayed.
4. In the Certicate dialog box, choose the Details tab.
5. Choose Copy to File for the certicate.
The Certicate Export Wizard opens.
6. Select the DER encoded binary format and choose Next.
7. Browse for a location where you want to store the le, enter a le name and choose Next. If the export
was successful, you get a success message.
Make the Certicate Known on the Target System
1. Start the SAP HANA XS Administration Tool of the SAP HANA target system of the SAP HANA Cloud
2. Start the Trust Manager.
3. To create a new trust store, choose Add. Type a name for the new trust store and choose OK.
The trust store appears in the Trust Store pane. You can now import the certicate that you exported on the
source system.
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
Setting Up the Transport
4. In the new trust store, go to the Certicate List tab and choose Import Certicate.
After successful import the source system certicate is known in the target system.
For more information on creating a trust store and importing certicates, see Managing Trust Relationships
in the SAP HANA Administration Guide.
Make the Conguration Settings for Native SAP HANA
All prerequisites are fullled as described in Setting Up and Using Native SAP HANA Transport and Register a
System for a Transport Route.
1. Start SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management of the SAP HANA target system of the SAP HANA
Cloud Platform..
2. Choose TRANSPORT System Register .
3. Enter the Host of the SAP HANA Cloud Platform source system (Example:, and enter 443 as XS Engine HTTP(S) Port. This is the only port that
allows HTTPS communication.
Then choose Next.
4. Choose Maintain Destination.
The SAP HANA XS Administration Tool opens.
5. Choose Edit to be able to make changes. Make the following settings:
Proxy Details:
Field Value
Proxy Type HTTP
Proxy Host If you use a proxy, enter your proxy host (Example:
Proxy Port If you use a proxy, enter your proxy port (Example:
User No entry
Password No entry
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
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Authentication Details:
Field Value
SSL Enabled On
Trust Store Select the trust store that you created beforehand
(which contains the certicate) from the dropdown list.
SSL Authentication Type Select Client Certicate.
Authentication Select Basic.
Enter <Your user>
Enter <Your password>.
6. Save your entries. Close the SAP HANA XS Administration Tool and choose Finish to nish registering the
Before the changes are saved, a check is made to ensure a logon is possible on the destination system with
the user name and password provided.
You have registered an HTTPS destination for communication with the source system. You can now create a
transport route for the registered system.
For more information about how to congure the connectivity for SAP HANA XS in cloud environments, search
for Connectivity for SAP HANA XS (Enterprise Version) in the Connectivity Service guide of the SAP Cloud
Platform documentation at
Related Information
Setting Up and Using Native SAP HANA Transport [page 26]
Register a System for a Transport Route [page 27]
Documentation on SAP HANA Cloud Platform
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
Setting Up the Transport
3.3 Setting Up and Using CTS Transport
You use the CTS Transport option to transport SAP HANA objects in transport landscapes where CTS is already
in place.
You have enabled CTS Transport in your SAP HANA source system.
You have planned your transport scenario. This includes deciding which systems are required for
transports, and if you want to use change recording in the development system. For more information, see
Transport Scenarios in SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management. If you have enabled change
recording, see also Setup of the Transport Landscape.
You have performed all conguration steps that are necessary on the AS ABAP to be able to perform SAP
HANA transports. For more information, search for Transporting Non-ABAP Objects in Change and
Transport System in the SAP NetWeaver documentation on SAP Help Portal, or see the guide How To ...
Congure SAP HANA for CTS. The link to the guide is in the Related Information section.
In the following cases we recommend that you use CTS transport:
If you already use CTS for transports of ABAP or other non-ABAP objects to manage transports of SAP
HANA objects using the CTS infrastructure.
If you use a change control solution (Change Request Management or Quality Gate Management in SAP
Solution Manager) to manage your transports.
You perform CTS transport activities on the source system, transporting the content from the source system
to the target system.
To use CTS transport, you must perform the following tasks.
1. Make the conguration settings for CTS transport in your SAP HANA source system.
On the SAP HANA source system, you congure an HTTP destination to the CTS communication system
and the representation of the source system in the CTS communication system.
2. To transport your development artifacts using CTS, you have the following options:
a. Export delivery units with CTS
You can execute a CTS transport for complete delivery units that are assigned to CTS if change
recording is not active in the SAP HANA system, or you can execute a transport of all released
changelists of specic delivery units, if change recording is active.
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
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P U B L I C 37
b. Export changelists with CTS
You can execute a CTS transport for selected changelists of DUs that are assigned to CTS, if change
recording is active in the SAP HANA system.
For more information on the transport of changelists, see Transport Modes in Change Recording.
Related Information
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management [page 5]
Setting Up the Transport [page 20]
Congure SAP HANA Systems for CTS Transport [page 38]
Export Delivery Units for CTS Transport [page 42]
Export Changelists for CTS Transport [page 43]
How To ... Congure SAP HANA for CTS
Transport Modes in Change Recording [page 70]
3.3.1 Congure SAP HANA Systems for CTS Transport
To use CTS transport, you need to congure both the SAP HANA system and the CTS communication system
(AS ABAP). This chapter covers only the steps that you need to perform in the SAP HANA system.
To congure the SAP HANA source system for CTS transport, you must ensure the following prerequisites are
You are logged on to the SAP HANA source system.
If you use multitenant database containers, make sure you are logged on to the correct source tenant
database. For more information, see the guide How-To Congure SAP HANA for CTS. The link to the
guide is in the Related Information section.
You have the privileges granted by a role based on the SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
sap.hana.xs.lm.roles::Administrator role template.
You have the privileges granted by roles based on the following SAP HANA XS role templates:
You have enabled CTS transport in SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management.
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
Setting Up the Transport
Conguration is required on the SAP HANA source system only. If you use multitenant database containers,
conguration is performed on the source tenant database. You have to congure the SID under which this
system is known in CTS (CTS upload system ID) and you have to congure an HTTP destination to your CTS
communication system to enable communication between the SAP HANA system and the CTS communication
The information about the target system for the transport is dened in the CTS communication system (AS
1. Open SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management on the SAP HANA source system.
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management is available on the SAP HANA XS Web server at the following
URL: http://<WebServerHost>:80<SAPHANAinstance>/sap/hana/xs/lm.
2. Choose the SETTINGS tab.
3. Congure the CTS system.
a. In the Transport section, choose Congure CTS System.
b. In the CTS Upload System dialog, under SID, you must enter the system ID of the SAP HANA source
system in CTS. This is the representation of the source system in the CTS communication system. The
SID of the SAP HANA system to which you are currently logged on is entered automatically. This is
usually correct.
c. Optional: Enter a comment.
d. The number of the export le format is pre-selected. It corresponds to the export le format used in
the current SAP HANA server. If you want to import the exported le in older SAP HANA server
versions, select a lower le format from the list. For a mapping between the le format and the SAP
HANA server version, see SAP Note 1984354. The link to the SAP Note can be found in the Related
Information section.
4. Congure the HTTP destination to the CTS communication system.
a. Choose Congure CTS Destination.
The HTTP Destination maintenance in the SAP HANA XS Administration Tool opens. If it opens in
display mode, switch to change mode if you need to change data.
b. Check that the data for the CTS communication system is displayed here.
c. In the Path Prex eld, enter the relative path to the appropriate Export Web Service as congured on
the CTS communication system. For more information on the CTS Export Web Service, refer to the
guide How-To Congure SAP HANA for CTS. The link to the guide can be found in the Related
Information section.
d. Enter the data in the Authentication section as required by the security policy in your company.
We recommend that you use SAP Assertion Ticket. For more information about how to set up your
system to use assertion tickets, see Authentication Assertion Tickets in the SAP NetWeaver Security
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
Setting Up the Transport
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If you want to use single sign-on, see Maintaining Single Sign-On for SAP HANA XS Applications in the
SAP HANA Administration Guide for more information. The link to the guide is in the Related
Information section.
e. Choose Save to make the changes to the HTTP destination conguration and close the SAP HANA XS
Administration Tool.
5. Choose Save to conclude conguring the CTS system.
Before the changes are saved, a check is made to ensure a logon is possible on the destination system
with the authentication data provided. If the check fails, then a message appears in the dialog and you
cannot save the data.
You have made the relevant conguration settings in SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management for CTS
Related Information
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management [page 5]
Setting Up the Transport [page 20]
How-To Congure SAP HANA for CTS guide
SAP Note 1984354
3.3.2 Change CTS Conguration
If you need to make changes to the CTS conguration (CTS upload system or CTS communication system),
you need to consider some important points.
To change the conguration on the SAP HANA source system for CTS transport, you must ensure the following
prerequisites are met:
You are logged on to the SAP HANA source system.
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
Setting Up the Transport
If you use multitenant database containers, make sure you are logged on to the correct source tenant
database. For more information, see the guide How-To Congure SAP HANA for CTS. The link to the
guide is in the
Related Information section.
You have the privileges granted by a role based on the SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
sap.hana.xs.lm.roles::Administrator role template.
You have the privileges granted by roles based on the following SAP HANA XS role templates:
You have congured CTS transport in SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management.
In general, we recommend that you do not change the CTS conguration. However, there are situations where
it might be required. Only change the conguration if you are an expert user.
Making changes to the CTS conguration can cause inconsistencies in your system landscape, because
changes to the conguration will not lead to a re-export of already exported changelists or delivery units. If you
have also made changes to the transport landscape, you may have to manually re-export the complete delivery
units to guarantee consistency, before performing new exports. To perform a re-export of DUs, choose CTS
Delivery Units Attach to transport request for the selected DUs.
If you only change the name of the upload system or the communication system, but the system and the
transport routes remain unchanged, you can continue to perform the transport of selected changelists.
1. To change the conguration of the CTS upload system, you can choose Congure CTS System and change
details in the dialog, such as the SID, or details of the HTTP destination.
2. If you want to change the CTS communication system, you must rst delete the CTS conguration. When
you have deleted the information, you can congure a new CTS communication system.
Concerning changes to the CTS communication system, read the recommendations described in SAP
Note 1715802.
Related Information
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management [page 5]
Congure SAP HANA Systems for CTS Transport [page 38]
SAP Note 1715802
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
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3.3.3 Export Delivery Units for CTS Transport
The export of delivery units (DUs) using CTS involves assigning them to CTS and exporting them.
To execute a transport using CTS, you must ensure that you have the privileges granted by a role based on
the SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management sap.hana.xs.lm.roles::ExecuteTransport role
The SAP HANA system must be enabled and congured for CTS transport.
To export DUs with CTS, perform the following steps:
1. Open the SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management.
The SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management is available on the SAP HANA XS Web server at the
following URL: http://<WebServerHost>:80<SAPHANAinstance>/sap/hana/xs/lm
2. Choose the CTS EXPORT tab.
3. Choose the Delivery Units tab if it is not open by default.
4. Choose Assign Delivery Units, if the DUs you want to transport are not assigned to CTS yet.
In the list of DUs displayed in the Assign Delivery Units dialog, select the Assigned to CTS checkbox to the
right of the DUs you want to export, then choose Save. Only DUs that are assigned to CTS can be exported
with CTS.
5. Select the DUs that you want to transport from the list and then choose Attach to transport request.
In the Start CTS Export dialog, you usually see a Transport Request ID, its description, and owner.
6. Verify the information and the transport request.
It depends on the conguration of your source system in CTS, whether a transport request is available
for selection or not (TMS Parameter WBO_GET_REQ_STRATEGY).
To display more details, or to change properties, choose Go to Tranport Organizer UI. Transport
Organizer Web UI is used to manage transport requests. This includes creating transport requests,
editing, and releasing them as well as changing details.
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
Setting Up the Transport
For more information, see the How To... Congure SAP HANA for CTS guide or Managing Transports of
Non-ABAP Objects in the CTS Plug-In documentation. The links can be found in the Related Information
7. To start the export, choose Export and Close in the Start CTS Export dialog.
The DUs are exported. If change recording is active in the system, the export is executed for all active objects
that are part of released changelists of the DU(s). After the export, check the log. To do this, choose Logs.
Depending on the conguration of your source system in CTS, you must release the transport request in the
CTS communication system so that it can be imported in the target system, or it is automatically released
(TMS Parameter WBO_REL_REQ_STRATEGY). To do this, choose Open Transport Organizer or use the link in the
export log. For more information, see the How To... Congure SAP HANA for CTS guide.
Related Information
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management [page 5]
Setting Up the Transport [page 20]
Congure SAP HANA Systems for CTS Transport [page 38]
How To... Congure SAP HANA for CTS
Check the Transport Logs [page 47]
3.3.4 Export Changelists for CTS Transport
The export of changelists using CTS involves assigning the corresponding delivery units (DUs) to CTS, and
exporting selected changelists of the DUs.
To execute an export of changelists for CTS transport, you must ensure that you have the privileges
granted by a role based on the SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
sap.hana.xs.lm.roles::ExecuteTransport role template.
The SAP HANA system must be enabled and congured for CTS Transport.
Change recording must be activated in the SAP HANA system and released changelists must exist.
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To export changelists, perform the following steps:
1. Open SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management.
The SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management is available on the SAP HANA XS Web server at the
following URL: http://<WebServerHost>:80<SAPHANAinstance>/sap/hana/xs/lm
2. Choose the CTS EXPORT tab.
3. Choose the Released Changelists tab.
4. If you have not yet assigned DUs to CTS, choose Assign Delivery Units and assign the DUs to CTS for which
you want to export changelists.
5. Choose Attach to Transport Request.
6. Select the released changelists (assigned to CTS DUs) to export and choose Next.
The system executes a predecessor check. If changelists exist in the same package that were released
earlier than the ones that you want to attach to the transport request the predecessor changelists are also
included in the transport request. You must always transport the predecessors with the selected
changelists. For more information, see Predecessor Changelists in SAP HANA Change Recording.
If you do not want to export predecessor changelists, you must modify your selection.
A list of objects for each changelist appears in Objects in the Changelist section on the screen.
7. Choose Next.
8. Verify the information and the transport request..
It depends on the conguration of your source system in CTS, whether a transport request is available
for selection or not (TMS Parameter WBO_GET_REQ_STRATEGY).
To display more details, or to change properties, choose Go to Tranport Organizer UI. Transport
Organizer Web UI is used to manage transport requests. This includes creating transport requests,
editing, and releasing them as well as changing details.
For more information, see the How To... Congure SAP HANA for CTS guide or Managing Transports of
Non-ABAP Objects in the CTS Plug-In documentation. The links can be found in the Related Information
9. To start the export, choose Export and Close in the Start CTS Export dialog,
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
Setting Up the Transport
The selected changelists are exported. After the export, check the export log. To do this, choose Logs.
Depending on your CTS conguration, you must release the transport request in the CTS communication
system so that it can be imported in the target system, or it is automatically released (TMS Parameter
WBO_REL_REQ_STRATEGY). To do this, choose Open Transport Organizer or use the link in the export log. For
more information, see the How To... Congure SAP HANA for CTS guide.
Related Information
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management [page 5]
How To... Congure SAP HANA for CTS
Transport Modes in Change Recording [page 70]
Predecessor Changelists in SAP HANA Change Recording [page 65]
3.4 Remarks on the Transport
If you transport the complete delivery unit (DU) or all changelists of a DU, either all active objects of a DU (if
change recording is not enabled) or all active objects that are part of released changelists of the DU (if change
recording is enabled) are transported.
During the transport process the following steps are executed:
1. On the source system: Export of the DU including its objects into a DU archive.
If change recording is not enabled, the DU archive contains all active objects of the DU. If change recording
is enabled, the DU archive contains the last active version of each object of the DU that is part of a released
2. Transfer of the DU archive including its objects to the target system.
3. Import of the objects of the archive and activation of the objects.
This can lead to the following results:
Native SAP HANA transport
If all objects of the archive can be successfully activated, the transport process nishes successfully
(return code 0). If one transported object cannot be activated, then the import of all transported objects is
rolled back. The transport process nishes with the return code 8. The DU archive is not in the system. If
change recording is enabled in the target system, the imported changelist is also not in the system and no
new changelist is created.
CTS transport
If all objects of the archive can be activated successfully, then the transport nishes successfully (return
code 0). If there are objects in the archive that cannot be activated, they are nevertheless imported in the
target system, but they receive the status broken. If an object that references another object in the archive
cannot be activated, the referenced object will also not be activated either and receives the status broken.
All the objects of the archive which can be activated are imported and activated. The transport process
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
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nishes with the return code 8. If change recording is enabled in the target system, the imported changelist
is in the system and a new changelist is created.
If objects outside of the transported archive reference objects in the transported archive, it is possible that
the referencing objects cannot be activated after the import. These objects are also in status broken after
the import. If you have broken objects after the import, you must repair them. SAP recommends that you
perform the correction in the source system and then transport the repaired objects to the target system to
ensure a consistent status in all systems.
Special Transport Situations
Packages that are unassigned from a DU can cause object deletions
If you transport the complete DU or all changelists of a DU, all active objects of packages that are assigned to
the DU are exported into a DU archive (.tgz le). When the archive is imported in the target system, the
objects that are part of the DU in the target system are overwritten by the content of the DU archive. If the
imported DU contains fewer packages than the same DU on the target system, because some packages were
unassigned from the DU (or re-assigned to another DU), the objects that are part of the missing packages will
be deleted on the target system. The packages will be unassigned from the DU on the target system and are
empty afterwards.
The following example illustrates this behavior for the transport of a complete DU or all changelists of a DU.
DU DEMO_DU contains the following objects in the target system:
Package with objects AAA.xsjs and AA.xsjslib
Package demo.bbb with object BBB.xsjs
Package demo.ccc with object CCC.xsjs
The transport of the DU archive of DEMO_DU contains the following objects:
Package with objects AAA.xsjs
Package demo.bbb with object BBB.xsjs
When the archive is imported in the target system, the following objects are deleted:
Object AA.xsjslib of package
Object CCC.xsjs of package demo.ccc
So the nal state of DU DEMO_DU on the target system is the following:
Package with object AAA.xsjs
Package demo.bbb with object BBB.xsjs
Dependencies of objects between DUs can cause activation errors
For native SAP HANA transport the following is valid: If objects of one DU have dependencies on objects of
another DU, then you must make sure that the dependent object is imported either at the same time or later
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
Setting Up the Transport
than the object on which it depends. Otherwise, the dependent object cannot be activated in the target system
and the import will be rolled back. If you have circular dependencies, the dependent DUs must be imported
simultaneously so that all objects can be activated successfully.
DEMO_DU contains privileges ( Application demo.bbb.Tester.hdbrole is
part of DU INTERNAL_DEMO_DU and refers to the privileges of DEMO_DU. If the DU INTERNAL_DEMO_DU is
transported rst, activation would fail because the required .xsprivileges object is not yet in the target
To avoid this situation, assign both DUs to the same transport route and perform the import for both DUs at
the same time. Alternatively, make sure that you import DEMO_DU before you import INTERNAL_DEMO_DU.
If you use CTS transport, SAP recommends that you assign DUs to the same transport request if objects in one
DU have dependencies on objects in the other DU. Alternatively, you can import the transport request that
contains the dependent object later than the transport request that contains the object on which it depends.
However, if neither option is possible, the transport request that contains the dependent object will still be
imported with CTS transport. If it is transported earlier than the object on which it depends, the job completes
with return code 8, as described above. The dependent object will remain broken in the system. As soon as a
transport request brings the object on which it depends, the broken object will be activated automatically.
Related Information
Consequences of Package - DU Reassignments [page 66]
3.5 Check the Transport Logs
The transport logs in SAP HANA application lifecycle management enable you to check the status of transport
The transport log allows you to monitor transport processes or analyze them after they are nished. SAP
HANA application lifecycle management has an integrated log for all transport activities that take place on the
SAP HANA system. This includes transport, export, and import activities.
The log is a list with multiple columns. An icon in the Status column gives a quick overview of the overall
success of the transport activity or whether it is still running. Each transport activity has a unique transport
action ID. If you click on the ID link, the detailed log view opens that contains more detailed information on the
activity. The RC (return code) column contains the overall return code for the transport activity. The following
return codes exist:
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
Setting Up the Transport
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Return codes in the transport log
Return code Description
0 Transport performed without errors.
4 Warnings were issued. All objects were transported successfully. There were however special actions for in
dividual objects that may not have been intentional, for example, a warning is issued during the export if the
transport contains an object deletion.
Read the warnings.
8 Individual objects could not be transported successfully. You must analyze and correct the errors.
12 A critical error has occurred, probably not caused by the contents of the transport. You must inform your
system administrator.
If there are transports with errors, analyze the cause of the error. The detailed view contains useful information.
It also displays return codes for individual actions in the transport process. All actions with a return code of 8 or
higher are highlighted in red.
You can perform the following tasks:
1. Open the SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management.
The SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management is available on the SAP HANA XS Web server at the
following URL: http://<WebServerHost>:80<SAPHANAinstance>/sap/hana/xs/lm
2. To access the transport logs, choose TRANSPORT Logs .
3. You can lter the log display according to various criteria, such as the return code, user, source and target
system, time, transport operation, or delivery unit name. By default, the lter criteria are hidden. To display
them, choose Show Filters.
4. You can display the detailed log view by clicking on the transport action ID.
You will get detailed information about the individual steps in the transport activity. You can see whether
the individual steps were successful or not from the color of the entry, the return code, and the error code.
For example, for CTS transport, the number of the transport request is provided to which the DUs or
changelists were assigned. Clicking on this link enables you to open Transport Organizer Web UI where you
can check the content of the transport request.
5. If transport processes run for more than two hours, you can end them. To do this, choose Stop Long
Running Processes.
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
Setting Up the Transport
4 Maintaining Delivery Units
A delivery unit (DU) is a collection of packages that are to be transported together. You assign all the packages
belonging to your application to the same DU to ensure that they are transported consistently together within
your system landscape. Each DU has a unique identity.
To maintain delivery units with the SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management, you must ensure the
following prerequisites are met:
You have access to an SAP HANA system.
You have been assigned the privileges granted by a role based on the SAP HANA
sap.hana.xs.lm.roles::Administrator user role template.
A vendor ID (repository namespace) is already dened.
The identity of a delivery unit consists of two parts: a vendor name and a delivery-unit name. The combined ID
ensures that delivery units from dierent vendors are easy to distinguish and follows a pattern that SAP uses
for all kinds of software components.
To create and manage delivery units you rst need to maintain the identity of the vendor, with whom the
delivery units are associated, and in whose namespace the packages that make up the delivery unit are stored.
As part of the vendor ID maintenance process, you must perform the following tasks:
1. Understand delivery units.
You must be familiar with the conventions that exist for delivery-unit names and understand the phases of
the delivery-unit lifecycle.
2. Maintain details of the vendor ID associated with a delivery unit.
Delivery units are located in the namespace associated with the vendor who creates them and who
manages the delivery-unit's lifecycle.
3. Create a delivery unit.
Create a transportable “container” to hold the repository packages in application.
4. Assign packages to a delivery unit.
Add to a delivery unit the repository packages that make up your application.
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5. Export a delivery unit.
You can export the contents of a delivery unit from the SAP HANA Repository to a compressed Zip archive,
which you can dowload to a client le system.
6. Import a delivery unit.
You can import the contents of a delivery unit into the SAP HANA Repository, for example, from a
compressed Zip archive, which you upload from a client le system.
Related Information
Maintain the Delivery-Unit Vendor ID [page 18]
Create a Delivery Unit [page 52]
Export a Delivery Unit [page 55]
Import a Delivery Unit [page 57]
4.1 SAP HANA Delivery Units
In SAP HANA, the delivery unit (DU) is the vehicle that SAP HANA application lifecycle management uses to
ship one or more software components from SAP (or a partner) to a customer .
Delivery Units correspond to an "application" with versions, for which support packages and patches are
delivered. Delivery units are not an equivalent to development classes; they are similar to Software Component
Versions in the Product Availability Matrix (PAM). You can also use the delivery unit to transport repository
content between SAP HANA systems, for example, between development systems or between development
and productive systems.
A governance plan exists for the naming of delivery units and the package structure.
A delivery unit is identied by the following key properties:
Used primarily to dene the identity of the company producing the software component to deliver, for
example, "sap". However, vendor can also be used to specify any customer implementing SAP HANA. To
create a delivery unit, it is a prerequisite to maintain a vendor in your system.
Used to identify the software component to be delivered
Although a vendor might provide multiple versions of a delivery unit in parallel, only one version of a delivery
unit can be installed in a HANA system at any one time. In addition, duplicate names are not allowed for
delivery units.
SAP HANA treats delivery units and their versions as software components and software-component versions.
Software components and software-component versions are usually shipped as part of a product (product
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
Maintaining Delivery Units
If you try to create a delivery unit using a name that already exists in your system, you will receive a
validation error. A validation error also occurs if the check for a valid vendor ID does not nd a suitable entry.
4.2 SAP HANA Delivery Unit Naming Conventions
The delivery unit (DU) is the vehicle that SAP HANA application lifecycle management uses to ship software
components from SAP (or a partner) to a customer. The DU is also the container you use to transport
application content in your system landscape. In SAP HANA, the name of a DU must adhere to conventions and
If you create a delivery unit, the name of the new delivery unit must adhere to the following conventions
A delivery-unit name must contain only capital letters (A-Z), digits (0-9), and underscores (_).
The name must start with a letter.
The maximum length of a delivery-unit name must not exceed 30 characters
The naming conventions for packages in a delivery unit dier from the naming conventions that apply to the
delivery unit itself. For example, the maximum length of a package name is not restricted to 30 characters;
however, it must be less than 190 characters (including the namespace hierarchy).
4.3 The SAP HANA Delivery-Unit Lifecycle
In SAP HANA, application lifecycle management includes all the activities you need to plan and perform to
ensure that the software components you develop for SAP HANA are produced and shipped in a regulated way
that meets the requirements laid out for the SAP HANA platform.
For example, you need to plan, manage, and maintain the application versions you want to ship, and you need
to ensure that a stable plan exists to provide support for existing and all future versions of your application.
SAP HANA application lifecycle management uses the delivery unit (DU) as a vehicle to ship one or more
software components from SAP (or a partner) to a customer. Delivery units correspond to an "application" with
versions, for which support packages and patches are delivered. You can also use the delivery unit to transport
content between SAP HANA systems, for example, between development systems or between development
and production systems.
Delivery units are not to be confused with development classes; delivery units are similar to software
component versions in the Product Availability Matrix (PAM).
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
Maintaining Delivery Units
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The Application-Development Lifecycle
Application development on SAP HANA requires a server-centric lifecycle for design-time objects, which are
the development artifacts that you store in the SAP HANA repository. As an application developer, you check
out design-time content from the repository and edit a copy of the checked-out artifact in the local le system
on your personal computer (PC). The following steps provide a brief, high-level overview of the development
lifecycle for design-time content:
1. Check out design-time content.
Check out the package containing the design-time artifacts that you want to work on (if the package
already exists).
2. Edit the design-time content.
Edit the copies of the design-time artifacts, which are stored in your SAP HANA repository "workspace" on
your local le system; the local copies of the design-time artifacts are created during the checkout process.
3. Commit changes to design-time content.
Committing the changes you have made to the design-time artifacts creates new versions of the artifacts
in the SAP HANA repository. Note that identical (unchanged) versions of a le are not committed.
4. Activate changes to design-time content.
Activating the changes you have made to the design-time artifacts makes these changes available to
applications and to other users, creating runtime objects where necessary.
4.4 Create a Delivery Unit
A delivery unit (DU) is a group of transportable packages that contain objects used for content delivery. You
can use the SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management to create a DU for your application content or your
software component.
To create a delivery unit with the SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management, you must ensure the following
prerequisites are met:
You have access to an SAP HANA system.
You have the privileges granted by a role based on the SAP HANA
sap.hana.xs.lm.roles::Administrator user role template.
The vendor ID is dened for the DU; the vendor ID denes the repository namespace in which the new DU
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
Maintaining Delivery Units
You use a DU to transport the design-time objects that are stored in the SAP HANA repository between two
systems, for example, from a development system to a consolidation system. To create a new delivery unit
using the SAP HANA application lifecycle management, perform the following steps.
1. Open SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management.
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management is available on the SAP HANA XS Web server at the following
URL: http://<WebServerHost>:80<SAPHANAinstance>/sap/hana/xs/lm
2. Choose the PRODUCTS tab.
3. Choose the Delivery Units tab.
4. Choose Create.
The New Delivery Unit dialog box appears.
5. Enter details for the new DU.
When entering details, note the following points:
The eld is mandatory and you must follow strict naming conventions, for example, use capital letters.
This eld is mandatory. However, you cannot enter a vendor here; the box is populated by the value you
enter when dening the vendor in the SETTINGS tab.
Version numbers must take the form “#.#.#”, for example, 1.0.5, where:
1 = the DU version number
0 = the support package version (if required)
5 = the patch version (if required)
The numbers you enter here refer to the application component that you are developing; the
numbers do not refer to the patch or service-pack level deployed on the SAP HANA server.
6. Choose Create.
The new delivery unit is added to the SAP HANA repository in the namespace specied by the vendor ID
and the application path.
7. Check the status bar at the bottom of the browser window for error messages. Choose the message link to
display the message text.
You have created a delivery unit.
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Maintaining Delivery Units
P U B L I C 53
Related Information
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management [page 5]
SAP HANA Change Recording [page 63]
4.5 Assign Packages to a Delivery Unit
By default, a new delivery unit (DU) is empty; you must assign packages to it manually.
To assign packages to a DU with the SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management, you must ensure the
following prerequisites are met:
You have access to an SAP HANA system.
You have the privileges granted by a role based on the SAP HANA
sap.hana.xs.lm.roles::Administrator user role template.
A DU contains one or more packages. You must assign the packages to the DU manually. You can also remove
(unassign) packages from a DU and edit the details of a package. A package can only be assigned to one DU. To
assign packages to a DU, perform the following steps:
1. Open the SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management.
The SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management is available on the SAP HANA XS Web server at the
following URL: http://<WebServerHost>:80<SAPHANAinstance>/sap/hana/xs/lm
2. Choose the PRODUCTS tab.
3. Choose the Delivery Units tab.
4. Select the DU to which you want to assign some packages.
The Assigned Packages panel displays the current contents of the selected DU.
To remove (unassign) a package from a DU, select the package and choose Unassign.
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
Maintaining Delivery Units
5. Assign new packages to the DU.
Choose Assign and select the name of the package you want to assign to the DU.
Ensure that the Select sub-packages eld is selected.
6. Choose Check for Unassigned to ensure that you have selected all packages and sub-packages that you
want to assign to the DU.
If you have missed a sub-package, select it from this dialog box and choose Assign.
7. Check the status bar at the bottom of the browser window for error messages. Choose the message link to
display the message text.
Related Information
Create a Delivery Unit [page 52]
4.6 Export a Delivery Unit
You can export a delivery unit (DU), for example, to a le, for your application content or your software
components using the SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management.
To export a delivery unit with the SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management, you must ensure the following
prerequisites are met:
You have access to an SAP HANA system
You have the privileges granted by roles based on one of the following SAP HANA user role templates:
A DU is a group of transportable objects used for content delivery. You can use a DU to transport the design-
time objects that are stored in the SAP HANA repository between two systems, for example, from a
development system to a consolidation system.
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If a system is congured to work with change recording, all activated objects must be approved before their
release. Only released objects are exported from that system.
If a system is not congured to work with change recording, all active objects in a delivery unit are exported.
To export a DU (for example, from the SAP HANA repository to a le) using the SAP HANA Application Lifecycle
Management, perform the following steps.
1. Open the SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management.
The SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management is available on the SAP HANA XS Web server at the
following URL: http://<WebServerHost>:80<SAPHANAinstance>/sap/hana/xs/lm
2. Choose the PRODUCTS tab.
3. Choose the Delivery Units tab.
4. Select the DU you want to export.
In the Delivery Units list, locate and select the DU you want to export to a le.
You can check the details and contents of the selected DU in the Details and Assigned Packages panels
5. Export the selected DU.
To start the export, choose Export.
The Export Delivery Unit to File screen appears where you can select the le format for export. By default
the newest le format is selected. If you want to import the DU into older SAP HANA servers, you can
select an older le format. For more information on export le formats, you can choose the ? icon on the
screen and see SAP Note 1984354. The link to the SAP Note can be found in the Related Information
If you choose Export, a dialog appears that enables you to specify the location where you want to save the
exported DU, for example, on a local le system.
Depending on the browser settings, the import might start automatically or the le location might not be
requested. For example, you have created a default location for all download operations.
Related Information
SAP Note 1984354
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
Maintaining Delivery Units
SAP HANA Change Recording [page 63]
4.7 Import a Delivery Unit
You can import a delivery unit (DU), for example, from a le, for your application content or your software
components using the SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management.
To import a delivery unit with the SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management, you must ensure the following
prerequisites are met:
You have access to an SAP HANA system
You have the privileges granted by a role based on the SAP HANA
sap.hana.xs.lm.roles::Administrator user role template.
The package name of the DU does not exist in the system.
Package names are case-insensitive. If you have a package name with only upper-case and lower-case
dierences, the import fails because the system sees this as a duplicate. To import the DU, either delete
the package from the system and then import the DU or rename the new package.
A DU is a group of transportable objects used for content delivery. You can use a DU to transport the design-
time objects that are stored in the SAP HANA repository between two systems, for example, from a
development system to a consolidation system.
To import a delivery unit (for example, from a le to the SAP HANA repository) using the SAP HANA Application
Lifecycle Management, perform the following steps.
1. Open the SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management.
The SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management is available on the SAP HANA XS Web server at the
following URL: http://<WebServerHost>:80<SAPHANAinstance>/sap/hana/xs/lm
2. Choose the PRODUCTS tab.
3. Choose the Delivery Units tab.
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4. Choose Import
5. Select the DU you want to import.
Choose Browse to display a le explorer, which you can use to locate the DU you want to import, and
choose Open.
Exported DUs have the le extension .tgz, for example, MyDU.tgz.
The Conrm Import of Delivery Unit screen appears containing the list of objects included in that DU.
6. Conrm that this is the DU that you want to import.
Choose Import to import the selected delivery unit.
The import operation overwrites any identical objects in the target system with the content of the
imported DU.
Related Information
SAP HANA Change Recording [page 63]
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
Maintaining Delivery Units
5 Maintaining Products
A product contains one or more delivery units. A delivery unit (DU) is a collection of packages that logically
belong together. You assign delivery units to a product to ensure that they are transported consistently
together within your system landscape.
To maintain products with the SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management, you must ensure the following
prerequisites are met:
You have access to an SAP HANA system.
You have the privileges granted by a role based on the SAP HANA
sap.hana.xs.lm.roles::Administrator user role template.
A vendor ID is already dened.
You have created at least one DU.
To create and manage products, you rst need to maintain the DUs which you assign to the product. A DU
requires a vendor ID, the name of the vendor with whom the DUs are associated and in whose namespace in
the SAP HANA repository the packages that make up the DU are stored. As part of the product maintenance
process, you must perform the following tasks:
1. Create a product.
2. Assign delivery units to a product.
Related Information
Create a Product [page 60]
Assign a Delivery Unit to a Product [page 61]
Maintaining Delivery Units [page 49]
Maintain the Delivery-Unit Vendor ID [page 18]
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Maintaining Products
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5.1 Create a Product
Use the SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management to create a product and its components.
To perform this task, you must ensure the following prerequisites are met:
You have access to an SAP HANA system.
You have the privileges granted by a role based on the SAP HANA XS
sap.hana.xs.lm.roles::Administrator user role templates.
The vendor ID is already dened for the delivery units you assign to the product.
A product contains one or more delivery units, packages, and can contain applications associated with the
packages. To use the SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management to create a new product, perform the
following steps:
1. Open the SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management.
The SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management is available on the SAP HANA XS Web server at the
following URL: http://<WebServerHost>:80<SAPHANAinstance>/sap/hana/xs/lm
2. Choose the PRODUCTS tab.
3. Choose the Products tab.
4. Choose Create.
The New Product dialog box appears.
5. Dene the details of the new product.
a. Specify a name for the new product.
The Vendor box is populated with the value dened in the SETTINGS tab; you cannot enter or change
the value here.
b. Optional: Enter a Version, and a Description for the product.
c. Optional: Create a default instance (with the instance ID 1) for the product by selecting the
corresponding check box and entering a name for the instance.
Each product version requires at least one product instance. The product instance indicates the entity
that is to be installed. If you do not create the product instance now, you must do it later when you
assign delivery units to the product. You can then enter an instance ID from 1 to 999, and a name for
the instance.
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
Maintaining Products
6. Create the new product.
Choose Create to add the new product to the list of products displayed in the Products tab.
The new product is empty at this stage; you must assign one or more delivery units to it.
Related Information
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management [page 5]
Assign a Delivery Unit to a Product [page 61]
5.2 Assign a Delivery Unit to a Product
A product can contain one or more product instances which can contain one or more delivery units. You must
assign the delivery units (DU) manually to the product instances of the product.
To assign DUs to a product, you must ensure the following prerequisites are met:
You have access to an SAP HANA system.
You have the privileges granted by a role based on the SAP HANA XS
sap.hana.xs.lm.roles::Administrator user role template.
The vendor ID is already dened for the DUs you assign to the product.
To use the SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management to assign an existing delivery unit to a product ,
perform the following steps.
1. Open the SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management.
The SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management is available on the SAP HANA XS Web server at the
following URL: http://<WebServerHost>:80<SAPHANAinstance>/sap/hana/xs/lm
2. Choose the PRODUCTS tab.
3. Choose the Products tab.
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4. Select the product to which you want to assign a DU or DUs.
In the list of products displayed on the left-hand side of the Products tab, select the product to which you
want to assign a DU.
5. If no product instance exists for the product, rst create a product instance.
a. In the Instances and Assigned Delivery Units panel, choose Instance New .
b. Enter a number between 0 and 999 as ID.
c. Optional: Enter a description.
6. If a product instance exists for the product, assign a DU to the selected product instance.
a. Choose Assign Delivery Unit to display a list of available DUs.
b. In the Assign Delivery Units dialog locate the DUs you want to assign to the selected product instance
and choose Assign.
The assigned DUs are immediately removed from the Assign Delivery Units list and added to the
Assigned Delivery Units list for the selected product instance.
c. Close the dialog after having assigned all relevant DUs.
Related Information
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management [page 5]
Create a Product [page 60]
Maintaining Delivery Units [page 49]
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
Maintaining Products
6 SAP HANA Change Recording
Change recording in SAP HANA is the infrastructure to keep track of changes during SAP HANA development.
It provides the following functions:
Automatic Recording and Grouping of Object Changes
When change recording is enabled, you are prompted to assign your changes to a changelist when you
activate a repository object in your development environment. You can group the objects that you want to
transport together in one changelist.
We recommend that you assign objects of only one DU to the same changelist. If you use native SAP HANA
transport, you should congure the transport route accordingly for the same DU, and if you use CTS
transport, you should assign this DU to CTS and trigger the transport of changelists for this DU. This way,
you make sure that all objects that belong to packages of this DU and that are part of a changelist are
transported together.
Decoupling of Activation and Transport
When change recording is not enabled, a transport of a delivery unit contains all active objects that are
contained in the packages of the delivery unit. You can only transport the entire delivery unit, no matter
whether the objects are ready for transport or not. Change recording allows you to make changes to
individual objects of a delivery unit and transport only these in changelists whenever they are ready for
transport. Only released changelists can be transported. The objects are transported in the state in which
they were at the point in time when the changelist was released.
Dierent Transport Modes
The changelist-based transport can be set up in two modes: Either all changelists that were ever released
in one or more delivery units or a product, or selected changelists in one or more delivery units or a
product can be transported.
Transport of products is only supported using native SAP HANA transport.
If you use native SAP HANA transport, you congure the transport mode when you register the system for
a transport route. If you use CTS transport, you select whether you want to attach Released changelists or
Delivery Units to a transport request when you perform an export for CTS in SAP HANA Application
Lifecycle Management.
Predecessor Calculation of Changes
If a changelist contains objects from the same package that depend on objects in other changelists that
are released but not yet transported, the system detects these and includes them in the transport as well.
Team Development
Multiple team members can work on the same development objects (and use the same changelist). The
changelist can only be released when all team members have indicated that the objects are ready for
transport by approving their contribution to the changelist. The objects that are part of the changelist are
locked for developers who do not contribute to the changelist.
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SAP HANA Change Recording
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The functions of change recording are integrated in the XS user interface SAP HANA Application Lifecycle
Management. In your development environment (SAP HANA studio, or SAP HANA Web-based Development
Workbench), you can start this UI using the context menus. For example, in the Developer Perspective of SAP
HANA studio in the Repositories view, you choose Change Management, and in the Project Explorer view, you
choose Team HALM Change Management . In the Editor of SAP HANA Web-based Development
Workbench, choose
Navigation Links Lifecycle Management .
There is an eclipse-based change view available as part of SAP HANA studio. However, to benet from all
functions, we recommend that you use the XS UI using the context menu.
Related Information
Transport Modes in Change Recording [page 70]
Setup of the Transport Landscape [page 68]
Enable SAP HANA Change Recording [page 77]
Predecessor Changelists in SAP HANA Change Recording [page 65]
6.1 Technical Details of Initial Change Recording Setup
When you enable change recording in SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management, all active objects of the
system are included in a base changelist.
You should enable change recording in development systems. These are the source systems for transports. To
guarantee a consistent system state, SAP recommends that you enable change recording before you start
your development activities.
Change recording is intended to be enabled one time when the system is set up. It is not intended to be enabled
and disabled multiple times for a system. For compatibility reasons, change recording is disabled initially when
a new system is installed. If you want to use it, enable it in SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management and
continue using it.
You can also start using change recording at a later point in time during your development process, for
example, after performing an upgrade.
When you select the checkbox to enable change recording, all active objects of the system that belong to
packages assigned to a delivery unit (DU) are added to an initial changelist. This process is called creating a
base changelist. Depending on the point in time when change recording is enabled, creating the base
changelist can take some time.
This base changelist is not visible in the system. However, when the rst changelist is transported for a DU that
contains real changes, the base changelist with all active objects of packages that are assigned to the DU is
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
SAP HANA Change Recording
also transported to the target system. This ensures that the target system has exactly the same state as the
source system.
DU ABC contains one hundred objects at the time when change recording is enabled. All one hundred
objects are included in the base changelist and will be released with it. After you enable change recording,
you modify one object of DU ABC and you assign it to a changelist. Then you release the changelist and
transport it. Even though the changelist that you release and transport only contains one modied object, all
the one hundred objects of the released base changelist that are part of DU ABC are also included in this rst
If you use CTS transport, you can see the DU archive of the base changelist that contains the complete DU
as an additional .tgz le next to the .tgz le created for the changelist in Transport Organizer Web UI. If
you use native SAP HANA transport, the base changelist is not visible in the transport.
Since enabling change recording means that all active objects of the system that belong to packages assigned
to a DU are initially transported to the target system, you should make sure beforehand that you actually want
to have all objects that are part of the DU in the source system also available in the target system. For example,
some test objects or local objects may exist that you do not require in the target system. Therefore, check in
your development environment for each delivery unit whether there are packages or objects that you want to
remove from the delivery unit before enabling change recording.
The point in time is important when the transport (native SAP HANA transport) or export (CTS transport) of
the rst changelist is performed. If change recording was enabled when the DU was empty, but the transport
(native SAP HANA transport) or export (CTS transport) is executed when packages are assigned to the DU,
all the objects that belong to packages assigned to the DU are transported in the base changelist along with
the rst changed object.
Related Information
Enable SAP HANA Change Recording [page 77]
6.2 Predecessor Changelists in SAP HANA Change
For SAP HANA application lifecycle management, predecessor changelists are those that were released earlier
than the selected changelists, which were not transported yet and that contain objects from the same
If you want to transport individual changelists, the system may calculate predecessor changelists that must be
included in the transport. If all of the following prerequisites are met, a changelist is identied as a predecessor
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It was released earlier than the selected changelist.
It was not transported to the target system yet.
It contains objects from the same SAP HANA repository packages as objects in the selected changelist.
The following released changelists are in your source system:
Example of predecessor changelists
Changelist Release Time
Changelist 1 (, demo.bbb)
Released on 01.01.2015
Changelist 2 (demo.ccc)
Released on 02.01.2015
Changelist 3 (demo.bbb)
Released on 03.01.2015
If you select changelist 3 for transport, SAP HANA application lifecycle management detects changelist 1 as
predecessor (because both changelists contain objects from the package demo.bbb) and includes it in the
transport. You must transport it along with changelist 3.
If the changelists are imported successfully (without activation errors), SAP HANA application lifecycle
management stores the information about which changelist was transported as the last one for each
package. Changelists that were transported once are no longer oered for transport.
6.3 Consequences of Package - DU Reassignments
Reassigning packages from one delivery unit to another can cause inconsistencies.
SAP recommends that you do not reassign packages from one delivery unit to another, because
inconsistencies can occur.
At some point during development, you might want to move packages that were already transported with a
specic delivery unit (DU) to another one. If you need to do this, you must bear in mind that you need to keep
the follow-on systems consistent. Inconsistencies that can occur in the process dier, depending on the
transport scenario you are using.
If you can avoid it, do not reassign packages from one DU to another.
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
SAP HANA Change Recording
Transport of selected changelists
The transport of selected changelists is performed by selecting the following setting in the respective transport
For native SAP HANA: transport mode Selected changelists
For CTS transport: CTS EXPORT Released Changelists
If change recording is enabled in the source system and the transport is based on selected changelists, it is
possible that after a DU reassignment, changelists that were transported earlier are retransported. For
example, this can occur if some objects in a changelist were not transported, because these objects in the
changelist belong to packages from a dierent DU. If you reassign the package to the DU later, the changelist
will be oered for transport. When transported, the DU includes not only the objects from the reassigned
package, but also all other DU objects in the changelist that were transported before. Further, other changelists
that were transported previously might need to be transported again because they contain objects from the
same DU that are newer than objects of the changelist that was retransported initially.
DU A has the packages and demo.bbb assigned to it. DU C has the package demo.ccc assigned. contains object AAA.xsjs.
demo.bbb contains object BBB.xsjs.
demo.ccc contains object CCC.xsjs.
Changelist 1 contains all three objects AAA.xsjs, BBB.xsjs, and CCC.xsjs.
If changelist 1 is transported for DU A, objects AAA.xsjs and BBB.xsjs are transported, because
transports are always based on DUs and only objects are transported that are assigned to packages of the
selected DU. Object CCC.xsjs is therefore not transported. If you reassign package ccc to DU A and you
transport any changelist that contains objects from the package demo.ccc (DU A), changelist 1 will be
transported again for DU A (and potentially many other previously transported changelists that contain
objects from packages in the DU).
Only reassign packages if the target system has exactly the same state as the source system.
Avoid including objects from more than one DU in one changelist.
Do not make any modications in the target system. Always transport your changes from the development
system to the target system. This also applies to corrections.
Transport of complete DUs
If change recording is enabled, the transport of complete DUs is performed by selecting the following setting in
the respective transport track:
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SAP HANA Change Recording
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For native SAP HANA: transport mode All changelists
For CTS transport: CTS EXPORT Delivery Units
If change recording is enabled in the source system and the transport is based on complete DUs, it is possible
that 'unassigned' objects or packages are deleted in the target system. The following example illustrates this.
DU A has the packages aaa and bbb assigned to it. After you transported DU A to a target system, DU A has
objects from both packages aaa and bbb in the target system.
If you reassign package bbb to a DU B in the source system and you transport the complete DU A to the
target system, the package
bbb and all its objects will be deleted in the target system.
Only after DU B is transported to the target system, will package bbb and its objects appear in the target
For more information on this subject, see the Special Transport Situations in Remarks on the Transport.
Related Information
Remarks on the Transport [page 45]
6.4 Setup of the Transport Landscape
Before you start working with change recording you must decide how you want to set up the systems in your
transport landscape.
As a general rule, you enable change recording only in the development system and not in the follow-on
systems (test and production systems).
SAP recommends that you enable change recording in the development system only.
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
SAP HANA Change Recording
If change recording is enabled in the development system, all changes that you make in the development
system are recorded in changelists.
After the changelists are transported to the test system, you can perform your tests there. If you need to
correct an error, you make the corrections in the development system and subsequently transport the
corrections in changelists to the test system.
Always change objects in the development system. If you do this, you can guarantee that all the follow-on
systems in the transport track are consistent.
There are dierent scenarios available to set up your transport landscape when you use change recording. The
decision regarding when to use what depends on whether you use CTS transport or native SAP HANA
transport and whether you want to transport selected changelists or complete delivery units (all released
changelists of delivery units (DUs)) from the test to the production systems.
Transport Scenarios for the Transport to Production Systems
When the tests are nished and all errors are corrected, you have the following options for the transport to the
production systems:
You can continue to transport changelists to the production systems.
This is required if you use CTS transport. For more information, see the CTS and Changelists topic. The link
is included in the Related Information section.
If you use native SAP HANA transport, SAP recommends that you do not use this option. If you
nevertheless want to transport changelists to the production systems, see the Native SAP HANA and
Selected Changelists topic. The link is included in the Related Information section.
You can transport the complete DU from the test system to the production systems.
If you use native SAP HANA transport, we recommend that you use this option. This guarantees maximum
consistency in the production systems for this transport scenario. For more information, see Native SAP
HANA and Complete DU.
If you use CTS transport, SAP recommends that you do not transport the complete DU from the test
system to the production system, because this would involve a new export on the test system. In this case,
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
SAP HANA Change Recording
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you cannot use the SAP tools for change control (Change Request Management and Quality Gate
Management of SAP Solution Manager).
Transport Options
Transport Option CTS Transport Native SAP HANA Transport
Transport of Selected
CTS and Changelists Native SAP HANA and Selected Changelists
Transport of Complete DU
(All Changelists)
Not recommended Native SAP HANA and Complete DU
Instead of transporting the software to the production systems, you can use assembly and install as
mentioned in Transport Scenarios in SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management.
Related Information
Transport Modes in Change Recording [page 70]
Transport Scenarios in SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management [page 22]
CTS and Changelists [page 74]
Native SAP HANA and Selected Changelists [page 75]
Native SAP HANA and Complete DU [page 76]
6.4.1 Transport Modes in Change Recording
When change recording is enabled, you must choose a mode for the transport: You can either transport
selected changelists in a delivery unit (DU), or all changelists in the DU.
Depending on whether you use native SAP HANA transport or CTS transport, you set the transport mode at
dierent points in time of the transport process.
Native SAP HANA transport
If you use native SAP HANA transport, you set the transport mode when you create the transport route in
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management. You can choose to transport Selected Changelists or All
Changelists for a DU or a product version.
Remember that native SAP HANA transports are “pull” transports. The transport conguration
(connection to source system and creation of transport routes) is performed on the target system and
the objects are pulled from the source system to the target system.
For more information, see Create a Transport Route.
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
SAP HANA Change Recording
CTS transport
If you use CTS transport, you decide on the transport mode before you attach objects to transport
requests in the development system. You do this on the CTS EXPORT tab in SAP HANA Application
Lifecycle Management. If you want to transport selected changelists, you select the Released changelists
tab, assign the DU to CTS, and attach selected changelists to a transport request. If you want to transport
all changelists in a DU, you select the Delivery Units tab, assign the DU to CTS, and attach it to a transport
Characteristics of the Transport Modes
Transport of Selected Changelists or Released Changelists
If you choose this mode, every time you trigger a transport, you can select the released changelists that you
want to transport. Only released changelists can be transported. If any of the selected changelists contains
predecessor changelists, then they are included in the transported as well.
As a prerequisite for the transport, all objects in the changelist must be assigned to a package that is assigned
to a DU. The transport route must also be congured for this DU. Additionally, for CTS transport, the DU must
be assigned to CTS. For more information, see
Recommendations on the Transport of Changelists.
Make sure that all objects in the changelist belong to packages that are assigned to a DU. Otherwise, these
objects are not transported. The system displays a warning icon for changelists in which only parts can be
transported. However, the transportable parts are still transported.
For each changelist, a .tgz le (DU archive) is imported into a workspace on the SAP HANA target system.
This means that for multiple changelists, multiple DU archives (.tgz les) are imported. Activation of the
objects occurs once – at the end of the import process.
After transporting selected changelists, these changelists are no longer available for transport.
This mode allows exible transports, because individual changes can be transported. The performance is
usually good, because usually only few objects are transported. Consistency is guaranteed because
predecessor changelists are calculated.
Transport of All Changelists or Delivery Unit
If you choose this mode, all active objects in the DU that are part of released changelists are transported. This
mode provides a fast and productive way of transporting the entire DU. You can use this mode if you want to
make sure that no active objects in the DU that are part of released changelists are excluded from the
The transport entitiy is one DU archive (.tgz le).
Related Information
Create a Transport Route [page 29]
Export Delivery Units for CTS Transport [page 42]
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Export Changelists for CTS Transport [page 43]
Predecessor Changelists in SAP HANA Change Recording [page 65]
Remarks on the Transport [page 45]
Understanding of native transport of changes in HALM
Recommendations on the Transport of Changelists [page 72]
6.4.2 Recommendations on the Transport of Changelists
In general, we recommend that you assign objects of packages assigned to only one delivery unit (DU) to a
changelist to ensure consistent transport of all objects in the changelist.
The following recommendations are valid for the native SAP HANA transport of changelists, both for the
transport modes Selected Changelists and All Changelists.
For CTS transport, you must make sure that all objects that you want to transport belong to packages in DUs
that are assigned to CTS transport. If a DU is not assigned to CTS transport, the related objects are not
transported and you are not notied about this.
We recommend that you make sure that all objects of a changelist are transported on one transport route. To
ensure this, the following prerequisites must be met:
All objects in the changelist must be assigned to packages that are assigned to a delivery unit (DU).
The transport route must be congured for this DU.
In this case, all objects of the changelist are transported when you start the transport on this transport route,
and the changelist will no longer be oered for transport.
DU A has the package aaa assigned to it and DU B has the package B assigned to it. Transport route TAB is
congured for DUs A and B. Changelist CL1 contains objects of packages aaa and bbb. When you transport
CL1 on transport route TAB, all objects that are part of this changelist are transported.
Problems if the objects in one changelist are transported on dierent transport routes
If for some reason there are objects of packages of more than one DU in the same changelist and you use a
transport route that is not congured for all DUs, only the objects in the packages of the assigned DU will be
transported. The objects in the other DUs will not be transported on this transport route.
In this case, you must transport the changelist on both transport routes to make sure that all objects are
transported. Depending on the transport route, only objects in packages of the assigned DU are transported.
DU A has the package aaa assigned to it, DU B has the package bbb assigned to it, and DU C has the
package ccc assigned to it. Transport route TAB is congured for DUs A and B. Transport route C is
congured for DU C. Changelist CL2 contains objects of packages aaa, bbb, and ccc. When you start the
transport for changelist CL2 on transport route TAB, all objects of the DUs A and B (packages aaa and bbb)
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
SAP HANA Change Recording
are transported. Objects of DU C (package ccc) are not transported on this transport route. However, when
you start the transport of selected changelists on transport route C, the changelist is oered for transport.
Only objects of DU
C (package ccc) will be transported. When you start the transport of all changelists on
transport route C, the complete DU C will be transported.
We do not recommend that the transport is distributed on dierent transport routes.
If you are in the situation that you have congured dierent transport routes for dierent DUs and you cannot
transport all objects of the changelist in one transport, we recommend that you proceed as follows: To make
sure that all objects are transported on the same transport route, re-assign all packages with related
developments to the same DU. Keep in mind the Consequences of Package - DU Reassignments. The link is in
the Related Information.
Only if you cannot assign all related packages to the same DU, you can congure the transport route for
multiple DUs to make sure that the objects of related developments are transported together.
If you encounter performance issues when working with change recording, see the blog about Performance
aspects by transporting of HANA change objects (see link below).
Related Information
Blog: Understanding of native transport of changes in HALM
Blog: Performance aspects by transporting of HANA change objects
Consequences of Package - DU Reassignments [page 66]
Transport Modes in Change Recording [page 70]
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SAP HANA Change Recording
P U B L I C 73
6.4.3 CTS and Changelists
If you use CTS transport, you can set up your transport track in such a way that object changes are made in the
development system only and that changes are transported in changelists to the follow-on systems in your
transport track.
When you congure your transport track, you must keep the following points in mind:
Enabling of change recording
Change recording is enabled in the development system and it is disabled in all follow-on systems.
Conguration of transport routes in CTS
You dene a consolidation route between the development and the test system and a delivery route
between the test and the production system.
Transport Mode
To add the changelists to a transport request, you choose CTS EXPORT Released changelists on the
development system in SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management.
Conguration of non-ABAP systems in CTS
The development system is congured as source system in CTS, and all other systems are congured as
target systems.
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
SAP HANA Change Recording
6.4.4 Native SAP HANA and Selected Changelists
If you use native SAP HANA transport, you can set up your transport track in such a way that object changes
are made in the development system only and that the changes are transported in changelists to the test
system as well as to the production systems.
SAP does not recommend this landscape setup. If change recording is also enabled in the test system, a
new changelist is created in the test system when changelists are imported, no matter how many
changelists are imported. There is no relation between the imported changelists and the new changelist. The
new changelist would be used for further transport. Therefore, the ow of software changes through the
landscape cannot easily be tracked.
To obtain this transport behavior, you must make the following conguration settings:
Enabling of change recording
Change recording is enabled in the development system and in the test system. It is disabled in the
production system.
Transport routes in SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
You congure all transport routes with transport mode Selected Changelists. For more information, see
Create a Transport Route.
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Related Information
Create a Transport Route [page 29]
6.4.5 Native SAP HANA and Complete DU
If you use native SAP HANA transport, you can set up your transport track in such a way that object changes
are made in the development system only and that changes are transported in changelists from the
development system to the test system. From the test system, complete delivery units are transported to the
production system. This requires exports both in the development and in the test systems.
To obtain this transport behavior, you must make the following conguration settings:
Enabling of change recording
Change recording is enabled in the development system, and it is disabled in the test system and the
production systems.
Transport routes in SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
You must congure the transport route between the development and the test system with the transport
mode Selected Changelists, and the subsequent transport routes with the transport mode Complete DU.
For more information, see Create a Transport Route.
Related Information
Create a Transport Route [page 29]
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
SAP HANA Change Recording
6.5 Enable SAP HANA Change Recording
You enable change recording in your development system to manage changes to repository objects.
An SAP HANA system is available.
You have the privileges granted by a role based on the sap.hana.xs.lm.roles::Administrator user
role templaet.
You have informed yourself about the implications of enabling change recording. For more information, see
Technical Details of Intial Change Recording Setup. The link to this topic is in the Related Information
The system administrator should enable change recording. If a system is congured to work with change
recording, the activation of a repository object prompts developers to assign the object to a changelist. A
changelist thus contains a list of one or more changed objects. This allows you to work on a development
object or artifact and release the changelist only when the object is ready to be transported to the test system.
This provides more precise control over which objects are transported from the development system. An
object’s changelist must be released in order to be included in the export in which the delivery unit containing
the object is transported. Releasing a changelist does not trigger any automatic semantic checks but is a
manual conrmation by you that the objects are consistent and ready for transport.
1. Open the SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management.
The SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management is available on the SAP HANA XS Web server at the
following URL: http://<WebServerHost>:80<SAPHANAinstance>/sap/hana/xs/lm.
2. Choose the SETTINGS tab.
3. Select the Enable Change Recording checkbox.
When you enable change recording for your development system, the system initially records all active
objects in the system. This process may take some time. During the process, the UI does not respond
and there is no progress indicator telling you that the base changelist is being created. For more
information, see Technical Details of Intial Change Recording Setup.
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SAP HANA Change Recording
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Change recording is enabled.
If you want to disable change recording, rst verify that there are no open changelists in the system. You can
disable change recording by repeating these steps and deselecting the Enable Change Recording checkbox.
Related Information
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management [page 5]
Technical Details of Initial Change Recording Setup [page 64]
6.6 Create Changelists
You can create a changelist in SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management for your user, and add
contributors to it.
Change recording is enabled in your development system.
You have the priviliges granted by a role based on the SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
sap.hana.xs.lm.roles::DevelopmentExpert role template.
You usually create a changelist while you are editing an object in the SAP HANA development environment.
When you activate changes to an SAP HANA repository object, you are prompted to assign the changes to a
changelist. If no changelist is available, you can create a new one.
Alternatively, you can create a changelist in SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management. This is useful, for
example, if you are a project manager and you want to create a changelist for multiple users who work closely
together. You can add a description to the changelist, for example, to further specify for which developments
the changelist is to be used.
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
SAP HANA Change Recording
1. Open the SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management.
The SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management is available on the SAP HANA XS Web server at the
following URL: http://<WebServerHost>:80<SAPHANAinstance>/sap/hana/xs/lm.
2. Choose the CHANGES tab.
3. Choose Create.
4. Optional: Add a description for the changelist that you want to create and choose Create.
The changelist is created in the status Open with you as a contributor. A unique changelist ID is created.
The changelist is added to the list of changelists on the left hand side of the screen. On the right hand side
of the screen, the details of the changelist are displayed. This includes an Contributions area as well as an
Objects area. Both areas are initially empty.
5. Optional: You can add more users as contributors to the changelist. To do this, choose Add in the
Contributions area and select the users that are supposed to work on the changelist.
You can add a comment to the contribution. When prompted for a changelist in the development
environment, this changelist is oered for selection to the contributors. The changelist can only be
released if all contributors have approved their contributions.
6. Optional: You can change the changelist description. To save the changed description, choose Save.
You have created a changelist. If required, you have added contributors to the changelist.
All contributors to the changelist can now assign their changes to the changelist.
You can also remove contributors from the changelist, as long as it is an empty contribution.
You can delete a changelist, as long as it is open and no objects are assigned to it.
Related Information
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management [page 5]
Assign Objects to Changelists [page 80]
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6.7 Assign Objects to Changelists
You can assign an object to a changelist if change recording is congured and enabled in your development
Change recording is enabled in your development system.
You have the following system priviliges on the SAP HANA system:
If you assign objects in your development environment: REPO.MODIFY_CHANGE,
If you want to move objects in SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management from one changelist to
another: privileges granted by a role based on the sap.hana.xs.lm.roles::DevelopmentExpert
role template.
You have the following options to assign objects to changelists:
You can assign objects while you are performing software development in your SAP HANA development
environment. Change recording is integrated in SAP HANA studio and Web-based Development
Workbench. If change recording is enabled, the system prompts you to assign the object to a changelist
when you activate the object.
If the change recording is disabled from the SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Managmement system, the
information will not be reected in the activation process until the SAP HANA Studio is restarted.
You can move objects from one open changelist to another open changelist in SAP HANA Application
Lifecycle Management.
The following is an example of assigning objects in SAP HANA Web-based Development Workbench.
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SAP HANA Change Recording
Assign objects in SAP HANA Web-based Development
1. Open the SAP HANA Web-based Development Workbench Editor tool.
The Editor tool is available on the SAP HANA XS Web server at the following URL: http://
2. When you create or activate changes to an existing object, a dialog window opens where you can select or
create a changelist to which you can assign the object.
a. If you are already contributor to changelists, these changelists are displayed in the table. You can select
the relevant changelist for the object and choose Assign.
b. To create a new changelist, choose New Changelist .... Enter a description for the changelist, and
choose Create. You can assign the object to the new changelist.
Move objects from one changelist to another
1. Open the SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management.
The SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management is available on the SAP HANA XS Web server at the
following URL: http://<WebServerHost>:80<SAPHANAinstance>/sap/hana/xs/lm.
From the SAP HANA Web-based Development Workbench Editor tool, you can choose Navigation Links
Lifecycle Management to open the SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management.
2. Choose the CHANGES tab.
3. Select a changelist that contains objects that you want to move to another changelist.
4. In the Objects area, select the objects that you want to assign to another changelist, and choose Move.
5. Select the target changelist and choose Move.
Related Information
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management [page 5]
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SAP HANA Change Recording
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6.8 Approve Contributions to Changelists
By approving your contribution to the changelist, you mark that your work on the changelist is nished. The
changelist can only be released after all contributors have approved their contribution.
Change recording is enabled in your development system.
You have made a contribution to the changelist.
You have the priviliges granted by a role based on one of the SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
role templates:
To approve your own contribution: sap.hana.xs.lm.roles::Developer role
To approve contributions of others: sap.hana.xs.lm.roles::DevelopmentExpert role
1. Open the SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management.
The SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management is available on the SAP HANA XS Web server at the
following URL: http://<WebServerHost>:80<SAPHANAinstance>/sap/hana/xs/lm.
2. Choose the CHANGES tab.
a. To approve your own contribution: Choose Approve My Contribution.
b. To approve contributions of others: In the Contributions area, select the user whose contribution you
want to approve and choose Approve.
3. You can enter a comment that is saved for your contribution. Choose OK.
The status of the contribution changes from open to approved.
The contribution to the changelist was approved.
As long as the changelist is open, you can edit the comment of the contribution.
Related Information
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management [page 5]
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
SAP HANA Change Recording
6.9 Release Changelists
After all contributions of changelists are approved, you can release the changelist.
Change recording is enabled in your development system.
You have the priviliges granted by a role based on the SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
sap.hana.xs.lm.roles::DevelopmentExpert role template.
The contribution status must be approved for all contributors of a changelist before you can release the
changelist, and the changelist status must be Open.
1. Open the SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management.
The SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management is available on the SAP HANA XS Web server at the
following URL: http://<WebServerHost>:80<SAPHANAinstance>/sap/hana/xs/lm.
2. Choose the CHANGES tab.
3. From the list of open changelists, select the changelist that you want to release.
4. If all contributors have approved their contributions, you can choose Release.
If the Release button is greyed out make sure that all contributions are approved and that the changelist is
in status Open. The status of the changelist changes from Open to Released.
The changelist is released and it is ready to be transported.
If you have left the default lter settings unchanged, the released changelist disappears from the list of open
To display it, change the lter settings so that released changelists also appear in the list. If you select the
released changelist, details are displayed, including the release date and time and the user who released it.
Related Information
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management [page 5]
Filter and Search for Changelists [page 84]
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6.10 Filter and Search for Changelists
The lter function allows you to lter the changelists according to dierent lter criteria and display all
changelists that meet the criteria. If the list of displayed changelists is very long, you can search the list for
specic changelists.
Change recording is enabled in your development system.
You have the priviliges granted by a role based on one of the SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
role templates:
Filter Changelists
1. Open the SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management.
The SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management is available on the SAP HANA XS Web server at the
following URL: http://<WebServerHost>:80<SAPHANAinstance>/sap/hana/xs/lm.
2. Choose the CHANGES tab.
By default, changelists are displayed that correspond to the following criteria:
Status Open.
Local changelists
Log-on user is contributor of the changelist
The lter criteria are displayed next to the Set Filter link.
3. To change the lter criteria, choose Set Filter.
4. In the Filter dialog box, lter options are available, such as contributor, creator, release interval,
contribution status, or changelist status. To remove the lter for a specic lter criterion, select the blank
eld from the dropdown list of the lter criterion. If you deselect the Only Local Changelists option,
changelists that were imported into the current system are displayed in addition to changelists that were
created locally in the system. You can only deselect this option if you also change the default value for
changelist status.
If you remove the lter for the changelist status, it is possible that changelists in status Suspended are
displayed. A changelist gets the status Suspended if change recording is disabled while the changelist is in
status Open. If change recording is later re-enabled, previously open changelists can no longer be used.
However, to provide a history of changelists, they are documented in the system with the status
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
SAP HANA Change Recording
You have the following options:
To display the changelists according to the specied lter criteria without closing the dialog box,
choose Apply.
To close the dialog box and display the changelists according to the specied lter criteria, choose
Apply and Close.
To reset the lter criteria to the default values, choose Reset.
To close the dialog box without applying the selected lter criteria, choose Close.
The changelists that meet your lter criteria are displayed in the list.
When you restart SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management, the default lter settings are re-set.
Search for Changelists
1. Enter the character string for which you want to search in the search eld.
Use a sequence of characters that really exists. You cannot use wildcards. All the changelists that
correspond to your string and that match the currently selected lter are displayed in a dropdown list.
2. If the changelist you were searching is in the dropdown list, select it there.
The details of the changelist are displayed.
Related Information
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management [page 5]
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
SAP HANA Change Recording
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7 Assembling Add-On Products and
Software Components
To ship SAP HANA add-on product archives or software components archives, you must bring the developed
software into a format that can later be installed in another system. To do this, you use the hdbalm assemble
You have modeled and developed your SAP HANA content along the guidelines laid out in the SAP HANA
Developer Guide.
You have access to hdbalm and you have the permissions required to use hdbalm. For more information,
see the link to Using hdbalm in the Related Information section.
Add-on product archives are *.zip les that contain one or more software component archives plus the
metadata les stack.xml and pd.xml required for installation.
Software component archives are *.zip les (in previous versions, also *.sar les exist as software
component archives) that contain one delivery unit archive le each plus (optionally) corresponding translation
DUs and the metadata le
SL_MANIFEST.XML required for installation. Support Packages or patches to add-on
products are usually shipped as single software component archives.
For more information on the archive types, see SAP HANA Content in the SAP HANA Administration Guide. The
link to the guide is in the Related Information section.
You can build *.zip archives for add-on products and software components using the hdbalm assemble
command. These can later be installed using SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management.
When assembling your developments into installable archives, the required metadata les are added to the
archives which contain relevant installation information, such as required database versions, or other
dependencies. In addition, you can add language DUs to the archives.
For more information on the assemble command, see the Related Information section.
1. Start a command line client and navigate to the directory where hdbalm is located.
You can also add this directory to your path.
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
Assembling Add-On Products and Software Components
2. Start the assembly of your product or software components.
a. Use the assemble command with the options that you require.
For information on the available options, you can use the hdbalm help assemble command. You
can also read the
hdbalm assemble Command documentation. The link is in the Related Information
To assemble an add-on product, you can specify one product name or multiple software component
If no errors occur, the assembled product archive le or software component archive les can be found in the
local directory or in the directory that you specied.
If errors occur during the assembly, an error message indicates the reason for the error and the system
provides a log le with more detailed information.
Related Information
hdbalm assemble Command [page 127]
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management [page 5]
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
Assembling Add-On Products and Software Components
P U B L I C 87
8 Installing and Updating SAP HANA
Products and Software Components
SAP HANA application lifecycle management provides functions for installing and updating SAP HANA
products that you have downloaded from the SAP Support Portal, or that you have assembled yourself.
SAP HANA products consist of software components which are deployed to the SAP HANA repository. You
have the following options to install and update SAP HANA products and software components:
Using a SAP Fiori application integrated in the SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management XS
application. This application can be started in the following ways:
Start the SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management on the SAP HANA XS Web server at the
following URL: http://<WebServerHost>:80<SAPHANAinstance>/sap/hana/xs/lm.
Afterwards, choose the INSTALLATION tab or tile.
Start SAP HANA cockpit at the following URL: http://<host_FQDN>:<port>/sap/hana/admin/
cockpit. Afterwards, choose the Install Products and Software Components tile in the SAP HANA
Application Installation and Update
For more information about how to start SAP HANA cockpit, see Open SAP HANA Cockpit in this SAP
HANA Administration Guide. The link is in the Related Information section.
For more information about using SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management to install and update SAP
HANA products and software components, see Installing and Updating SAP HANA Products and Installing
and Updating SAP HANA Software Components.
Using the hdbalm commandline tool.
To start hdbalm, start a command line client and navigate to the directory where hdbalm is located. You
can also add this directory to your path.
For more information about using hdbalm to install and update SAP HANA products and software
components, see Using hdbalm and hdbalm install Command in the SAP HANA Application Lifecycle
Management Guide.
Related Information
Installing and Updating SAP HANA Products [page 89]
Installing and Updating SAP HANA Software Components [page 91]
Installation and Update Options [page 93]
Using hdbalm [page 114]
hdbalm install Command [page 123]
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management [page 5]
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
Installing and Updating SAP HANA Products and Software Components
8.1 Installing and Updating SAP HANA Products
You can install and update SAP HANA products using SAP HANA application lifecycle management.
You have a product archive of an SAP HANA product that you want to install or update.
An SAP HANA product archive is a *.zip le that contains one or more software component archives
as well as metadata les. For more information about the archive types that are used to deliver SAP
HANA content, read the information about SAP HANA content in the SAP HANA Administration Guide.
You have the privileges granted by a role based on the SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
sap.hana.xs.lm.roles::Administrator role template.
1. Open the SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management.
The SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management is available on the SAP HANA XS Web server at the
following URL: http://<WebServerHost>:80<SAPHANAinstance>/sap/hana/xs/lm.
2. Choose the INSTALLATION tab.
3. Click in the Archives selection eld to select a product archive from your le directory that you want to
install or update.
The product archive is uploaded. The header area contains information about the product version,
including the action that is to be performed: Installation or Update.
4. The Product Instances tab lists all product instances that are part of the archive.
For each product instance, the result of a software component check is displayed.
The following results can occur:
The product instance can be installed.
The product instance contains one or more software components that are already installed in newer
versions than the ones to be installed. The installation of this product instance would lead to a
downgrade of these software components. Downgrades are not allowed. To continue the installation of
the product, you have to set the installation/update option Keep newer version of software component.
In this case, the downgrading software components will skipped during the installation of the product
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Installing and Updating SAP HANA Products and Software Components
P U B L I C 89
If it is required that you install the software component that causes the downgrade, for example, if
the newer version has errors and you want to revert to the previous version, you can use the
install command of hdbalm with the option ALLOW_DU_DOWNGRADE to enable the downgrade.
However, use this option with care, since this may aect other installed products which require the
newer version of this software component.
Some software components are installed already
If software components are already installed in the same version, by default, the system skips their
installation during the installation/update of the product instance. If you want to reinstall the same
version, you can set the option Overwrite the same version of software component in the installation
and update options.
Click in the line of the product instance to display more information about the software components that
are part of the product instance. For each software component, a status is displayed, as well as the
installed version and the new version. If you click on the status icon, you get more information about the
5. If required, set installation or update options.
The options allow you to override the default behavior of the installation or update for specic situations.
Use them with care. For more information about the options, see Installation and Update Options.
6. Select product instances for installation.
You can individually select single product instances. To install all instances, select the Instance check box in
the header row.
All instances of the product, that are already installed on your system will automatically be checked for
updates. If the archive that you uploaded contains newer versions for one or several software components,
they will automatically be updated. It doesn’t matter whether you selected the respective instance for
7. To start the installation, choose Install.
The system displays the progress of the individual installation steps. You can click on each step to expand
the log of the step.
If errors occur during the installation or update, an error message indicates the reason for the error and the
system provides a log with more detailed information. If you cannot solve the problem and you need to open a
customer message, ensure that you assign it to the message component of the SAP HANA software
component or product instance that caused the error. The Support Information tab contains the relevant
information. Do not assign the message to the component of SAP HANA application lifecycle management
since this may slow down the problem solving process.
If the installation or update nished successfully, you can start another installation using New Installation.
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
Installing and Updating SAP HANA Products and Software Components
Related Information
Installation and Update Options [page 93]
Installing and Updating SAP HANA Products and Software Components [page 88]
8.2 Installing and Updating SAP HANA Software
You can install and update SAP HANA software components using SAP HANA application lifecycle
You have one or multiple archives of SAP HANA software components that you want to install or update.
An SAP HANA software component archive is a *.zip le that contains one delivery unit archive
(*.tgz) as well as metadata les. For more information about the archive types that are used to deliver
SAP HANA content, read the information about SAP HANA content in this SAP HANA Administration
Software components which need to be installed at the operating system level, such as Application
Function Libraries (AFLs), are not installed using SAP HANA application lifecycle management.
You have the privileges granted by the SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
sap.hana.xs.lm.roles::Administrator role.
1. Open the SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management.
The SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management is available on the SAP HANA XS Web server at the
following URL: http://<WebServerHost>:80<SAPHANAinstance>/sap/hana/xs/lm.
2. Choose the INSTALLATION tab.
3. Click in the Archives selection eld to select one or multiple software component archives from your le
directory that you want to install or update.
The software component archives are uploaded. For each software component the following information is
The following status values exist:
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
Installing and Updating SAP HANA Products and Software Components
P U B L I C 91
The software component is not yet installed and can be installed.
The software component is already installed and can be updated to a higher version.
The software component is already installed in a newer version than the one that is to be installed.
The installation of this software component would lead to a downgrade. Downgrades are not
allowed. You cannot continue to install the software component.
If it is required that you install the software component that causes the downgrade, you can use
the install command of hdbalm with the option ALLOW_DU_DOWNGRADE to enable the
downgrade. However, use this option with care, since this may aect already installed products
which require the newer version of this software component.
Already installed
If software components are already installed in the same version, by default, the system skips their
installation during the installation/update. If you want to reinstall the same version, you can set the
option Overwrite the same version of software component in the installation and update options.
Version that is already installed in the system
New version that is to be installed
Whether the software component is part of a product that is already installed.
Information relevant for the support
4. If required, set installation or update options.
The options allow you to override the default behavior of the installation or update for specic situations.
Use them with care. For more information about the options, see Installation and Update Options.
5. To start the installation, choose Install.
The system displays the progress of the individual installation steps. You can click on each step to expand
the log of the step.
If errors occur during the installation or update, an error message indicates the reason for the error and the
system provides a log with more detailed information. If you cannot solve the problem and you need to open a
customer message, ensure that you assign it to the message component of the
SAP HANA software
component that caused the error. You can nd this information in the support information of the component.
Do not assign the message to the component of SAP HANA application lifecycle management since this may
slow down the problem solving process.
If the installation or update nished successfully, you can start another installation using New Installation.
Related Information
Installation and Update Options [page 93]
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
Installing and Updating SAP HANA Products and Software Components
Installing and Updating SAP HANA Products and Software Components [page 88]
8.3 Installation and Update Options
Installation and update options are available that allow you to inuence the installation and update behavior, if
Installation and Update Options
Option Corresponding Installation Op
tion in hdbalm
Overwrite the same version of
software component
ALLOW_DU_SAME_VERSION By default, the system does not install a software
component if the same version is already installed.
It is possible to override this behavior in the follow
ing situations:
If a previous installation operation failed, for
example, because of activation errors.
If you run continuous integration scenarios in
which the same version of a software compo
nent is installed regularly.
Keep newer version of software
If the product instance to be installed contains soft
ware components with lower versions than the in
stalled ones, installing the software component in
the lower version would lead to a downgrade of this
software component. This is not allowed. You can
not install a downgrading software component. If
you want to install the product instance without the
downgrading software components, you can use
this option.This option is useful if a software com
ponent is part of several products. If the product to
be installed contains the software component in a
version which is lower than the one already instal
led, you can choose to retain the newer version. In
this case, the installation of the software compo
nent is skipped.
Allow version update ALLOW_DU_VERSION_UPDATE Allows version updates of software components.
In some cases, for example, if a software compo
nent is part of several products, a version update of
a software component could render one product in
operable. If the system detects an inconsistency, it
aborts the operation. You can use this option to
turn o this behavior.
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Option Corresponding Installation Op
tion in hdbalm
Roll back installation if activation
errors occur (default)
This is the default behavior in
By default, the installation is canceled if any activa
tion errors occur and the complete installation is
rolled back.
Installation is also rolled back if you modied ob
jects in your system and a modied object cannot
be activated because it references an object that is
part of the installation archive. This can occur, for
example, if a procedure or view references a table in
the archive.
Ignore activation errors of refer
encing objects
If an installation fails since an object outside of the
archive cannot be activated due to references to an
object in the archive, you can repeat the installation
with this activation option. In this case, the object
remains broken in the system after the installation,
but the installation itself nishes successfully. You
must correct the errors manually after the installa
You can check the transport log after performing
the installation without this option to nd out
whether the activation errors were caused by ob
jects in the archive or outside of the archive. After
repeating the installation with this option, check the
transport log to nd out which objects must be re
paired afterwards.
Related Information
hdbalm install Command [page 123]
Installing and Updating SAP HANA Products and Software Components [page 88]
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
Installing and Updating SAP HANA Products and Software Components
9 Installing and Updating Products and
Software Components in SAP HANA XS
Advanced Model
Application lifecycle management for SAP HANA XS advanced model provides functions for installing and
updating products as well as individual software components of SAP HANA XS advanced that you have
downloaded from the SAP Support Portal.
The prerequisites described under Prerequisites and Authorizations are fullled. The link to the topic is in
the Related Information.
You have an SAP HANA XS advanced product or software component archive that you want to install or
An SAP HANA XS advanced software component archive is a *.zip le that consists of a multi-target
application archive (MTA archive = *.mtar le) and an SL_MANIFEST.xml le that contains metadata,
such as version, vendor, support package, and patch level for the MTA archive.
An SAP HANA XS advanced product archive is a *.zip le that consists of one or multiple software
component archives plus a pd.xml and a stack.xml le. Both les contain metadata for the product,
such as version, support package level, and vendor.
From SPS 11, SAP HANA includes an additional run-time environment for application development: SAP
HANA extended application services (XS), advanced model. SAP HANA XS advanced model represents an
evolution of the application server architecture within SAP HANA by building upon the strengths (and
expanding the scope) of SAP HANA extended application services (XS), classic model. SAP recommends
that customers and partners who want to develop new applications use SAP HANA XS advanced model. If
you want to migrate existing XS classic applications to run in the new XS advanced run-time environment,
SAP recommends that you rst check the features available with the installed version of XS advanced; if the
XS advanced features match the requirements of the XS classic application you want to migrate, then you
can start the migration process.
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Installing and Updating Products and Software Components in SAP HANA XS
Advanced Model
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To install and update products and software components in SAP HANA XS advanced, the xs install
command is available in the XS advanced command-line interface (CLI). Using this command you can install or
update one product archive or one software component archive at a time.
1. Start the XS advanced command-line interface (CLI).
2. Log on to the SAP HANA XS advanced runtime in the organization and space in which you want to install or
update the product or software component.
To do this, use the xs login command with the following arguments and options:
Argument/Option Description
SAP HANA database user with the permissions as descri
bed in the Prerequisites section
organization in which the installation or update takes
space in which the installation or update takes place
Sample Code
xs login - u demo -p test -o demoorg -s demospace
For more information, see the XS CLI: Logon and Setup topic in SAP HANA Developer Guide (for SAP HANA
XS Advanced Model). The link is in the Related Information section.
3. Start the installation or update of the product or software component.
The xs install command is available in the XS advanced CLI both for installing product and software
component archives in XSA and updating these. The xs install command detects whether the archive
is a product archive or a software component archive. It also detects whether the product or software
component is installed already and subsequently executes either an installation or update operation.
Enter the xs install command and specify the path to the archive. If required, enter any additional
options. For example, to install a specic instance of a product, you can use the -i option and specify the
product instance. Or to make sure that the entity you are about to install is a product, you can add the -pv
option. In this case, the installation is only performed if you specify a product archive for the xs install
command. If you specify a software component archive, the installation is not performed.
Sample Code
xs install .../sap_demo/target/
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
Installing and Updating Products and Software Components in SAP HANA XS
Advanced Model
Instead of xs install you can also use the xs ins alias. For more information on the options, see
Installation and Update Options in XS Advanced Model. For installation examples, see Examples: Installing
and Updating Products and Software Components in XS Advanced Model. The links are in the Related
Information section.
Before installing or updating the product or software component, the system performs dierent checks. If no
errors are found, the system performs the installation or update with the arguments and options that you
specied. During the process, the product installer calls the deploy service that performs the actual
deployment. Afterwards, the product installer registers the product or software component as installed.
If the installation or update cannot be performed, it is possible, in some situations, to use additional options to
override the default behavior of the system. For more information, see Checks Before Installing or Updating
Products or Software Components in XS Advanced Model and Installation and Update Options in XS Advanced
If errors occur during the installation or update, an error message indicates the reason for the error and the
system provides a log with more detailed information. If you cannot solve the problem and you need to open a
customer message, ensure that you assign it to the message component of the SAP HANA product or software
component that caused the error. Do not assign the message to the component of SAP HANA application
lifecycle management since this may slow down the problem solving process.
To display the correct log le, use one of the following commands with the log ID that you nd in the result of
the installation or update process.
To display the log of a product installation, use the display-installation-logs command with the --
pv option.
xs display-installation-logs <log ID> --pv
To display the log of a software component installation, use the display-installation-logs
command with the --scv option.
xs display-installation-logs <log ID> --scv
Related Information
Prerequisites and Authorizations [page 98]
Installation and Update Options in XS Advanced Model [page 102]
Examples: Installing and Updating Products and Software Components in XS Advanced Model [page 104]
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
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Advanced Model
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9.1 Prerequisites and Authorizations
The following prerequisites have to be fullled when you use functions required for installing and updating SAP
HANA products and software components in SAP HANA XS advanced model.
The XS advanced run time is installed and available on the SAP HANA server.
For more information, see Installing XS Advanced Runtime in the SAP HANA Server Installation and Update
Optional when using the command line interface (CLI): The XS command line client is installed on your
local machine.
The XS CLI client tools are installed by default on the SAP HANA server. You can log on to the server and
execute the installation command there. However, if you want to connect to SAP HANA from your local
machine, you must download and install the client tools locally. The XS CLI client tools
(xs.onpremise.runtime.client_<platform>-<version>.zip) can be downloaded from the SAP
HANA server, from the installation DVD, or from the SAP support portal.
The SAP HANA database user that is used to perform the installation or update has one of the following
permissions assigned:
The user has the XS_CONTROLLER_USER parameter assigned as well as the SpaceDeveloper role for
each space in which the user wants to perform an installation or update.
The user has the XS_CONTROLLER_ADMIN parameter assigned.
This scope allows the installation in all spaces.
For more information on assigning roles in SAP HANA XS advanced, see Setting Up Security Artifacts in the
SAP HANA Administration Guide.
9.2 Set Up a Virus Scan for Installation Archives
You can set an environment variable in your system to enable a default virus scan for all software component
archives that you want to install or update.
You have installed and congured the SAP virus scan interface as described in SAP Note 786179 .
If the antivirus software that you are using does not check the software component archives that you want to
install or update, you can use the SAP virus scan interface and set the environment variable SCAN_UPLOADS to
the value true. This way, the system checks all archives that you want to install or update.
By default, no antivirus protection is set for the product installer.
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
Installing and Updating Products and Software Components in SAP HANA XS
Advanced Model
1. In the commandline tool, set the XSA environment variable SCAN_UPLOADS to true.
Sample Code
xs set-env product-installer SCAN_UPLOADS true
For more information about setting environment variables in XS advanced, see 12.2 XS CLI: Application
Management in the SAP HANA Developer Guide For SAP HANA XS Advanced Model. The link to the guide is
in the Related Information section.
2. Restart the product installer.
The restart is required to ensure that the change to the environment variable takes eect.
Sample Code
xs restart product-installer
For more information about restarting applications in XS advanced, see 12.2 XS CLI: Application
Management in the SAP HANA Developer Guide For SAP HANA XS Advanced Model. The link to the guide is
in the Related Information section.
Related Information
Installing and Updating Products and Software Components in SAP HANA XS Advanced Model [page 95]
9.3 Checks Before Installing or Updating Products or
Software Components in SAP HANA XS Advanced
To ensure consistency of SAP HANA products, the system executes dierent checks before installing or
updating a product or a software component in SAP HANA XS advanced.
Product installations only: Check whether the product to be installed is
already installed and in which version
If the product to be installed is not yet installed, the installation will be performed. If it is already installed, the
system checks the installed version. If it is already installed in the same version, or in a lower support package
level, the installation or update will be performed.
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Advanced Model
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Product is already installed in higher version
If the version of the product to be installed is lower than the installed version, the system terminates the
process because installing the lower version would lead to a downgrade of the product.
You can override this behavior and allow a downgrade of the product. To do this, you can use the
ALLOW_PV_DOWNGRADE option with the xs install command.
Product is already installed in lower version
If the version of the product to be installed is higher than the installed version, the system updates the
installed version automatically.
The version of a product usually consists of one or more numbers in an ascending order. In addition to
the version number, a support package level is provided for the product.
The version number is 1.0. In this case, the following versions are considered version updates: 1.1,
2.0, or 2.
Check whether the software component is already installed and in which
If the software component to be installed was not yet installed, the installation will be performed. If it was
already installed, the system checks the installed version. If it is installed in a lower support package or patch
level, the update will be performed.
The version of a software component has the following form: "#.#.#", for example 1.0.3, where
1 = the version
0 = the support package level
3 = the patch level
Software component is already installed in higher version
If a version of a software component to be installed is lower than an installed version, the system
terminates the installation.
You have the following options to override this behavior:
You can allow a downgrade of the software component. To do this, use the ALLOW_SC_DOWNGRADE
For product installation only: You can skip the installation of all software components that are part of
the archive and that are already installed in higher versions. To do this, use the
Software component is already installed in same version
If a version of a software component to be installed is the same as the installed version, the system
proceeds as follows:
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
Installing and Updating Products and Software Components in SAP HANA XS
Advanced Model
Product installation: The system does not install this software component. The installation of this
software component is skipped during the installation of the product.
Software component installation: The system terminates the installation.
You can override this behavior and allow the reinstallation of the same version. To do this, use the
ALLOW_SC_SAME_VERSION option for this software component.
If the software component is installed in the system in the same version with the status BROKEN, it is
automatically reinstalled.
Software component is already installed in lower version
If a version of a software component to be installed is higher than an installed version, the system updates
the installed version automatically.
Check for dependencies on SAP HANA platform components or other XS
advanced components
If the software component has dependencies on SAP HANA platform components or other XS advanced
components that are not installed, the system terminates the process and displays the missing software
components. You must install or update the missing software components before you can restart the current
installation or update.
For more information on the options to override the default behavior, see Installation and Update Options in XS
Advanced Model. The link is in the Related Information section.
Check whether extension descriptor is valid, if an extension descriptor is
If an extension descriptor is used for the installation process, the system checks that the extension descriptor
le does not exceed a specic le size and that the syntax of the extension descriptor le is correct. If the le is
too big or if the syntax is incorrect, the system will not start the installation process.
For more information on extension descriptors, see the The MTA Deployment Extension Description topic in the
SAP HANA Developer Guide for SAP HANA XS Advanced Model.
Related Information
Installing and Updating Products and Software Components in SAP HANA XS Advanced Model [page 95]
Installation and Update Options in XS Advanced Model [page 102]
Display installed Products and Software Components in XS Advanced Model [page 108]
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
Installing and Updating Products and Software Components in SAP HANA XS
Advanced Model
P U B L I C 101
9.4 Installation and Update Options in XS Advanced Model
Installation and update options are available in SAP HANA XS advanced that allow you to inuence the
installation and update behavior, if required.
The following is the default syntax for the xs install command in the XS advanced CLI:
xs install <ARCHIVE> [-p <TARGET_PLATFORM>] [-pv | --PRODUCT_VERSION] [-scv | --
<TIMEOUT>] [-e
<INSTANCE_1[,INSTANCE_2]>] [--delete-services] [--delete-service-brokers] [--no-
start] [--ignore-lock]
The following is an example of a product installation:
xs install /sap_demo/target/ -pv -o ALLOW_SC_SAME_VERSION
For more installation examples, see Examples: Installing and Updating Products and Software Components in
XS Advanced Model. The link is in the Related Information section.
Installation and Update Arguments
Argument Description
The path to (and name of) the archive containing the product or software component
(SCV) to install, update, or downgrade
Installation and Update Options
Option Description
Specify the target platform where the product or software component will
be installed. If not specied explicitly, a target platform is created implic
itly as '<ORG> <SPACE>'.
Install a product.
The installation is performed only if the given archive is a product archive.
Otherwise, the installation will fail.
-scv | --
Install a software component.
The installation is performed only if the given archive is a software compo
nent archive. Otherwise, the installation will fail.
Dene one or more extensions to the installation/deployment descriptors;
multiple extension descriptors must be separated by commas.
For more information on extension descriptors, see the The MTA Deploy
ment Extension Description topic in the SAP HANA Developer Guide for
SAP HANA XS Advanced Model. The link is in the Related Information sec
102 P U B L I C
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
Installing and Updating Products and Software Components in SAP HANA XS
Advanced Model
Option Description
Specify the maximum amount of time (in seconds) that the installation
service must wait for the installation operation to complete
Specify options which can be used to override the default behavior of the
install command. The following options are available:
Allows a downgrade of the product.
By default, the system does not install a product if the product is al
ready installed in a higher product version or support package stack
since this would lead to a downgrade of the product. It is possible to
override this behavior, for example, if the newer version has errors
and you want to revert to the previous version.
This option is available for product installations only.
Skips the installation of a software component if a newer version is al
ready installed in the system.
By default, the system does not install a product if a newer version of
one of the software components contained in the product archive is
already installed. It is possible to override this behavior.
This option is useful, for example, if a software component is part of
several products. If the product to be installed contains the software
component in a lower version than the one already installed, you can
choose to retain the newer version. If you use this option, the installa
tion of this software component is skipped.
This option is available for product installations only.
Allows a downgrade of the software component.
By default, the system does not install a software component if this
leads to a downgrade of the software component. It is possible to
override this behavior, for example, if the newer version has errors
and you want to revert to the previous version.
Use this option carefully.
Reinstalls the same version of the software component.
By default, the system does not install a software component, if the
same version is already installed. It is possible to override this behav
ior, for example, if you run continuous integration scenarios in which
the same version of a software component is installed regularly.
By default all instances are installed; a comma-separated list of instances
can be specied to limit the number of instances installed
Recreate changed services and/or delete discontinued services
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
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Advanced Model
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Option Description
Delete discontinued service brokers
Do not start applications that are updated during the installation
Force installation even if the space targeted for installation is locked
<{"<key>" : "<value>", ...}>
Option for the deploy service
See also the xs install command reference in the XS CLI: Plugin Management topic in the SAP HANA
Developer Guide for SAP HANA XS Advanced Model. The link is in the Related Information section.
Related Information
Installing and Updating Products and Software Components in SAP HANA XS Advanced Model [page 95]
Examples: Installing and Updating Products and Software Components in XS Advanced Model [page 104]
9.5 Examples: Installing and Updating Products and
Software Components in XS Advanced Model
The examples show how you can use the xs install command.
In the following examples you must be logged on to the XS command line interface (XS CLI) with a user with
the authorizations required for installation and in the organization and space in which you want to perform the
Installation of new product
The following example installs the product XSA Sample Product in version 1.0, SPS 0 (initial
shipment stack) contained in the le
XSA Sample Product ( 1.0 SPS 0
Product Instance 1
SCV_A 1.0.0
SCV_B 1.0.0
No version of this product is currently installed. The following command is used:
xs install
After the installation, the xs list-products command displays the product as follows:
name vendor version SPS instance ids
XSA Sample Product 1.0 0 1
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
Installing and Updating Products and Software Components in SAP HANA XS
Advanced Model
The detail display for XSA Sample Product looks as follows:
xs list-products "XSA Sample Product"
name XSA Sample Product
version 1.0
support package stack 0
instance id software component version state
Update with support package stack
The following example installs the product XSA Sample Product in version 1.0, SPS 5 contained in the
le in the system:
XSA Sample Product ( 1.0 SPS 5
Product Instance 1
SCV_A 1.5.0
SCV_B 1.5.0
Version 1.0, SPS 0 (initial shipment stack) of XSA Sample Product containing software components
SCV_A in version 1.0.0 and SCV_B in version 1.0.0 is currently installed. To ensure that the archive to be
installed is a product archive, the -pv option is used.
xs install -pv
After the update, the xs list-products command displays the product as follows:
xs list-products "XSA Sample Product"
name XSA Sample Product
version 1.0
support package stack 5
instance id software component version state
Installation of lower support package version
The following example installs the product XSA Sample Product in version 1.0, SPS 3 contained in the
le in the system:
XSA Sample Product ( 1.0 SPS 3
Product Instance 1
SCV_A 1.3.0
SCV_B 1.3.0
Version 1.0, SPS 5 of XSA Sample Product containing software components SCV_A in version 1.5.0 and
SCV_B in version 1.5.0 is currently installed. If the installation was started without any options, it would
fail. To allow the downgrade of the support package version, you must use the ALLOW_PV_DOWNGRADE
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
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Advanced Model
P U B L I C 105
option. In addition, to allow a downgrade of the software components, you must use the
xs install -o ALLOW_PV_DOWNGRADE,
After the installation, the xs list-products command displays the product as follows:
xs list-products "XSA Sample Product"
name XSA Sample Product
version 1.0
support package stack 3
instance id software component version state
Installation of higher product version
The following example installs the product XSA Sample Product in version 2.0, SPS 1 contained in the
le in the system:
XSA Sample Product ( 2.0 SPS 1
Product Instance 1
SCV_A 2.1.0
SCV_B 2.1.0
Version 1.0, SPS 3 of XSA Sample Product containing software components SCV_A in version 1.3.0 and
SCV_B in version 1.3.0 is currently installed. To allow the installation of a higher product version, you must
use the ALLOW_PV_VERSION_UPDATE option. In addition, to allow the installation of higher software
component versions, you must use the ALLOW_SC_VERSION_UPDATE option.
After the installation, the xs list-products command displays the product as follows:
xs list-products "XSA Sample Product"
name XSA Sample Product
version 2.0
support package stack 1
instance id software component version state
Installation of lower product version
The following example installs the product XSA Sample Product in version 1.5, SPS 3 contained in the
le in the system:
XSA Sample Product ( 1.5 SPS 3
Product Instance 1
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
Installing and Updating Products and Software Components in SAP HANA XS
Advanced Model
SCV_A 1.3.5
SCV_B 1.3.5
Version 2.0, SPS 1 of XSA Sample Product containing software components SCV_A in version 2.1.0 and
SCV_B in version 2.1.0 is currently installed. To allow a downgrade of the product version, you must use
the ALLOW_PV_DOWNGRADE option with the command. In addition, to allow a downgrade of the software
components, you must use the ALLOW_SC_DOWNGRADE option.
xs install -o ALLOW_PV_DOWNGRADE,
After the installation, the xs list-products command displays the product as follows:
xs list-products "XSA Sample Product"
name XSA Sample Product
version 1.5
support package stack 3
instance id software component version state
Installation of software component
The following example installs the software component SCV_A in version 1.2.3 contained in the le No version of this software component is currently installed. The -scv option is used to
make sure that the archive to be installed is a software component archive.
xs install -scv
After the installation, the xs list-components command displays the software component as follows:
xs list-components
software component version
SCV_A ( 1.2.3
Installation of product with lower version of software component
The following example installs the product XSA Test Product in version 1.0, SPS 3 contained in the le No version of the product is currently installed. However, the product
contains the software component SCV_A in version 1.0.3 which was already installed individually in
version 1.2.3.
You have the following options to proceed with the installation:
To allow a downgrade of the software component, you can use the ALLOW_SC_DOWNGRADE option with
the command.
xs install -o ALLOW_SC_DOWNGRADE
After the installation, the xs list-components command displays the software component as
xs list-components
software component version
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
Installing and Updating Products and Software Components in SAP HANA XS
Advanced Model
P U B L I C 107
SCV_A ( 1.0.3
To keep the newer version of the software component, you can use the
ALLOW_KEEP_SC_NEWER_VERSION option with the command.
After the installation, the xs list-components command displays the software component as
xs list-components
software component version
SCV_A ( 1.2.3
9.6 Display installed Products and Software Components in
XS Advanced Model
To display products and software components of SAP HANA XS advanced that are already installed, the xs
list-products and xs list-components commands are available.
The prerequisites are fullled as described in the Prerequisites and Authorizations topic. The link is in the
Related Information section.
Instead of xs list-products you can also use the xs lp alias. Instead of xs list-components you can
also use the xs lc alias.
For more information, see the XS CLI: Plugin Management topic in SAP HANA Developer Guide (for SAP HANA
XS Advanced Model). The link is in the Related Information section.
1. Start the XS advanced command-line interface (CLI).
2. Log on to the SAP HANA XS advanced runtime in the organization and space where you want to display
installed products or software components.
3. You have the following options:
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
Installing and Updating Products and Software Components in SAP HANA XS
Advanced Model
a. To display all products that are installed in the current organization and space, use the xs list-
products command without any arguments.
xs list-products
The system lists all installed products with information about vendor, version, support package level
and installed instances.
b. To display all software components that are installed in the current organization and space, use the xs
list-components command.
xs list-components
The system lists all installed software components with information about vendor and version. The
version is displayed in the format <software component version>.<support package
level>.<patch level>.
c. To display detailed information for a specic installed product, use the xs list-products command
and add the name of the product
<PRODUCT NAME> as argument. Optionally, or if another product
with the same name and dierent vendor exists, add the <VENDOR>. The following is an example:
xs list-products XSASAMPLEPRODUCT
If the product name contains a space, enter the product name in quotation marks.
xs list-products "SAMPLE PRODUCT"
The system lists the specied product with information about vendor, version, and support package
level. In addition, it lists all installed product instances and the software components that are assigned
to the instances. For these, it lists the version and the state in which the software component exists in
the system. They can have the following states:
SUCCESS: The software component or product instance is successfully installed.
BROKEN: The software component or product instance is installed in a broken state. This status
can occur, for example, if there was an error in the deploy step during installation. Product
instances can get this status, for example, after one software component of the product instance
was uninstalled.
RUNNING: The installation of this software component or product instance is currently running.
The output for the xs list-products command can look as follows:
Sample Code
name vendor version SPS instance ids
XSA Sample Product 1.0 0 1,3
The output for the xs list-products "XSA Sample Product" command can look as follows:
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
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Advanced Model
P U B L I C 109
Sample Code
name XSA Sample Product
version 1.0
SP 0
instance id software component version state
1 - 1.0 SUCCESS
3 - 1.0 SUCCESS
Related Information
Prerequisites and Authorizations [page 98]
9.7 Uninstall Products and Software Components in SAP
HANA XS Advanced Model
Application lifecycle management for SAP HANA XS advanced model provides functions for uninstalling
products as well as individual software components of SAP HANA XS advanced.
The prerequisites described under Prerequisites and Authorizations are fullled. The link to the topic is in
the Related Information.
You have a product or software component of SAP HANA XS advanced that you want to remove.
You can uninstall products and software components of SAP HANA XS advanced that were installed using the
xs install command.
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
Installing and Updating Products and Software Components in SAP HANA XS
Advanced Model
1. Start the XS advanced command-line interface (CLI).
2. Log on to the SAP HANA XS advanced runtime in the organization and space where you want to uninstall
an installed product or software component.
3. Optional: Display the product or software component using the xs list-products or xs list-
components command.
4. Start the uninstallation of the product or software component.
Enter the xs uninstall command and specify the name of the product or software component to be
uninstalled, as well as the vendor, if required. In addition, you can enter options as required. The following is
the default syntax for the xs uninstall command in the XS advanced CLI:
xs uninstall <NAME> [<VENDOR>] [-pv | --PRODUCT_VERSION] [-scv | --
SOFTWARE_COMPONENT_VERSION] [-f] [--ignore-scv-reuse] [--delete-services] [--
delete-service-brokers] [--ignore-lock]
The following arguments are available:
Uninstallation Arguments
Uninstallation Argument Description
<NAME> The name of an installed product version (PV) or software
component version (SCV)
[<VENDOR>] The name of the vendor of the specied product or soft
ware component version; optional: only needed when the
same product or software component name exists with
dierent vendors
The following options are available:
Uninstallation Options
Uninstallation Option Description
Remove the specied product.
To make sure that the entity you are about to uninstall is a
product, you can add the
-pv option. In this case, the un
installation is only performed if you specify a product
name as
<NAME>. If you specify a software component
name, the uninstallation will fail.
Remove the specied software component.
To make sure that the entity you are about to uninstall is a
software component, you can add the
-scv option. In
this case, the uninstallation is only performed if you spec
ify a software component name as
<NAME>. If you specify
a product name, the uninstallation will fail.
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
Installing and Updating Products and Software Components in SAP HANA XS
Advanced Model
P U B L I C 111
Uninstallation Option Description
Remove the specied software component even if it is
used in other installed products.
You can use this option for uninstalling software com
ponents only.
By default, a software component will not be uninstalled if
it is also part of another installed product. You can over
ride this behavior by using the --ignore-scv-reuse
Remove the specied product or software component
without any system prompts or conrmation
By default all instances are uninstalled; a comma-sepa
rated list of instances can be specied to limit the number
of instances to be uninstalled
Recreate changed services and/or delete discontinued
Delete discontinued service brokers
Force removal of the product or software component even
if the target space is locked
Sample Code
xs uninstall 'XSA SAMPLE PRODUCT' -pv
Instead of xs uninstall you can also use the xs unins alias. For more information on the xs
uninstall command, use the xs help uninstall command.
The system undeploys and unregisters the specied product or software component from the SAP HANA
server in the organization and space to which you are logged on.
If errors occur during the uninstallation, an error message indicates the reason for the error and the system
provides a log with more detailed information. If you cannot solve the problem and you need to open a
customer message, ensure that you assign it to the message component of the SAP HANA product or software
component that caused the error. Do not assign the message to the component of SAP HANA application
lifecycle management since this may slow down the problem solving process.
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
Installing and Updating Products and Software Components in SAP HANA XS
Advanced Model
To display the correct log le, use the xs display-installation-logs command with the log ID that you
nd in the result of the uninstallation process and one of the --unins_scv or --unins_pv options.
xs display-installation-logs <log ID> --unins_scv
Related Information
Prerequisites and Authorizations [page 98]
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
Installing and Updating Products and Software Components in SAP HANA XS
Advanced Model
P U B L I C 113
10 Using hdbalm
SAP HANA provides the hdbalm command line tool to perform application lifecycle-management tasks.
You have performed the SAP HANA client installation.
If you have left the default installation options unchanged hdbalm is located in the c:\Program Files
\sap\hdbclient directory on Microsoft Windows and /usr/sap/hdbclient directory on Linux.
For more information, see the SAP HANA Client Installation and Update Guide.
You have Python installed in your system with the latest 2.6 or 2.7 version.
hdbalm is written in the programming language Python. It requires a Python version 2.6 or 2.7. You have
the following options:
1. Use the Python version that comes with the hdbclient package and is located at %dirname%Python.
Note that this Python version does not include SSL.
2. On Unix, Python is usually installed as part of the operating system, or it can be installed using the
package management provided by the system. As an alternative, and on Windows, you can download
and install the latest 2.6 or 2.7 Python release from .
To make sure that hdbalm uses the correct Python version, set the environment variable PYTHON_HOME to
the location of the Python installation:
On Windows, you can set the environment variable as shown in the following example:
set PYTHON_HOME="c:\Program Files\Python27"
Make sure you set the value for this environment variable in quotation marks.
On Unix (bourne shell), you can set the environment variable as shown in the following example:
export PYTHON_HOME=/usr/python27
You have the permissions required to run hdbalm: You have an SAP HANA database user with the
privileges granted by a role based on the SAP HANA sap.hana.xs.lm.roles::Administrator user
role template assigned to it.
Note that you cannot use a newly created user that still has the initial password, since hdbalm will not ask
you to change it. Change the password for this user in SAP HANA studio, for example, before using
The command line tool hdbalm is part of the SAP HANA client installation (Microsoft Windows 64-bit and Linux
64-bit). You use
hdbalm to assemble SAP HANA products and software components. You can also use hdbalm
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
Using hdbalm
to execute other application lifecycle management functions, if you prefer to use a command line tool over the
SAP HANA XS user interface, or if you want to automate specic tasks.
You can also use all commands of hdbalm for tenant databases on multiple-container systems if you have
specied the correct host and port of the tenant database. For more information, see
hdbalm Commands,
Options, and Variables.
1. Start a command line client and navigate to the directory in which hdbalm is located (or add this directory
to your path).
2. Optional: Set environment variables.
3. Enter the required hdbalm command with the required options, command options, or parameters.
hdbalm executes the command. If errors occur, error messages indicate the reason for the errors. For the
install, import, and assemble commands, the system provides log les with more detailed information.
Related Information
Assembling Add-On Products and Software Components [page 86]
Installing and Updating SAP HANA Products and Software Components [page 88]
hdbalm Commands, Options, and Variables [page 117]
hdbalm install Command [page 123]
hdbalm assemble Command [page 127]
hdbalm import Command [page 128]
hdbalm transport Command [page 129]
hdbalm log Command [page 130]
hdbalm product Command [page 131]
hdbalm du Command [page 132]
hdbalm dependencies Command [page 134]
hdbalm package Command [page 135]
hdbalm admin Command [page 136]
Enable SSL for hdbalm [page 121]
Proxy Support for hdbalm [page 122]
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management [page 5]
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
Using hdbalm
P U B L I C 115
10.1 Using hdbalm with SAP HANA Cloud Platform
If you want to use hdbalm for SAP HANA systems in the SAP HANA Cloud Platform you must use secure
communication (Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol and certicates as described in the Enable SSL for
hdbalm topic). This is required since systems in the SAP HANA Cloud Platform communicate using HTTPS.
If used in the SAP HANA Cloud Platform, hdbalm commands require the following options:
Option Description Sample Value
host of the SAP HANA instance that is assigned to
the account in the SAP HANA Cloud Platform
port of the SAP HANA instance that is assigned to the
account in the SAP HANA Cloud Platform
This is the only port that allows HTTPS
indicates that HTTPS communication is used no value
valid certicate stored in X.509 with chain (PEM) for
Example of an installation of the SAP HANA product archive on the SAP HANA Cloud
Platform instance
Sample Code
hdbalm -u SYSTEM -h -p 443 -s -c
-.hana.ondemand.crt install
Exporting a Certicate
To issue an hdbalm command in the SAP HANA Cloud Platform, a certicate is required to address the SAP
HANA instance that is assigned to the SAP HANA Cloud Platform account for which you want to use hdbalm
command. You canc export this certicate using the Web browser´s export function.
The following is an example of how to export an X.509 with chain (PEM) certicate in Mozilla Firefox:
1. Start SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management on the SAP HANA instance from which you want to
export the certicate.
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
Using hdbalm
2. Click on the Lock icon in the browser bar:
3. Choose More Information....
4. On the Security ribbon, choose View Certicate.
5. On the Details tab, choose Export....
6. Browse for a location where you want to store the le, and save the certicate as le of type X.509 with
chain (PEM).
The certicate is saved as *.crt le.
Related Information
Enable SSL for hdbalm [page 121]
Documentation on SAP HANA Cloud Platform
10.2 hdbalm Commands, Options, and Variables
With hdbalm you can use a selection of commands and their options to perform application lifecycle-
mangement tasks in SAP HANA.
The following example depicts the syntax for hdbalm:
hdbalm [<general options>] <command> [<command-specific options>]
The general options are specied before the command and the commandspecic options are specied after
the command. Each command oers its own specic options.
Enter hdbalm to display general information about the commands, options, and environment variables.
Enter hdbalm help <command> to display more information about a specic command and its options.
If you normally work in one environment, then you can set environment variables for your user, password, SAP
HANA Extended Services (XS) engine host (including tenant database), and SAP HANA XS engine port. This
way, you need not specify these details every time you use a command.
Examples for Setting Environment Variables
On Microsoft Windows, you can set the environment variable for the user as in the following example:
set HDBALM_USER=<user name>
On Unix (bourne shell), you can set the environment variable for the user as in the following example:
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
Using hdbalm
P U B L I C 117
export HDBALM_USER=<user name>
The following tables describe the various commands, options, and environment variables available for hdbalm.
hdbalm Commands
The following table contains the hdbalm commands and explains their functions.
Provides information about available commands, general options, and environment varia
The help command also provides more information for every command using hdbalm
help <command>.
Provides functions for installing and updating product archives and software component ar
chives (.zip les) that were downloaded from the SAP Support Portal
Provides funtions for assembling SAP HANA add-on products and software components
Provides functions for importing delivery unit archives (.tgz les)
Provides functions for managing transports, such as starting transports or displaying trans
port routes
Provides functions for displaying log les
Provides functions for managing SAP HANA products, such as creating a product or assign
ing delivery units to a product
Provides functions for managing delivery units, such as creating a delivery unit
Provides functions for displaying delivery unit dependencies in the system
Provides functions for managing packages, such as creating packages and assigning pack
ages to a delivery unit
Provides administrative application lifecycle-management functions, such as enabling
change recording
General hdbalm Options
The following options are supported by all hdbalm commands.
-u <user>, --user=<user>
User name
118 P U B L I C
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
Using hdbalm
Option Description
-h <host>, --host=<host>
SAP HANA Extended Services (XS) engine host
If you want to use the command for a tenant database on a
multiple-container system, then you specify the host of the
tenant database. You do this by adding the system ID (SID)
of the tenant database as an alias to the host name of the
SAP HANA system. Use the following format: <Host name
of SAP HANA system>-<SID of tenant
Example or lo1234-DB1
For more information about where to nd the SID of the ten
ant database, see Congure HTTP Access to Multitenant Da
tabase Containers
in the SAP HANA Administration Guide. A
link to this guide is provided in the Related Information sec
<port>, --port=<port>
SAP HANA Extended Services (XS) engine port
The default XS engine port is 80+<instance number>.
If you set set this option for a tenant database on a multiple-
container system, make sure that you specify the correct
port of the tenant database.
-v, --verbose
Writes debug messsages to standard error
-s, --https
Sends request using https
-c <certificate>, --certs=<certificate>
Certicate le when using https
-y, --yes
Runs command in non-interactive mode (does not prompt
for conrmation)
This option is useful for automated mode.
-j, --json Prints result in json notation if successful
This option is not available for all commands.
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
Using hdbalm
P U B L I C 119
Environment Variables
You can set the following environment variables:
Environment Variable
User name
XS engine host
If you want to set the environment variable for a tenant data
base on a multiple-container system, specify the host as de
scribed above for option -h <host>, --host=<host>.
XS engine port
The default XS engine port is 80+<instance number>.
If you set the environment variable for a tenant database on
a multiple-container system, make sure that you specify the
correct port of the tenant database.
HTTP proxy
For more information, see Proxy Support for hdbalm.
HTTPS proxy
For more information, see Proxy Support for hdbalm.
Use this environment variable if you want to specify hosts
and domains for which no proxy is to be used. You can enter
a comma-separated list of hosts and domains.
For more information, see Proxy Support for hdbalm.
The options -u, -h, and -p take precedence over environment variables. The program requests a password
for the user if no password is set as an environment variable.
Related Information
Proxy Support for hdbalm [page 122]
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
Using hdbalm
10.3 Enable SSL for hdbalm
You can secure the communication between hdbalm and the SAP HANA system using the Secure Sockets
Layer (SSL) protocol and certicates.
You have Python installed in your system and set the environment variable PYTHON_HOME to the location of the
Python installation as described in Using hdbalm.
hdbalm is written in the programming language Python. To enable SSL for hdbalm, you must have a Python
version installed in your system that includes SSL libraries and that supports secure HTTPS connections. SAP
supports Python versions 2.6 and 2.7.
For general information on how to use SSL and certicates to secure the SAP HANA server, see Securing
Data Communication in the SAP HANA Security Guide.
To enable secure communication in hdbalm, set the hdbalm option -s or --https and provide a valid
certicate using the -c <certificate> or --certs=<certificate> options. The certicate is used to
validate the identity of the SAP HANA server. The certicate needs to be stored in a le in X.509 PEM format.
If you use these options with a Python version that does not support SSL, you receive an error message.
You have enabled SSL for hdbalm.
If you use proxies for communication, the proxy settings might also be relevant when you enable SSL. For
more information, see Proxy Support for hdbalm.
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
Using hdbalm
P U B L I C 121
Related Information
hdbalm Commands, Options, and Variables [page 117]
Proxy Support for hdbalm [page 122]
Using hdbalm [page 114]
10.4 Proxy Support for hdbalm
hdbalm supports proxies both for HTTP and HTTPS communication.
If you can only access the SAP HANA system using a proxy, you can set the following environment variables so
that hdbalm can connect to the SAP HANA system:
You can set an HTTP proxy.
You can set an HTTPS proxy.
You can dene that no proxy should be used for specic hosts and domains. You can specify a comma-
separated list of hosts and domains for which no proxy is to be used.
Usually on Linux, the environment variables are already congured by your system administration. If not, you
can set them as in the following example:
export http_proxy=http://<host>:<port>/
export https_proxy=http://<host>:<port>/
export no_proxy=<>
On Microsoft Windows, you can set them as described in the following example:
set http_proxy=http://<host>:<port>/
set https_proxy=http://<host>:<port>/
set no_proxy=<>
Related Information
hdbalm Commands, Options, and Variables [page 117]
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
Using hdbalm
10.5 hdbalm install Command
Use this command and its corresponding options to install and update SAP HANA products (product archives
and software component archives).
The install command is available both for installing product and software component archives (*.zip les)
and for updating these. The install command detects whether the archive is an add-on product archive or a
software component archive. It also detects whether the add-on product or software component is installed
already and subsequently executes either an installation or update operation.
The following options are available to install or update products:
You can specify an archive le.
You can specify a directory location that contains unpacked archive les (usually shipped on DVDs).
You can specify single instances by specifying a comma-separated list of instances.
The following options are available to install or update software components:
You can specify one or more archive les.
You can specify one or more directory locations that contain unpacked archive les.
The following code sample depicts the standard syntax in hdbalm.
hdbalm [<general options>] install [<command option>]* [<archive>|<directory>]*
Command options are commandspecic. For more information about the install command, enter
hdbalm help <command> in hdbalm. Some command options depend on the archive type. For example,
you can only use the --instances option for product archives.
The following table describes the command options available for the install command. For general options
and environment variables that you can use with this command, see hdbalm Commands, Options, and
Environment Variables. For examples of how to use the install command, see Examples: hdbalm install
Command in the SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management Guide. Links to this guide and these topics are
included in the Related Information section.
Command Options
-d, --display
Displays the contents of the archive
No changes are applied to the system.
-l <file name>, --log=<file name>
Sets an alternate location for the log le.
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
Using hdbalm
P U B L I C 123
Option Description
-o <installation option>, --
option=<installation option>
Provides installation options which can be used to override the default
behavior if a version of the product or the software component is already
Multiple options can be specied by repeating the -o option. The follow
ing installation options are available:
Allows downgrades of software components.
By default, the system does not install a software component if this
leads to a downgrade of the software component. It is possible, how
ever, to override this behavior, for example, if the newer version has
errors and you want to revert to the previous version. This option
may also be required if the versioning sequence was changed be
tween Support Packages, for example, if SP09 has version 100.0.0
and SP10 has version 1.001.0.
Use this option carefully.
Reinstalls the same version of a software component
By default, the system does not install a software component if the
same version is already installed. It is possible to override this be
havior in the following situations:
If a previous installation operation failed, for example, because
of activation errors
If you run continuous integration scenarios in which the same
version of a software component is installed regularly
Allows version updates of software components
hdbalm attempts to keep the system in a consistent state. In some
cases, for example, if a software component is part of several prod
ucts, a version update of a software component could render one
product inoperable. If hdbalm detects an inconsistency, it aborts
the operation. You can use this option to turn o this behavior.
Allows to keep the version of the software component if it is installed
already in a newer version
This option is useful if a software component is part of several prod
ucts. If the product to be installed contains the software component
in a version which is lower than the one already installed, you can
choose to retain the newer version. In this case, the installation of
the software component is skipped.
By default, the installation is canceled if any activation errors occur
and the complete installation is rolled back.
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
Using hdbalm
Option Description
Installation is also rolled back if you modied objects in your system
and a modied object cannot be activated because it references an
object that is part of the installation archive. This can occur, for ex
ample, if a procedure or view references a table in the archive.
If an installation fails because an object outside of the archive can
not be activated due to references to an object in the archive, you
can repeat the installation with this activation option. In this case,
the object remains broken in the system after the installation, but
the installation itself nishes successfully. You must correct the er
rors manually after the installation.
You can check the transport log after performing the installation
without this option to nd out whether the activation errors were
caused by objects in the archive or outside of the archive. After re
peating the installation with this option, check the transport log to
nd out which objects must be repaired afterwards.
Do not use this option for installations into production systems.
This option is available only for the installation and update of product
By default all relevant instances are installed. A comma-separated list of
instances can be specied here to install only particular product instan
Related Information
hdbalm Commands, Options, and Variables [page 117]
Installing and Updating SAP HANA Products and Software Components [page 88]
Examples: hdbalm install Command [page 125]
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management [page 5]
10.5.1 Examples: hdbalm install Command
The examples show how you can use the hdbalm install command.
In the following examples, no environment variables are set. The general options -u <user>, -h <host>, and
-p <port> are included in the command. When the user is included as a general hdbalm option in the
command, you are prompted for a password after starting the command.
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
Using hdbalm
P U B L I C 125
The following example installs or updates the product contained in the le on the XS engine host and port 8000.
The default XS engine port is 80+<instance number>.
The installation or update is performed using the SYSTEM user. You are prompted for a password after
starting the command.
hdbalm -u SYSTEM -h -p 8000 install
The following example installs or updates the product contained in the le on the tenant database with the SID DB1 of the XS engine host and port 8000. The installation or update is performed using the SYSTEM user.
You are prompted for a password after starting the command.
hdbalm -u SYSTEM -h -p 8000 install
In the following examples, the environment variables HDBALM_USER, HDBALM_PASSWD, HDBALM_HOST, and
HDBALM_PORT are set. This way, you do not have to include this information as general options in the
The following example installs or updates the product located in the directory c:\products
\SAP_APO_ANALYTICS and writes the log le to the le %TEMP%\install.log:
hdbalm install -l %TEMP%\install.log c:\products\SAP_APO_ANALYTICS
The following example installs or updates instances 1 and 2 of the product contained in the le Any additional instances that might be part of this product archive are not installed:
hdbalm install --instances 1,2
The following command installs or updates the software components SCV1 and SCV2:
hdbalm install
The following command installs the software components SCV1 and SCV2. The new version is installed
even if either of the two components are installed already and the new version has a higher version or
higher SP version than the installed software component:
hdbalm install --option=ALLOW_DU_VERSION_UPDATE
The following command looks for software component les in the c:\patches directory and installs or
updates the software components in the SAP HANA system:
hdbalm install c:\patches
Related Information
hdbalm install Command [page 123]
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
Using hdbalm
hdbalm Commands, Options, and Variables [page 117]
10.6 hdbalm assemble Command
Use this command to assemble SAP HANA add-on products and software components.
Use the following syntax for the assemble command:
hdbalm [<general options>] assemble [<command options>] [<name>,<vendor>]+
If the vendor is unique in the system, you can omit it.
Command Options
The following command options exist:
Command Option
-d <directory>, --directory=<directory>
Species an alternate location for the assembled add-on
product archives or software component archives
-l <file name>, --log=<file name>
Sets an alternate location for the log le
--languages <languages>
Comma-separated list of language codes that are exported
for the software components
Ignores errors if languages are inconsistently congured for
a delivery unit
No language delivery unit is exported.
Overwrites archives if they exist in the le system
Adds a timestamp to the archive le name to distinguish be
tween dierent assembly builds
Assembles only product archives
This can be required if a product and a delivery unit have the
same name in the system.
Assembles only software components
This can be required if a product and a software component
have the same name in the system.
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
Using hdbalm
P U B L I C 127
Command Option Description
An export format can be specied to make the format com
patible with older SAP HANA versions. By default, the cur
rent le format is used. This can be required if you want to
install the assembled product or software component in an
SAP HANA version. For a mapping between le format
SAP HANA version, see SAP Note 1984354.
The following example assembles the product SAP APO ANALYTICS of the vendor and writes the
product archive to the local directory:
hdbalm assemble "SAP APO ANALYTICS",
Related Information
SAP Note 1984354
Assembling Add-On Products and Software Components [page 86]
hdbalm Commands, Options, and Variables [page 117]
10.7 hdbalm import Command
Use this command to import SAP HANA delivery units (.tgz les).
Use the following syntax for the import command:
hdbalm [<general options>] import [<command option>]* [<du tgz>|<directory>]*
Command Options
The following command options exist:
Command Option
-d, --display
Displays the archive contents
No changes are applied to the system.
-l <file name>, --log=<file name>
Sets an alternate location for the log le
128 P U B L I C
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Using hdbalm
The following example imports delivery units mydu1 and mydu2:
hdbalm import mydu1.tgz mydu2.tgz
This command looks for delivery units in the c:\delivery_units directory and imports them:
hdbalm import c:\delivery_units
Related Information
hdbalm Commands, Options, and Variables [page 117]
10.8 hdbalm transport Command
Use this command to execute transport-related SAP HANA application lifecycle-management activities, such
as displaying transport routes and starting the transport for a specic transport route.
Use the following syntax for the transport command:
hdbalm [<general options>] transport <transport command>
Transport commands
The following transport commands exist:
Transport Command
Lists available transport routes.
Starts a transport operation.
The following example shows how to start a transport operation on the specied transport route:
hdbalm transport start <route id>
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
Using hdbalm
P U B L I C 129
Related Information
hdbalm Commands, Options, and Variables [page 117]
10.9 hdbalm log Command
Use this command to display logs for other commands.
Use the following syntax for the log command:
hdbalm [<general options>] log <log command> [<parameter>]*
Log Commands
The following log commands exist:
Log Command
Lists available log entries.
Displays the log for another command.
The following example shows how to display the log for a particular process ID.
hdbalm log get <ID>
Related Information
hdbalm Commands, Options, and Variables [page 117]
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
Using hdbalm
10.10 hdbalm product Command
Use this command to manage SAP HANA add-on products.
Use the following syntax for the product command:
hdbalm [<general options>] product <product commands> [<command option>]*
Product Commands
The following product commands exist:
Product Command
Lists all products installed in the system.
Displays metadata for the product.
Creates a product in the system (metadata only). The ven
dor is set to the vendor name congured in the system.
The supported command options are:
-v <version>, --version=<version>
-d <description>, --
Deletes the product (metadata only). No delivery units are
removed from the system.
Creates a product instance for the specied product.
There is one supported command option:
d <description>, --
Deletes a product instance for the specied product. All as
signed delivery units are unassigned.
Assigns a delivery unit to a product instance.
Unassigns a delivery unit from a product instance.
The following example shows how to display metadata for the product.
hdbalm product get <product name> <vendor name>
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
Using hdbalm
P U B L I C 131
The following example shows how to create a product in the system (metadata only). The vendor is set to the
vendor name congured in the system.
hdbalm product create [<command option>]* <product name>
The following example shows how to delete the product (metadata only). It does not remove deliver units.
hdbalm product delete <product name> <vendor name>
The following example shows how to create a product instance for the specied product.
hdbalm product createInstance [<command option>] <product name> <vendor name>
<instance id>
The following example shows how to delete a product instance for the specied product and ensures that all its
assigned delivery units are unassigned.
hdbalm product deleteInstance <product name> <vendor name> <instance id>
The follwing example shows how to assign a delivery unit to a product instance.
hdbalm product assign <du name> <du vendor> <product name> <product vendor>
<instance id>
The following example shows how to unassign a delivery unit from a product instance.
unassign product <du name> <du vendor> <product name> <product vendor> <instance
Related Information
hdbalm Commands, Options, and Variables [page 117]
10.11 hdbalm du Command
Use this command to manage SAP HANA delivery units.
Use the following syntax for the du command:
hdbalm [<general options>] du <du command> [<command option>]* [<parameter>]*
DU Commands
The following du commands exist:
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
Using hdbalm
DU Command Description
Lists all delivery units deployed in the system.
Displays metadata for the delivery unit.
Creates a new delivery unit (metadata only).
The supported command options are:
-v <version>, --version=<version>
-r <responsible>, --
-d <description>, --
The version syntax must use this format: a, a.b, or a.b.c,
where a is the version number, b the version SP, and c the
patch number.
Deletes a delivery unit (metadata only). No objects are re
moved from the system.
Undeploys a delivery unit. The delivery unit metadata and all
objects are removed from the system.
Use this command option with caution.
This is a developer feature that sets the source system of a
delivery unit to the local system. This is not supported for
delivery units shipped by SAP.
Retrieves the original language for a delivery unit and all
translations available in the system.
Sets the original language attribute for all packages that be
long to the specied delivery unit.
The language is either a two-character ISO 639-1 language
code or a two-character ISO 639-1 language code followed
by an underscore followed by a two-character ISO 3166-1
country code.
The following example shows how to display metadata for the delivery unit.
hdbalm du get <du name> <du vendor>
The following example shows how to create a new delivery unit (metadata only).
hdbalm du create [<command option>]* <du name>
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Using hdbalm
P U B L I C 133
The following example shows how to delete a delivery unit (metadata only). This command does not remove
objects from the system.
hdbalm du delete <du name> <du vendor>
The following example shows how to undeploy a delivery unit. This command removes delivery unit metadata
and all objects from the system.
Use this command option with caution.
hdbalm du undeploy <du name> <du vendor>
The following example shows how to retrieve the original language for a delivery unit and all translations
available in the system.
hdbalm du languages <du name> <du vendor>
The following example shows how to set the original language attribute for all packages that belong to the
specied delivery unit.
hdbalm du set_original_language <du name> <du vendor> <language>
Related Information
hdbalm Commands, Options, and Variables [page 117]
10.12 hdbalm dependencies Command
Use this command to display and analyze dependencies of SAP HANA delivery units.
Use the following syntax for the dependencies command:
hdbalm [<general options>] dependencies [<command option>]* [<source du>]
<source du vendor>] [<target du>] [<target du vendor>]
Command options
The following command options exist:
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
Using hdbalm
Command Option Description
-f, --full
Shows the full dependency view and analysis.
-r, --references
Shows object references between delivery units.
This command requires the name and vendor of the source
and the target delivery units.
-n, --nirvana
Shows nirvana references for a delivery unit.
This option displays object references for objects that are
part of a delivery unit to objects which are not part of a deliv
ery unit. If a delivery unit contains objects with these refer
ences, it cannot be imported into another system.
If you do not specify any command options, a list of delivery unit dependencies is displayed. Each line of the
output lists a delivery unit followed by a colon and a comma-separated list of referenced delivery units.
To display the dependencies of the delivery unit HANA_XS_LM, you use the following command:
hdbalm dependencies HANA_XS_LM
The delivery unit HANA_XS_LM has references to the delivery units SAPUI5_1 and HANA_XS_BASE. The
output appears as follows:
Related Information
hdbalm Commands, Options, and Variables [page 117]
10.13 hdbalm package Command
Use this command to manage SAP HANA packages.
Use the following syntax for the package command:
hdbalm [<general options>] package <package command> [<parameter>]*
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Using hdbalm
P U B L I C 135
Package Commands
The following package commands exist:
Command Option
Creates a new package.
Deletes a package. The package must not contain any sub-
packages or objects.
Assigns a package to a delivery unit.
The following example shows the syntax for assigning a package to a delivery unit.
package assign <du name> <du vendor> <package name>
Related Information
hdbalm Commands, Options, and Variables [page 117]
10.14 hdbalm admin Command
Use this command to execute administrative commands in SAP HANA application lifecycle management.
Use the following syntax for the admin command:
hdbalm [<general options>] admin <admin command> [<parameter>]*
Admin Commands
The following admin commands exist:
Admin Command
Returns the vendor name of the system.
Sets the vendor to the new vendor name.
136 P U B L I C
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Using hdbalm
Admin Command Description
Enables change recording.
Enabling change recording makes all existing active ob
jects part of a released changelist. In addition, all object
in subsequent activations are assigned to changelists
that are released afterwards. Only these changelists can
be transported from the system.
Disables change recording.
Disabling change recording switches o change tracking
in the system. This makes all existing objects transporta
ble, including those active objects that were already part
of open changelists.
The following example shows the syntax for setting a new vendor.
hdbalm admin setvendor <new vendor>
Related Information
hdbalm Commands, Options, and Variables [page 117]
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
Using hdbalm
P U B L I C 137
11 Conguring SAP HANA Applications with
the Process Engine
The Process Engine (PE) is a framework available with SAP HANA application lifecycle management to enable
automated technical conguration.
After the installation of a product or a delivery unit, an application typically must be congured before it can be
used. The conguration tasks are described in the installation guides that are provided on the SAP Help Portal
( Instead of performing cumbersome and error-prone manual activities, you can use the
Process Engine to automate application conguration completely or partially. As a prerequisite, your
application must provide content for the automated technical conguration.
The Process Engine (PE) framework is installed with SAP HANA application lifecycle management as
automated content. It is available from the following locations:
On the SAP HANA XS Web server at the following URL: http://<WebServerHost>:
Using the Conguration Services (Process Engine) tile in SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management XS
user interface
Using the Manage Conguration Services tile in SAP HANA cockpit
Related Information
Tutorial: Execute a Conguration Service with Process Engine [page 139]
Process Engine Roles [page 138]
Troubleshooting [page 142]
11.1 Process Engine Roles
To grant users the privileges they require to perform tasks with the Process Engine, you must assign them the
relevant Process Engine roles.
The following table lists the roles that are available for tasks related to the Process Engine. The roles are
hierarchical and interlinked. The sap.hana.xs.lm.roles::Administrator role is the Administrator role of
SAP HANA application lifecycle management and grants the privileges of all other Process Engine-related roles
as well as application lifecycle management roles. For more information, see SAP HANA Application Lifecycle
Management Roles in the SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management Guide.
Do not use the repository roles delivered with SAP HANA directly, but instead use them as templates for
creating your own roles. Furthermore, if repository package privileges are granted by a role, we recommend
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
Conguring SAP HANA Applications with the Process Engine
that these privileges be restricted to your organization’s packages rather than the complete repository. To
do this, for each package privilege (REPO.*) that occurs in a role template and is granted
on .REPO_PACKAGE_ROOT, check whether the privilege can and should be granted to a single package or a
small number of specic packages rather than the full repository.
Roles available for the Process Engine
Role Description
The user can monitor processes and display services.
In addition to the previous role, the user can start, stop, skip,
and resume processes.
In addition to the previous roles, the user can activate serv
ices from repository les.
The user can install products. This role includes all previous
Related Information
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management Roles [page 14]
11.2 Tutorial: Execute a Conguration Service with Process
In this tutorial, you use the demo content delivered with the Process Engine to execute a conguration service.
An SAP HANA system is available.
SAP HANA XS is up and running on the SAP HANA system.
Depending on the task you want to perform with the Process Engine, you must have the privileges based on
a role granted by one of the Process Engine role templates described in Process Engine Roles. The link to
the topic is in the Related Information section. The privileges of the role allows you to perform all Process Engine tasks.
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
Conguring SAP HANA Applications with the Process Engine
P U B L I C 139
The Process Engine uses dierent terms for identifying design time or runtime artifacts. The service is the core
entity at design time. It has multiple attributes describing its purpose and steps representing the executable
entities. They perform the actual work during execution. An executable can be a JavaScript function in an XS
JavaScript library or an SQL stored procedure. When starting a service, the Process Engine creates a process
based on a service. It copies all steps associated with the service as tasks, and it copies the parameters of the
selected variant to the parameters of the process. Furthermore, the Process Engine associates a status with
the process.
You execute the following steps to congure the demo service:
Activate the demo service.
Services are delivered as repository objects. The services required by the administrator need to be enabled
once before use. This activity is called activation.
Prepare the demo service parameters.
The demo service needs parameters during execution. The set of required parameters is stored under a
common key, the variant. Before you can start a service you need to prepare variants. Since you are about
to start the service for the rst time, you do not have any variants prepared. If you repeat an execution, you
can use an existing variant. For the demo service, you enter user and password. Since this is a demo
example, the user does not need to exist and the password can be any set of characters.
Start the demo service.
The demo service consists of the following steps:
JS_APPVAR by JavaScript
This step executes a JavaScript function that shows how to consume and return parameters in
This step executes a SQL script function that shows how to consume and return parameters in SQL
The demo content does not perform any conguration of the system. It only writes messages into the log of
the Process Engine. It provides you with a hands-on experience for using the Process Engine.
1. Open SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management.
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management is available on the SAP HANA XS Web server at the following
URL: http://<WebServerHost>:80<SAPHANAinstance>/sap/hana/xs/lm
2. Choose Conguration Services (Process Engine).
The process engine opens in a new browser window or a tab.
3. Select Services on the left-hand side of the screen.
A list of services available for conguration appears. Active services are indicated by a green status icon,
inactive services have a grey status icon. Inactive services must be activated before they can be started.
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
Conguring SAP HANA Applications with the Process Engine
You nd the demo service DEMO_VarCont as inactive in the list.
4. Select DEMO_VarCont and choose Activate.
Note that the activation process can take some time. After the service was activated successfully, you can
start it.
If the activation were not successful, you can nd the error messages in a detailed log.
5. To display the service after the activation, choose Go To Service.
The details of the active service Demo Service with Process Engine Variant Container appear.
6. To prepare the parameters for the demo service, choose Maintain Variants.
A new screen for variant maintenance appears.
7. Enter a user name and a password as parameters and choose Save As.
8. Enter a variant ID and, optionally, a description, and then choose Create.
9. Return to the previous screen to view the variant that you just created.
If you open the Steps tab on screen, two executable steps are displayed.
10. To start the service, select your variant and choose Start Variant.
The Process tab opens and a new process appears at the top of the list.
11. Select the process to navigate to the process details.
A list of tasks appears.
12. Choose Refresh to observe the progress of the process.
The overall process status is displayed on top of the progress bar. It is a cumulation of the statuses of the
individual tasks.
The status icons allow you to intervene in the process execution if errors occur. You can click on an icon to
display the task log.
13. When the process completion reaches 100%, choose the Parameters tab.
You see an overview on the scalar parameters and their changes during execution.
Entries for the step NA show the parameter values after the variant container is copied and before the
process execution starts. The other entries show the values after the step was executed.
14. To view the log of the Consuming and returning parameters via SQL task, select this task at the bottom of
the screen.
a. Search for a message with a green status that starts with JavaScript function sends. At the end of the
message, you see the parameter value of your user.
b. Search for a message with a green or orange status that contains the text ... password received.
The step compares the received value of the parameter you entered as password with a value set by
the demo service. If you entered the password as set by the demo service, the Process Engine issues
the message Correct password received. If you entered a dierent password, the Process Engine writes
Incorrect password received in the log.
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
Conguring SAP HANA Applications with the Process Engine
P U B L I C 141
You have used the demo conguration service of the Process Engine. You have activated the demo service,
prepared the parameters, and executed the service. Afterward, you have checked the logs of the Process
Related Information
Process Engine Roles [page 138]
Troubleshooting [page 142]
11.3 Troubleshooting
If a process stops with errors, you should rst analyze the logs to nd out why an error occured. Afterward, you
have various options to respond to the error situation.
The Process Engine provides a process log and a task log. If a single task has an error you can start with the
task log to analyze if an error message is due to a specic step. If this does not help, you can open the process
log and search or lter for error messages.
Process Log
This is a collection of all task logs and additional entries related to the process. This log contains all
messages with technical details, including the log of the internal activities of the Process Engine. You can
nd this log when you open the Log tab in the single process view.
Task Log
This is the log of the execution of a single task. Messages with technical details about the Process Engine
usually are not displayed here.You get this log when you navigate to a task view by clicking on a task in the
single process view.
You have the following options to respond to an error:
If the error is only temporary or you solved the error already, you can execute the step again by choosing
You can decide to perform the task manually and skip the execution of the task by choosing Skip.
You can cancel the current process and start a new one. To do this, choose Cancel.
If you cannot resolve the error, and you need to contact SAP, open an incident and assign it to the support
component of the application that provides the conguration content or, alternatively, to component HAN-
LM-APP. Make sure that you attach the diagnosis information that you can download for each process
using the link on the Diagnosis Information tab.
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
Conguring SAP HANA Applications with the Process Engine
12 FAQs on SAP HANA Application Lifecycle
Here you can nd answers to frequently asked questions in SAP HANA application lifecycle management.
General Questions
Can I merge the content of the same DU from two source systems?
SAP does not recommend that you merge the content of the same DU from two systems. SAP HANA does not
provide any functions to determine if conicts exist and to resolve them automatically.
When should I use SAP HANA native transport and when should I use CTS transport?
In short, you use native SAP HANA transport to transport only SAP HANA objects, especially if you want to use
SAP HANA transports out-of-the-box with little conguration eort. You use CTS transport to transport SAP
HANA content if you already use CTS for other transports.
For more information on when to use which mode, see Transport Scenarios in SAP HANA Application Lifecycle
Management [page 22].
Transport of SAP HANA Content: When should I transport DUs, when should I transport
If you only want to transport the content of one or multiple independent DUs, you can use DU transport. Doing
this means that you save organizational overhead because you do not have to enter all the metadata that is
required on product level.
If there are complex dependencies between DUs, or if multiple DUs are to be distributed as a whole, you can
model and transport products. You can maintain metadata for products and thus transport a welldened
state. Bear in mind that only native SAP HANA transport supports the transport of products currently. If you
use CTS transport, you cannot transport products. You can assemble products and install them using the
hdbalm commandline tool, however.
If I nd an error in the test system, can I correct the error there?
You should always correct errors in the development system and transport the corrections through your
development landscape. Doing this ensures that all systems in your landscape are consistent.
What do I have to consider when I need to change the CTS upload system?
If change recording is enabled in your system, changing the CTS upload system may cause inconsistencies in
your system landscape. For more information, see Change CTS Conguration [page 40].
How can I import language DUs?
You can import language DUs using the hdbalm command line tool. For more information, see hdbalm import
Command [page 128].
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
FAQs on SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
P U B L I C 143
What can I do when I encounter authentication issues when registering a remote SAP HANA
source system in SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management?
When you encounter an authentication issue when registering a remote SAP HANA system in SAP HANA
Application Lifeycle Management, you can use the /sap/hana/xs/lm/core/TestHttpDestination.xsjs
service to check that the HTTP destination was congured correctly. For more information, see SAP Note
2561270 .
Questions on Change Recording
How can I perform a top-down approach in development when empty packages cannot be
transported when change recording is enabled? What needs to be considered in the bottom-
up approach?
In a top-down development approach, the project responsible provides and models the development
infrastructure before development starts their work. That is, the responsible creates containers for
development, such as products, product instances, or delivery units, and assigns packages, provides users,
and so on. This preparatory work also includes conguring the transport infrastructure, and in this process, it
might involve simulating a transport. However, when change recording is enabled, you cannot transport empty
packages. Transport is only possible if there is at least one package that contains at least one object.
If you want to realize the top-down approach, you can create a test application with initial content. For example,
SAP HANA Web-based Development Workbench includes a wizard for creating applications and automatically
generates the application-descriptors that are required for the SAP HANA application (.xsapp
and .xsaccess les). You can then test that the application can be transported through the landscape.
In a bottom-up approach, development starts developing in packages without creating any metadata. These
development artifacts can be activated and deployed. However, they cannot be transported since the transport
tools do not support the transport of packages without metadata. As a prerequisite for the transport, a
container must exist, such as a delivery unit or a product, to which the packages that you want to transport are
I forgot to assign a package to my DU and I changed objects that are recorded and released
in a changelist. They were not transported as they are not assigned to any DU. How can I x
You can assign the package to your DU. The changelist will be oered for transport again.
If you transport this changelist again, all the other objects in the DU that are part of this changelist will be
imported again. In addition, possibly other changelists have to be retransported because they also contain
objects in the same DU.
See also the remarks on the eects of reassigning packages to DUs: Consequences of Package - DU
Reassignments [page 66].
How can I transport deleted SAP HANA repository packages when change recording is
When change recording is enabled in a system, the deletion of a package is not recorded as a change, since
change recording only records changes to objects. You cannot transport a deleted package in a changelist
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
FAQs on SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
when you use transport mode Selected Changelists (native SAP HANA transport) or Released Changelists (CTS
transport). To bring the deletion of a package to the target system, you must transport All Changelists in the DU
(native SAP HANA transport) or Delivery Units (CTS transport) from which the package was deleted.
See also the remarks on the eects of reassigning packages to DUs: Consequences of Package - DU
Reassignments [page 66].
When am I supposed to turn change recording on or o, only once or multiple times? What
will be the impact when I temporarily turn it o, for example, if there are deletion issues?
You should switch on change recording only once, ideally before you start your development. If you switch
change recording o, all open changelists will be closed and not released. If you do this, you must make sure
that you release and transport all open changelists beforehand. If you enable change recording again, the base
changelist is created, which includes all active objects of DUs. This invisible changelist will be transported
together with the rst released changelist. You must therefore make sure that all active objects of the DU that
exist in the source system are supposed to reach the target system. For more information, see Technical
Details of Initial Change Recording Setup [page 64].
I have transported a changelist with only a few objects, but now there are lots of objects in
my target system. What happened?
An important concept of SAP HANA application lifecycle management is that it tries to keep the target system
consistent with respect to the changes that were performed and released in the source system. Therefore, a
transport of individual changelists does not always include only the released changelists of a DU. It is possible
that other objects are also part of the transport, of which you might not be aware. For example, the following
objects can be included in a transport:
Objects contained in predecessor changelists of the selected changelist. If the system nds predecessor
changelists, it does not allow you to transport the selected changelist without transporting the
predecessors as well.
For more information, see Predecessor Changelists in SAP HANA Change Recording [page 65].
Objects contained in the base changelist if this is the rst transport of a changelist after change recording
was enabled.
If you enabled change recording after you started development, the base changelist contains all the active
objects that exist for the DU at the point in time when change recording is enabled. It is created and
transported together with the rst transport of changelists for the DU.
For more information, see Technical Details of Initial Change Recording Setup [page 64].
SAP HANA packages
Packages are not normal transportable objects. They cannot be activated and they are always transported
as metadata together with the DU. Whenever a DU archive is transported, the information about its
packages is also transported.
Therefore, if you delete a package and transport the changelist with the deletion invidually to the target
system, the empty package will still be visible the target system. The deletion will only be eective when
you transport the complete delivery unit.
For more information, see How can I transport deleted SAP HANA repository packages when change
recording is activated?
When can I use changelists spanning multiple DUs? What is the impact on transport and
what do I need to keep in mind ? What is recommended?
In general, SAP recommends that you assign objects of only one DU to a changelist. If for some reason this is
not possible and there are objects of more than one DU in the same changelist, then SAP recommends that you
congure the transport route for the same DUs. If you transport the changelist using a transport route that is
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
FAQs on SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
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not congured for all DUs, only the objects in the assigned DUs will be transported. The objects in the other DU
will not be transported.
For more information, see also Recommendations on the Transport of Changelists [page 72].
When I use change recording, DUs delivered by SAP are also recorded during import in
customer systems. What does this mean for upgrades, updates, and patches of SAP
If upgrades, updates, or patches of SAP HANA content are imported in a system in which change recording is
enabled, this is also recorded in changelists. If the import nishes without errors, the changelists are
immediately released. In order not to transport these changelists to the follow-on systems, you must ensure
that the SAP DU is not included in any transport route (if you use native SAP HANA transport) or that the SAP
DU is not assigned to CTS (if you use CTS transport). This way, you ensure that changelists with objects of DUs
delivered by SAP are not oered for transport.
If the SAP DUs were imported with other tools, SAP HANA Studio, for example, and the import failed, then it is
possible that an open changelist exists in the system. If the import of the same DU is retried, the open
changelist locks the DU, and the import cannot proceed. In this case, you must rst release the changelist and
then you can retry the import.
After renaming the system ID (SID) of my source system, changelists are displayed as
available for transport even though they were already transported. What can I do?
If you have renamed the SID of a source system, for example, by a system copy, or migration of a single-
container system to a multiple-container system, and you have changelists available for transport that were
already transported, you can x the issue by updating the history information about transported changelists
using a script. For more information, see SAP Note 2560918 .
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
FAQs on SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
13 SAP HANA Repository Translation Tool
The Repository Translation Tool (RTT) is a Java-based command line tool shipped with the SAP HANA client
that enables you to transport language les in a standard format between the SAP HANA repository and a le
system or between the SAP HANA repository and a dedicated SAP translation system.
During the translation process, the inactive (design-time) content of tables in the SAP HANA repository must
be uploaded to the translation system using the repository translation tool (RTT). After translation is
completed, you use the repository translation tool to re-import the translated texts into the SAP HANA
Use the following RTT commands to implement the translation process:
Abbreviation Denition
download (SAP Internal
Downloads the translated texts from the SAP translation system to a
le system.
Exports the texts in the original language (written by the developer)
from the SAP HANA repository text tables to a le system.
export/upload (SAP
Internal Only)
Exports and uploads the texts in the original language (written by
the developer) from the SAP HANA repository text tables to a le
Imports the translated texts from a le system to the SAP HANA re
pository text tables.
(SAP Internal Only)
Downloads and imports the translated texts from a le system to the
SAP HANA repository text tables.
upload (SAP Internal
Uploads the texts from the le system to the SAP translation system
where the translators can translate the texts from the original lan
guage into the required target languages.
If you are using the SAP translation system, you can combine operations in one command, as follows:
(SAP Internal Only): Exports the texts in the original language and uploads the texts to the SAP translation
(SAP Internal Only): Downloads the translated texts from the SAP translation system and imports the
translated texts to the SAP HANA repository text tables.
The following graphic depicts the translation tool process using the commands provided by the RTT.
This tool is designed for use with one SAP HANA system and one translation system.
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SAP HANA Repository Translation Tool
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Related Information
SAP HANA Repository Translation Tool (RTT) Parameters [page 148]
Create Text-Strings Packages for Translation [page 151]
Export Text-Strings Files for Translation [page 152]
Import Translated Text-Strings Files [page 152]
13.1 SAP HANA Repository Translation Tool (RTT)
The SAP HANA Repository Translation Tool (RTT) is a Java-based command line tool that exports language
les in a standard format for translation for customer or partner use.
The following parameters can be used with the commands.
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
SAP HANA Repository Translation Tool
Parameter Abbreviation Denition
config c
Conguration le (default: C:\Users\<your_user_ID>\workspace-
Database password (overrides cong le) (default: no password)
Read database password from stdin (overrides cong le and --
dbpasswd) (default: false)
Delivery units (format: <vendor>.<deliveryunit>) (default: no deliv
ery units)
Force import of translated texts (skip source text matching) (default:
Allow original language change (default: false)
locale l
Locales to download/import (default: all locales)
Do not delete XLIFF les before export/download (default: false)
Do not exclude objects marked as private (=''fncViewLayer'' tag set
to ''Private'') (default: false)
package p
Packages to export/upload/download/import (default: no packages)
Read R/3 translation system password from stdin (overrides cong
le and --r3passwd) (default: false)
Database password (overrides cong le) (default: no password)
Log severity level (all, debug, error, fatal, info, none, path or warning)
(default: WARNING)
Species that the review step is to be skipped. (default: false)
Setting the parameter to true will overwrite already reviewed
verbose v
Verbose mode (show messages with severity INFO) (default: false)
veryVerbose vv
Very verbose mode (show all messages with severity DEBUG) (de
fault: false)
xliffDir x
XLIFF le directory (default: "rtt_exports" or "rtt_imports" in "C:
\Users \<your_user_ID>\AppData\Local\Temp\")
Here are some examples of RTT syntax:
Export the texts from those packages matching "pack*" from the database using the default conguration
le (""):
rtt --export -p pack*
Import the translated texts into the database using the default conguration le (""):
rtt --import -p pack*
Export the texts from the database into the directory "exports":
rtt --export -p pack* -x exports
Import the translated texts from the directory "imports":
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rtt --import -p pack* -x imports
13.2 Congure the Repository Translation Tool
The repository translation tool (RTT) reads a conguration le ( to determine the settings
for le transfer.
You need to maintain your information in the le in order to use the RTT. The le enables you to specify the settings required to transfer text-resource les (in the
required XLIFF format) between the system hosting the SAP HANA repository and the system hosting the
translation database and tools. You can use le to set system-related access details, for
example, system user-logon IDs, and the translation-area number (TAN) for the translation system.
1. Locate the hdbclient directory on your server's hard drive.
2. Open the le and add all required information by replacing the placeholders.
# db settings (SAP HANA repository)
db.hostname=<db hostname, e.g.>
db.instance=<db instance, e.g. 00>
db.user=<db username>
db.passwd=<db password>
# translation system settings
jco.client.tan=<translation area number e.g. 027001>
jco.client.client=<translation system client, e.g. 000>
jco.client.user=<translation system user>
jco.client.passwd=<translation system password>
jco.client.mshost=<translation system host>
jco.client.r3name=<translation system SID>
The RTT properties le is intended to help automate the connection between SAP HANA and the
translation system, which are installed and licensed separately. The connection details for a specic
translation system will need to be obtained from the system's administrator.
The translation area number required in jco.client.tan represents a technical area in a specic
language and is typically of the form “027001”; the “translation-system user” specied in
jco.client.user is used to establish a connection to the translation system and must have the
permissions required to log on (and upload content) to the translation system. The name of the R3 system
dened in
jco.client.r3name is the typical three-character-long system ID, for example, “B1Y”.
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
SAP HANA Repository Translation Tool
3. Save your work.
The le is not encrypted, which means that information you include in the
conguration potentially is exposed.
13.3 Create Text-Strings Packages for Translation
You must create packages to transport text strings for translation.
All text strings must be stored in a .hdbtextbundle le. The .hdbtextbundle le can be retrieved using a
JavaScript API. The following example demonstrates how you can externalize the texts in a .hdbtextbundle
# XBUT,20
# XBUT,20
# XMSG,40
MSG_SUCCESS=File has been saved.
In this example, # TRANSLATE denes that the texts can be translated (exported), and # XBUT,20 denes the
text type with a 20-character length maximum.
1. In the SAP HANA studio, select the system from which you want to transport text les for translation.
2. Click the Content le with the alternate mouse button and choose New Package .
3. In the New Package dialog box, enter all relevant information and then choose Translation.
4. Select a Terminology Domain, enter a Text Collectionname, and choose OK.
5. Choose Save and Activate.
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13.4 Export Text-Strings Files for Translation
You want to export text-strings les to a le system for translation.
You have updated the le with all appropriate information.
When you have created your text-strings les and assigned them to packages, you can begin exporting them to
a le system for translation.
1. Start a command line application and navigate to the directory in which the <> le is
2. Type rtt -e -p <name of the package> -v <other parameters> and press Enter .
The Upload finished message appears. The le has been exported to the le server and is ready to be sent
for translation.
13.5 Import Translated Text-Strings Files
You want to import translated text-strings les from a le system.
When you text strings are translated, you can import them back into your system.
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
SAP HANA Repository Translation Tool
1. Start a command line application and navigate to the directory in which the <> le is
2. Type rtt -i -p <name of the package> -v <other parameters> and press Enter .
The Download finished message appears. The le has been imported from the le server.
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14 Maintaining Translation Text Strings
Maintain the translated text strings used in an application's user interface, error messages, and
For the purposes of localisation (L10N), you can provide the text strings displayed in an application's user
interface in multiple languages, for example, English, French, or Chinese. You can also provide notications and
error messages in the same, local languages. To manage and maintain these translated text strings, SAP HANA
provides an online translation tool (OTT). The translation of the text strings themselves can be performed
manually or with suggestions provided by an external service, for example, SAP Translation Hub. Access to
external translation services is not covered by the SAP HANA license and usually requires a user account.
Setting up and maintaining the online translation tools for SAP HANA includes the following high-level tasks:
Enabling the translation tool
Accessing packages in the SAP HANA repository
Maintaining text strings in the source and target languages
This tasks involves maintaining the contents of the following SAP HANA tables:
Enabling access to a remote text-translation service (optional)
Access to external translation services is not granted in the SAP HANA license. To use external
translation services such as the SAP Translation Hub, an additional license is required. In addition, the
SAP Translation Hub is currently available only for Beta testing.
Maintaining HTTP destinations for any remote systems that provide services used by the Online Translation
Tool (optional)
Remote translation services such as SAP Translation Hub can provide access to a database of translated
text strings, which are used to provide suggestions in the target language. To access such a remote service,
you must maintain an HTTP destination (or extend an existing destination) that provides details of the host
system where the translation service is running as well as a valid user account and logon authentication.
You must also ensure that a trust relationship exists between the translation server and SAP HANA, for
example, by importing the translation server's client certicate into the SAP HANA trust store.
The SAP HANA Online Translation Tool is available on the SAP HANA XS Web server at the following URL:
The privileges required to use the SAP HANA Online Translation Tool (OTT) are granted by the role
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
Maintaining Translation Text Strings
Related Information
Create and Edit Text Translations [page 155]
Export and Import Translated Text [page 159]
SAP Translation Hub Cloud Service (beta)
14.1 Create and Edit Text Translations
Maintain translations for text strings displayed in an SAP HANA application's user interface.
To maintain translated text for an application in SAP HANA XS, the following prerequisites apply:
You have access to an SAP HANA system.
You have the privileges required to access the repository packages containing the text strings to be
You have a role based on the role template sap.hana.xs.translationTool.roles::translator.
If you want to make use of optional external translation services, you must maintain access to the
translation server system.
Access to external translation services is not granted in the SAP HANA license. To use external
translation services such as the SAP Translation Hub, an additional license is required. The SAP
Translation Hub is currently available only for BETA testing.
Details of the remote systems where the translation service is running (for example, SAP Translation Hub)
are dened in HTTP destination conguration les along with details of any corresponding user account
and authentication certicates.
An application's user interface and notications can be translated from the original source language (for
example, English) into one or more local (target) languages, for example, French, Spanish, or Japanese. You
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can either translate the texts manually or with the help of an (optional) external translation service. To provide
translations of the UI text strings for your SAP HANA application, perform the following steps:
1. Start the SAP HANA Online Translation Tool.
The SAP HANA Online Translation Tool tool is available on the SAP HANA XS Web server at the following
URL: http://<WebServerHost>:80<SAPHANAinstance>/sap/hana/xs/translationTool.
In the default conguration, the URL redirects the request to a logon screen, which requires the
credentials of an authenticated SAP HANA database user to complete the logon process. The user who
logs on must also have the privileges required to perform the tasks associated with the maintenance of
translation texts.
2. Select the delivery unit that contains the application with the text strings you want to translate.
Use the Delivery Unit drop-down list to select a delivery unit.
The name of the vendor associated with the selected delivery unit is displayed automatically in the
Vendor eld, for example,; the vendor name cannot be changed here.
3. Select the package that contains the text strings you want to translate.
Use the Package drop-down list to select a package. If the selected package contains text elements, they
are displayed alphabetically in a list.
The original source language associated with the contents of the selected package is displayed
4. Enable access to a text-translation service, for example, SAP Translation Hub. (optional).
Access to external translation services is not granted in the SAP HANA license. To use external
translation services, an additional license is required.
If you want to make user of the services provided by a translation server, you need to maintain an HTTP
destination extension that provide details of the host system where the translation service is running;
access to the translation service usually requires a user account and logon authentication. You must also
ensure that a trust relationship exists between the translation server and SAP HANA, for example, by
importing the translation server's client certicate into the SAP HANA trust store that you are using to
handle authentication for this HTTP destination.
The HTTP destination conguration
sap.hana.xs.translationTool.server:translationService.xshttpdest denes details of the
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
Maintaining Translation Text Strings
server hosting the SAP Translation Hub service. Although you cannot edit this destination conguration,
note that you can use an HTTP destination extension to change the details, for example, to point to an
alternative host name.
5. Add a translation for a text element.
For a given text element in the Text ID list, you can provide a suitable translation in one or more languages,
for example: French (fr), Spanish (es), and Japanese (ja).
a. Expand the desired UI text element.
In the Text ID list, locate and expand the element for which you want to provide a translation.
b. Add a translation.
Choose Add Translation.
c. Select the desired language for the translation from the Target Language drop-down list.
d. In the Target Language Text box, type the translation for the selected text element.
If the SAP Translation Hub option is enabled, languagespecic suggestions for possible translation
matches are provided as you type. If you see a suggestion that is suitable, use the mouse to select
the suggested text.
e. Add another translation.
Choose Add Translation
f. Edit an existing translation
Choose the Edit icon next to the translation you want to modify and make the required changes.
6. Save your additions and changes.
Choose Save to store the added translations or any modications in the appropriate tables in the SAP
HANA database.
Related Information
Online Translation Tool Details [page 157]
Export and Import Translated Text [page 159]
14.1.1 Online Translation Tool Details
Display details of the source text for an application's user interface elements and, if available, any available
The Online Translation Tool tool enables you to view details of the text elements contained in the individual
packages of an SAP HANA application. The following table indicates which information can be viewed.
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The privileges required to use the SAP HANA Online Translation Tool (OTT) are granted by the role template
Translation Text Details
UI Element
Description Example
Delivery Unit Name of the SAP HANA delivery unit (DU) that contains the
default text strings for which a translation is required along
with the name of the vendor associated with the selected de
livery unit
Package The name of (and path to) the package containing the text
strings for which a translation is required
Source language Short name of the source language for the text strings con
tained in the selected package, for example: en (English), fr
(French), ja, (Japanese)
Target Language Long or short name of the target language for the text strings
contained in the selected package, for example: Bulgarian
(bg), French (fr), Japanese (ja)
Chinese (zh)
Domains The SAP productspecic translation domain to which the
selected DU/package belongs, for example, Financial Ac
or Customer Relationship Managment. Domains are
used in the translation process to determine the correct ter
minology for a text string that has to be translated; the same
text might require a dierent translation depending on the
domain (or application) in which it is used. Suggestions from
a remote translation service such as the SAP Translation Hub
are restricted to the currently selected domain.
, or “Accounting -
Enable Translation Hub Enable automatic suggestions (in the Target language text
box) for translation texts using a remote service such as SAP
Translation Hub; the suggestions are provided by a remote
translation database.
Access to external translation services is not granted in
the SAP HANA license. To use external translation serv
ices such as the
SAP Translation Hub, an additional li
cense is required. The SAP Translation Hub is currently
available only for BETA testing.
Access to the remote translation service usually requires a
user account and logon authentication. You also need to
maintain an HTTP destination (or extend an existing one) for
the translation server system and ensure the server system
is trusted by SAP HANA, for example, by importing the trans
lation server's client certicate into the SAP HANA trust
158 P U B L I C
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
Maintaining Translation Text Strings
UI Element Description Example
Text ID The name/ID of the UI element for which a text string is re
quired. This could be a tab title, a box name, a notication, or
an error message.
Default Text The text string associated with the text ID HANA Logon
Target Language Text Proposed/accepted translation (in the target language) of
the text string displayed (in the source language) in the
Default Text eld. Activate the Enable Translation Hub option
to enable auto-suggestions in the target language.
Source Object The name of the design-time artifact that contains the UI text
Related Information
Create and Edit Text Translations [page 155]
Export and Import Translated Text [page 159]
14.2 Export and Import Translated Text
Transport text translations between systems using the industry-standard, XML-based xliff format.
To export and import translated text for an application in SAP HANA XS, the following prerequisites apply:
You have access to an SAP HANA system.
You have access to the repository packages containing the text strings to be localized/translated.
You have been granted a role based on the role template
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An application's user interface and notications can be translated from the original source language (for
example, English) into one or more target local languages, for example, French, Spanish, or Japanese. To
provide translations of the UI text strings for your SAP HANA application, perform the following steps:
1. Start the SAP HANA Online Translation Tool.
The SAP HANA Online Translation Tool tool is available on the SAP HANA XS Web server at the following
URL: http://<WebServerHost>:80<SAPHANAinstance>/sap/hana/xs/translationTool.
In the default conguration, the URL redirects the request to a logon screen, which requires the
credentials of an authenticated SAP HANA database user to complete the logon process. The user who
logs on must also have the privileges required to perform the tasks associated with the maintenance of
translation texts.
2. Select the delivery unit that contains the application with the text strings you want to translate.
Use the Delivery Unit drop-down list to select a delivery unit.
The name of the vendor associated with the selected delivery unit is displayed automatically in the
Vendor eld, for example, You cannot change this here.
3. Select the package that contains the text strings you want to translate.
Use the Packagedrop-down list to select a package. If the selected package contains text elements, they
are displayed automatically in an alphabetically ordered list.
The original source language associated with the contents of the selected package is displayed
4. Export the UI text elements from the local source system.
You can export the translation texts to an archive on a local le system using the industry-standard, XML-
based xliff format.
5. Import the UI text elements to the remote target system.
You can import the translation texts into SAP HANA from an archive whose content are stored using the
industry-standard, XML-based xliff format.
6. Conrm that the import operation was successful.
Check the status of the following tables in the SAP HANA database:
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
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Related Information
Online Translation Tool Details [page 157]
Create and Edit Text Translations [page 155]
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Maintaining Translation Text Strings
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Important Disclaimer for Features in SAP
HANA Platform, Options and Capabilities
SAP HANA server software and tools can be used for several SAP HANA platform and options scenarios as well
as the respective capabilities used in these scenarios. The availability of these is based on the available SAP
HANA licenses and the SAP HANA landscape, including the type and version of the back-end systems the SAP
HANA administration and development tools are connected to. There are several types of licenses available for
SAP HANA. Depending on your SAP HANA installation license type, some of the features and tools described in
the SAP HANA platform documentation may only be available in the SAP HANA options and capabilities, which
may be released independently of an SAP HANA Platform Support Package Stack (SPS). Although various
features included in SAP HANA options and capabilities are cited in the SAP HANA platform documentation,
each SAP HANA edition governs the options and capabilities available. Based on this, customers do not
necessarily have the right to use features included in SAP HANA options and capabilities. For customers to
whom these license restrictions apply, the use of features included in SAP HANA options and capabilities in a
production system requires purchasing the corresponding software license(s) from SAP. The documentation
for the SAP HANA options is available in SAP Help Portal. If you have additional questions about what your
particular license provides, or wish to discuss licensing features available in SAP HANA options, please contact
your SAP account team representative.
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
Important Disclaimer for Features in SAP HANA Platform, Options and Capabilities
Important Disclaimers and Legal Information
Coding Samples
Any software coding and/or code lines / strings ("Code") included in this documentation are only examples and are not intended to be used in a productive system
environment. The Code is only intended to better explain and visualize the syntax and phrasing rules of certain coding. SAP does not warrant the correctness and
completeness of the Code given herein, and SAP shall not be liable for errors or damages caused by the usage of the Code, unless damages were caused by SAP
intentionally or by SAP's gross negligence.
Gender-Neutral Language
As far as possible, SAP documentation is gender neutral. Depending on the context, the reader is addressed directly with "you", or a gender-neutral noun (such as
"sales person" or "working days") is used. If when referring to members of both sexes, however, the third-person singular cannot be avoided or a gender-neutral noun
does not exist, SAP reserves the right to use the masculine form of the noun and pronoun. This is to ensure that the documentation remains comprehensible.
Internet Hyperlinks
The SAP documentation may contain hyperlinks to the Internet. These hyperlinks are intended to serve as a hint about where to nd related information. SAP does not
warrant the availability and correctness of this related information or the ability of this information to serve a particular purpose. SAP shall not be liable for any
damages caused by the use of related information unless damages have been caused by SAP's gross negligence or willful misconduct. All links are categorized for
transparency (see:
SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
Important Disclaimers and Legal Information
P U B L I C 163
© 2018 SAP SE or an SAP aliate company. All rights reserved.
No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any
form or for any purpose without the express permission of SAP SE
or an SAP aliate company. The information contained herein may
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Some software products marketed by SAP SE and its distributors
contain proprietary software components of other software vendors.
National product specications may vary.
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